Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 715 I feel so happy

He just wanted to scare her.

Who knew that the next moment, the little girl's hand touched his belt.

"I can……"

Before she finished speaking, Zhou Beicheng got up abruptly, and quickly got into the bathroom.

Meng Yutang: "...?"

She sat up and called softly: "Uncle Zhou..."


The bathroom door was locked.

Meng Yutang couldn't help but chuckle.

There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.


When Zhou Beicheng came out, there was no one in the room, and his hair was still dripping, so he stepped out.

Glancing downstairs, there were only two servants serving dishes.

Seemingly aware of his gaze, one of them raised his head: "Sir, madam has gone to the third floor."

Zhou Beicheng nodded. He felt a little cold after coming out of the shower, so he walked up to the third floor.

There are two rooms on the third floor, a study and a cloakroom for Meng Yutang.

He pushed open the door of the study first, but there was no one inside.

He walked around and pushed open the door of the cloakroom.

The cloakroom is very large, except for the study room, the rest of the rooms on the whole floor are connected.

It was also filled with clothes by Zhou Beicheng.

Most of them are in accordance with Meng Yutang's consistent style, but there are also some styles that she doesn't usually wear, just in case she has a whim.

He stepped on the soft carpet and saw the person when he walked inside.

Into the eyes is a red dress.

She turned to see him and smiled at him.

Zhou Beicheng was taken aback, she was right, it would indeed give people the illusion.

It was as if she had already been married into the door by him at this moment.

For the first time, he felt that the time was so difficult, and he really wanted to hurry up.

He stepped up and walked over to carefully help her fasten the belt again.

This is a pajamas, red, just for her to wear on her wedding day.

"Why are you wearing it now?"

Meng Yutang looked up at him: "The pajamas are all red."

He nodded and looked at her, red really suits her, he can almost imagine how she would look in red wedding dress on her wedding day.

He lowered his eyes and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"I wish time would go faster."

Meng Yutang looked at him and bent his lips slightly: "Didn't you decide the month?"

Zhou Beicheng nodded, now he felt that he was asking for trouble.

The wedding date is set for May.

The weather is getting warmer in May, neither cold nor hot, and she will not feel uncomfortable in her wedding dress.

He set a month, and the four old people are still picking a date.

Meng Yutang leaned closer and hugged his waist, resting his head on his chest.

It's cold.

"Did you take a cold shower?"

Zhou Beicheng said hoarsely, "Otherwise."

Meng Yutang couldn't help laughing.

"Still laughing!"

He hugged her and bit her earlobe as punishment, Meng Yutang couldn't help shaking.

"Is it on purpose? Huh?"

Meng Yutang smiled: "Yes."

She is honest.

"Little rascal."

Meng Yutang hugged him and rubbed against his chest: "Can I stay here tonight?"

Zhou Beicheng was taken aback.

He didn't speak, but Meng Yutang spoke again: "Beicheng~ I think I'm so happy."

It was the first time she called him that.

But these words almost made Zhou Beicheng cry.

He raised his hand and hugged her with some distress. This was the first time he heard her say the word happiness.

Holding her tightly in his arms, Meng Yutang obediently lay on his shoulders.


She can say anything, as long as she talks, he is willing to kill him.


"We're not married yet, isn't it good?"

She lay on the bed and asked worriedly.

I seem to have swallowed something on my last chapter yesterday...

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