Mr. Yi and Mr. Meng have a wide network of contacts, and the relationship between friends can stand the test.

The people who came this time are more or less thinking about the face of the two people, the friendship between the two people, even if there is no connection, they still rely on the achievements of the two people.

"This is the child of Xiaoyi's family, he's already grown up."

Meng Yi and Mu Wei wanted their children later, the older one was only ten years old, and the younger one was only three years old.

When I gave birth to this little one, I was also an advanced mother, and I suffered a lot.

The older one is Meng Jingwei, and the younger one is Meng Keyu.

At this moment, Meng Jingwei was standing aside, wearing a small suit and holding his sister's little hand, looking at the people who came over with a serious face like a little adult.

Xiaoyu stood next to her brother and stared curiously at the people coming and going.

She was wearing a cute princess dress, with a pink face, and stretched out her fingers to tug on her brother's sleeve.

Meng Jingwei looked at her sideways: "What's wrong?"

Xiaoyu stood on tiptoe and leaned against her brother's ear and asked softly, "Why didn't that sister come?"

Meng Jingwei understood immediately after looking at her.

"you like her?"

Xiaoyu nodded with a blushing face.

"Xiaoyu thinks my sister is pretty. Doesn't my brother like it?"

Caught off guard by such a question, Meng Jingwei froze for a moment and blushed: "No! She has such a bad temper."

He also added: "It's not very good-looking!"

Xiaoyu pouted: "It looks good!"

"Xiaoyu! Xiaowei, go and see if my sister is okay."

Mu Wei approached and looked at the gentle opening of the two children.

Xiaoyu raised her lips and smiled happily: "Okay~"

Meng Jingwei took Xiaoyu's hand and walked up the stairs.

Meng Yutang's room on the second floor.

Xiaoyu couldn't wait to knock on the door, and the hearts of those who heard the little milk's voice couldn't help but soften.

"Sister, sister, I'm Xiaoyu."

Shen Zui came to open the door for the two children.

"You guys are here, come in, sister is good."

Xiaoyu was dragged in by Meng Jingwei.

Meng Yutang just stood up and turned around to see the two of them.

She wore a little black dress with slits on both sides, a long tail at the back, and a delicate little face, really like an elf princess.

Xiaoyu was startled all of a sudden, and Meng Jingwei was also taken aback for a moment, amazement flashed across his eyes, and then he blushed...

"Sister is so beautiful!"

Xiaoyu jumped happily and hugged Meng Yutang's leg.

The last time Meng Yutang dealt with children was when she was in the orphanage, a very, very long time ago.

The child expressed his love unreservedly. Meng Yutang looked down at her, and didn't know what to say or how to communicate with her, but his heart was still soft, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand to poke her little face.

Xiaoyu looked up at her and smiled.

She thinks her sister likes her.

When my mother is at home, she likes to poke her face like this.

Meng Jingwei blushed and turned around: "I'll go and say something."

Then he turned around and left, just like a grown-up.

Shen Zui couldn't help laughing.



When Elder Yi greeted the guests, he received a phone call.

The other side of the phone is not polite: "Old man, why did you go back to Fengcheng without telling me, where are you?"

Easy to blow his beard in an old fashioned way.

"What old man! I'm your grandfather! Brat! You haven't come back for eight hundred years! How did I know you would come back!"

"Then I'm back now, and I'm in Fengcheng, where are you?"

Mr. Yi directly handed the phone to Yi Xiaowen: "Here! Your son! Tell him!"

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