Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 643 Anonymous SMS

"Old Yi."

Meng Hui dialed the phone, and when the other person connected, he was still in a daze and couldn't believe it.

"Old Meng?! You are..."

I haven't contacted for a long time, and suddenly contacted with some doubts.

Meng Hui went straight to the point: "Did Ming Lian tell you that he went back to Fengcheng?"

Startled over there, he stood up abruptly: "What! Minglian has returned to Fengcheng! Where's Xiaofu? Has Jingnan also returned?"

Meng Hui: "They're all back, but don't you know?"

"I don't know! Why did you come back suddenly? I don't know. What happened?"

"I don't know now either."

Both were equally surprised.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Hui sat on the sofa, holding the faucet crutch in his hand.

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head: "Go back to Fengcheng."


The Yi family was also shocked.

"What?! You said that Lian brought Xiaofu and the others back?!"

"Why so suddenly, is there something wrong?"

"I don't know. Lao Meng just found out that the two children are still hiding it from us. It seems that something happened, otherwise they won't come back suddenly."

"What happened!"

The atmosphere in the room was a bit dignified. After a long time, the old man stood up and waved his hand.

"No matter what happens, there is no one around to support us, pack up and let's go back!"

The two families who retired from Fengcheng packed up and rushed to Fengcheng that night.


Meng Ting was sitting on the sofa alone in a daze. On the table in front of her was a divorce agreement, with Shi Yi's name already signed on the lower right corner.

Shi Yi Zoushi's words still echoed in her mind: "Poison woman!"

Meng Ting looked at it and suddenly laughed, her voice was desolate.

Tears kept rolling down the eye sockets.


Once Meng Fu appeared, he couldn't bear it anymore! Can't put it on anymore!

divorce? ! Don't even think about it!

Meng Ting stared at the agreement in front of her with blood red eyes, raised her hand to grab it and tore it to pieces.

Shi Yi, don't even think about it! Don't even try to get rid of me in this life! Your wife can only be me! There will never be anyone else!


Wu Bai was also a little worried these two days. He wanted to help Meng Ting, but he didn't know how to help her. So many things happened, and he felt sorry for her alone.

This afternoon he received a text message from an unknown number.

[After half an hour, come to the hospital. 】

Not signed, but he knew who it was.

He rushed to the hospital half an hour later.

Since Meng Ting sent him a text message, she must have taken care of the people around her. He went straight into the elevator and went to the VIP ward floor.

At the same time, Shi Yi also received a text message.

[I want to talk to you clearly, come to the hospital. 】

The sender is Meng Ting.

Shi Yi didn't want to pay attention to it at first, and the anger in his heart has not dissipated until now, but he really wanted to talk to her clearly.

Now that the Shi family is in such a situation, she might wish that he would file for a divorce!

talk about what? What else to talk about besides talking about property!

Shi Yi clenched his fingers tightly, and the image of Meng Fu vomiting blood was all in his mind.

He stepped up and asked someone to prepare the car, this poisonous woman! Getting rid of it one day earlier is good!

However, the VIP ward was empty.

Wu Bai walked around the room twice, and finally received another text message.

[The door next door, password 5671,]

Wu Bai was startled, he knew that the room next door was Shi Huiting and Shi Xiao's ward, and Meng Ting was so cautious that she even added a combination lock.

Wu Bai walked to the inconspicuous secret door next to the hospital bed.

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