Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 528 Tell the truth

When they were all standing outside the playground, the car stopped in front of them not long after.

Mu Feng got out of the car and drove another car.

"Sit in the same position as when you came. I will let someone ride the motorcycle and put it in the shed opposite the school for you."

Shen Zui nodded and looked at him: "Is Tang Tang okay?"

Mu Feng didn't want to say too much: "It's okay, get in the car."

Meng Fu wanted to go up and ask, but Mu Feng didn't even look at her, and turned around to get in the car.

Meng Ling looked at them: "I'm going to see my sister, you go home first."

"I'll go as well!"

Meng Fu moved forward subconsciously.

Meng Ling looked at her: "Mom, you go home."

Then he turned and got in the car.

The two cars slowly disappeared in front of them, and the remaining people looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yi Jingnan reluctantly drove the car over and let people get in the car.

On the way back, Yi Minglian hugged Meng Fu, but Meng Fu still didn't recover.

"Tangtang will be fine, but Xiaoling may already know something. Mom, you've acted too obviously. If Xiaoling asks, how can we tell him?"

It was only then that Meng Fu came to her senses.

"Don't let him know, Xiaoling is sensitive, if he knows..."

Yi Minglian somewhat disagreed: "Let's just say, since that kid has already noticed it, he will also notice it if you lie to him, and it will be fine if he has such a good relationship with Tangtang."

Yi Jingnan also nodded: "I think Dad is right. When Xiaoling asks, you should tell the truth. It will be easier for him to accept. If you lie, he will only feel that it is his fault."


Sitting in the car, Qian Yueming was also very worried.

Gu Tingzhi and Gu Xingzhi could also sense that something was wrong with Meng Fu, even their whole family.

He was a little too enthusiastic about Meng Yutang, and his mood was also very abnormal.

"Mom, are you hiding something from us?"

Qian Yueming was stunned: "What can I hide from you, you two don't talk nonsense. The matter has nothing to do with you, you go to school and work hard."

Gu Tingzhi and Gu Xingzhi looked at each other.

Qian Yueming said that there must be something they don't know, and they can't let them know.

Gu Xingzhi turned his head and looked out the window with a deep expression.

In fact, in such an environment inside, sometimes he couldn't hear what was said clearly, but he vaguely felt that he heard what Meng Fu said at that time clearly.

She said that the aunt had said another name before, it was completely subconscious...

Gu Xingzhi looked out of the window silently, his thoughts drifted away...


Compared with this side, Qian Shu's side went much smoother.

He chose a good location here, and he brought three cameras specially, which were completely sufficient.

The filming continued until the evening, when Shi Yi and the others went out to get in the car and left, and only then did Qian Shu and the others pack up and leave.

After leaving and returning home, Qian Shu immediately exported all the photos, and then asked someone to release the news.

After the mobile phone was directly muted, I started to process these photos by myself.

It was already dark after he finished processing. He took the phone and prepared to order a takeaway. As soon as he unlocked the phone, various messages popped up in front of him.

Qian Shu couldn't help smiling.

The price must not be lower now, it is still too sweet.

This is not a win-win situation.

Qian Shu unhurriedly ordered a takeaway first, and then began to process the messages on his phone.

During this period, calls kept coming in.

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