Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 674 Shi Xiao announces his death

"What, Tangtang, this is the preliminary competition. If you pass the preliminary competition, you will go to the provincial capital to participate in a competition. If you pass, you will go abroad to participate in the final international competition."

Meng Yutang turned to look at him.

The teacher's scalp tingled for a while.

"I forgot to mention it before, and you didn't ask me."

Unreasonable and strong.

Meng Yutang: "I won't go."

Teacher: "...Don't! The teacher is wrong! You can definitely pass the preliminary round! Try it in the provincial capital! The questions are very, very difficult!"

Meng Yutang: "No."

Then turned around and entered the classroom.

The teacher chased after him.

As soon as he entered, all the students in the room looked up at him, and then he remembered that this class was his.

He turned his head and returned to the podium unwillingly to prepare for the lecture.

"No, why did the teacher give out a pain mask while teaching? Who messed with him?"

Someone below whispered.

"I don't know, Sister Tang, I just saw them coming in front and back."

"Niubi is still Tang Sister Niubi, the old man is so angry that he blows his beard and stares so hard that he doesn't even dare to say a cruel word."

"Not so bad."

"But I heard that the old man provoked her first. It seems that he signed her up for some kind of competition without saying a word. Didn't he just come back from participating?"

"I just said it before the game! The old man is too unkind. No wonder Miss Tang is angry. Don't make Miss Tang angry. I'm still waiting for Miss Tang to take me away."

"Probably not, Sister Tang is such a troublesome person, she won't leave easily."


"Hey! What are you two doing! You whispered after class! Stand up for me!"

Two people: "..."

Meng Yutang didn't pay attention to anything, and turned to look at the still empty seat beside him.


She knew in her heart that something must have happened, but she didn't bother to find out.

Zhao Ye is safe with them.


At one o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Xiao was declared dead in the hospital after rescue efforts failed.

Meng Ting cried and hugged his body so that no one would take him away. The hospital was full of noise, but Shi Yi just stood aside and watched.

It would be a lie to say that I am not sad, after all, I have raised my son in front of my own for so many years, but suddenly he disappeared like this, everyone will inevitably feel sad.

In the end, Shi Yi stepped forward and hugged Meng Ting and pulled her away, and Shi Xiao was pushed away.

Meng Ting's mournful cry echoed outside the operating room.


Meng Fu has been recovering very well recently, and it may be because her family members have come and she feels more comfortable inside.

Packed up today and ready to leave the hospital.

After cleaning up, the two old men were nowhere to be found.

"Where is Dad?"

"I do not know?"

"I just saw grandpa and the others go out."


"Well, the two of them just looked at the mobile phone for a long time and then went out after making a phone call."

"What did you see?"

"It seems to be some news. The young master of the Zhou family is still staring at the comments. But the two of them are quite good at it, and they know how to play Weibo."

Meng Fu turned to look at Yi Minglian.

"Is it the kid with Tangtang? Didn't he say his surname is Zhou?"

Yi Minglian nodded. He read the news, but he didn't show it to Meng Fu.

The two old men will not be...

The two old men really didn't know where they found out that the old man of the Zhou family was hospitalized, and he was still in this hospital, so they killed him quickly.

He also knew exactly which ward Mr. Zhou was in.

The old man was eating, when he was caught off guard by two people who rushed in suddenly.

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