Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 570 Divorce

When Wu Bai heard this name, his eyes immediately fixed on Meng Fu.


These words seemed to indicate something, Wu Bai looked at Meng Fu and Yi Minglian carefully, and felt that the two of them became more and more familiar, and they became more and more familiar with places that they hadn't paid much attention to before.

He tentatively said, "Mrs. Yi, do you two still want to keep the original style?"

Meng Fu turned her head to look at him and nodded, and then the three of them went upstairs together.

"The style should still be this style. After all, I have been used to it for many years before, and the room over there is my sister's room. I still keep the original style. The remaining rooms over there are reserved for the children. The specific style should follow the current fashion, and you can send the design drawing to me for a look."

Wu Bai nodded, and went to the front to ask carefully for confirmation.

"Is it these rooms?"

Meng Fu nodded and followed behind him.

Wu Bai thought about it and said with a smile: "Mrs. Ting Yi seems to have just come back recently. Did you live in Fengcheng all the time?"

Meng Fu nodded and didn't say much, Wu Bai tried to speak again: "Mrs. Yi and her family have such a good relationship, what's Mrs. Yi's family name, maybe we still know each other? I lived in Fengcheng for a while before. "

Meng Fu looked at him and seemed to recognize him carefully: "My surname is Meng, but I don't remember meeting you."

Wu Bai nodded, confirming the doubt in his heart, and relieved by the way, as long as he doesn't remember.

"I've only lived here for a while, and I haven't met Mrs. Yi, but now that I know each other, it's still destined."

Yi Minglian looked at him and pointed to the room behind: "That's it, just keep the original style."

Wu Bai nodded and opened the door.

Here it is, Meng Ting's room.

He suddenly remembered what Meng Fu said yesterday, something happened to his sister.

What happened? !

He was a little anxious. He took a break early yesterday and didn't watch the latest Fengcheng news. He thought it was time.

I am a little annoyed now.

Do you want to try again...

Will it be noticed?

Wu Bai looked at Meng Fu and Yi Minglian.

The two didn't pay attention to him and seemed to be talking about something.

Yi Minglian asked, "Do you want to give it..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but he seemed to be annoyed when he heard a surname Meng Fu.

"Give me what! They're going to divorce sooner or later! Does he have any face when things get into this way!"

"Those two children..."

Meng Fu stared at Yi Minglian: "The children are grown up, we will take care of Tingting and Shi Yi, and we will not care about Shi Yi. People who are so old can't tell what we are raising them for!"

Yi Minglian glanced at Wu Bai and motioned Meng Fu to keep her voice down.

Meng Fu angrily turned around and left the room, Yi Minglian quickly chased after her.

Standing in the room, Wu Bai was a little overwhelmed.



What the hell is going on!

At this moment, Wu Bai was a little anxious, and he suddenly took out his mobile phone to find something.

But after thinking about it for a while and hesitating, after turning around and going out the door immediately, Meng Fu and Meng Fu had already gone downstairs and sat down.

Wu Bai saw that the atmosphere was not right, and it was easier for him to slip away, so he hurriedly said: "Mr. Yi and Mrs. Yi, I have already understood, and I will send you the design drawings later. We will contact you for the rest, and I will leave first." gone."

Yi Minglian watched him wave his hand, then turned to comfort Meng Fu.

Wu Bai hurried out the door and got into the car.

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