"Okay, why are you so good."

He pressed the earphone next to his ear and couldn't help complaining.

Sombra is overcoming the security system of the Medical Research Organization.

I have to say that it is really strict.

"Are you there? You only have two minutes. Can you get by?"

Eagle raised his wrist and glanced at the small screen on his wrist. The red color on it showed a long channel filled with infrared rays.

"There is no place the young master can't go to! There is a wall outside."

There was the sound of black shadows typing on the keyboard.


The eagle squatted at the corner of the wall and jumped up. The next moment, it climbed over the wall and entered the yard.

The surroundings were pitch black, only the patrol lights that were on kept sweeping by, and he had already flashed to the door in a neat figure.



With a ding, the automatic door slid to both sides.

There are also people working overtime.

The eagle walked in swaggeringly.


The eagle dodges.


He crouched down.

Heiying's face was full of black lines: "Brother, isn't this your own house, so why can't you restrain yourself a bit! This is related to your brother's life!"

Eagle: "Shut up! I've risked everything for my brother. Are you here yet?"

"Turn left twice and you will be Professor Qin's research institute."

"Fuck! It's so complicated."

He was much more cautious, moved quickly, and turned left.

"This is it?"

Sombra: "Yes."

The eagle looked around and made a good posture.



The countdown of the shadow came from inside.

His Adam's apple rolled twice.


The sound sounded, and he rushed forward immediately, running fast.

It was almost impossible to get through this corridor in two minutes.

Eagle gritted his teeth.

brother! Bless me!

He just rushed forward with one brain.

Black Shadow sat in front of the computer and clenched his fists.

He let out a breath when the infrared light appeared against the eagle's back.


The eagle was sweating all over his forehead.

He gasped softly.


"It's over! Cow!"

Eagle closed his eyes.

Then proceed carefully.

"do not move!"

The eagle immediately remained obedient.

He seemed to be able to hear footsteps to the rear and to the right.

The black shadow looked at the two people walking around the corner.

"Two steps forward, one step to the right."

The eagle immediately did so.

As soon as he took a step to the right, someone immediately came to the corridor just now.

The nerves of the two were tense.

"It's the door ahead."

Eagle walked forward and looked at the glass door in front of him. The lights inside were turned off and it was pitch black.

facial recognition.

Eagle didn't know what to take out of his pocket and stuck it to the camera port.

Two seconds later, the door opened.

He went in and the door closed.

"You look for medicine, I copy the data."

Eagle turned around and rummaged inside me with a small flashlight.

Several computers on the table behind him all started at the same time.

He ended up seeing confusing codes on a locked cabinet.


"Why are there only two bottles here?"

The voice of the black shadow came from the earphones.

"D8?! That's the one, saw this in M's file last time they hacked into their system."

"Fuck! This lock is too tight!"

"Don't you have the decryption key that M gave you?"


For a moment he forgot.

A chip-like thing is placed directly in the scanning port.

Within five seconds, the glass door popped open with a beep.


"Where else can you go without M."

Soi Ying couldn't help complaining.

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