Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 698 Birthmark

This was the first time Meng Yutang called his parents.

Meng Fu's tears fell immediately, she nodded in response, and stood behind her with Yi Minglian.

From the torn shirt, you can clearly see a thumb-long scar on the skin. It seems that it has been a long time, and the scar is almost the same color as the skin, but it is an injury after all, and the color is darker.

The two people's eyes were red immediately, Yi Minglian turned around, tears dripping down.

Meng Fu cried out directly.

They never knew what kind of mentality and what kind of strong mentality this child used to live until now.

Meng Fu turned around and hugged Meng Yutang violently.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all mother's fault! It's all mother's fault! It made you suffer! I'm sorry! Mother's fault..."

She apologized loudly, but the guilt in her heart could not be weakened.

What else did her children go through!

Why did she suffer so much!

However, Meng Ting still laughed.

"Really! No! She's not at all! She's not at all..."

Before she finished speaking, Yi Minglian rushed over and raised his fist and landed on her face, punching and kicking were not enough to vent his hatred.

This was his first time beating someone. He has always been a gentleman and forceful, and he is the person who disdains to use force to solve problems. But now, he is angry, but force does not make him feel much better.

When he was pulled away, his face was covered with tears.

Meng Ting lay there, dying, but she was still smiling.

Zhou Beicheng stood up suddenly, walked to Meng Yutang's side, looked down at her: "Hey, show me."

Meng Yutang shook his head.

But the next moment, he grabbed his waist with one hand and turned around in a circle.

The scar from the thumb was reflected in Zhou Beicheng's eyes.

He had seen such scars before.

The main injury was caused by a raw piece of flesh being gouged out.

He clenched his fingertips tightly, his eyes were scarlet, and he clenched his teeth.

Somewhat fiercely, he suddenly walked over, raised his hand and took out a gun from behind, aiming the gun at Meng Ting.



Two shots were fired.

Everyone was taken aback, not knowing where he got the gun from.

The floor was blood red, and the whole room was filled with the smell of blood and Meng Ting's weak groans.

Those who reacted quickly covered the children's eyes before Zhou Beicheng shot.

Meng Yutang walked over and held his wrist.

Zhou Beicheng's eyes were scarlet, and he put his hand down after a long time.

"Captain Hao, come in."

Hao Dui came in and took the man away quickly. With all the evidence in his hand, Meng Ting had no chance of coming out.


Hao Dui glanced at Meng Yutang and shook his head, looked up at Zhou Beicheng, whose eyes were scarlet as if he was about to eat people, then turned and left.

The moment Meng Yutang turned around, almost everyone saw the scar on her waist.

The two old men who were clamoring to follow naturally also saw it.

The two narrowed their eyes dangerously and looked at each other.

It seems that everything is peaceful, but it seems that everyone's heart cannot be peaceful.

Meng Yutang stood by the door and glanced at the moon in the sky.

Zhou Beicheng stood beside her, his face was pale and his eyes were red.

"They said the birthmark was the moon."

She turned to look at him, the corners of her lips curled up.

But Zhou Beicheng couldn't bear it, he raised his hand and took her into his arms.

Cold tears fell on her neck.

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