Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 732 Let me go

Early the next morning.

The helicopter landed at the Huojia base in S state.

Meng Yutang jumped down from the cabin and landed firmly on the ground.

The propeller of the plane was still turning, and dust was flying around.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the main house of the base not far away. It seemed that nothing had changed. Everything was still the same as when she left. It was only her who had changed.

At the center of the base, the flag representing the Huo family fluttered in the sky.

Meng Yutang walked towards the room calmly.

If her hands hadn't been handcuffed behind her back, she would have been a free person, and she could not have been coerced at all.

She was also calm without any resistance.

Ding Yun looked at her back.

Such a calm look reminded him of her who was so calm many years ago, but at that time she was numb and peaceful, wanting to die.

Spotless, clean enough to hear footsteps on the shiny marble floor.

Meng Yutang stepped in and saw the people sitting in the middle of the hall.

Almost all the furnishings remained unchanged, and neither did the familiar person. The only thing that changed was that he was now in a wheelchair.

The middle of the hall was somewhat empty, and there was a vase on the only round table with bright red roses in full bloom.

Sitting at the table was a man, sitting in a wheelchair. He was thin and thin, with a sickly white face, a pair of sharp eagle-like eyes, and a high nose bridge that showed the delicacy of his facial features.

A face is indescribably handsome.

Meng Yutang stood still five meters away from him, and looked up at him.

He looked at the girl in front of him with a smile on his lips.

She grew up, taller and slimmer than before, but seemed to look thinner than when she was a child.

"You're back."

The voice was very soft, and there seemed to be long-lost thoughts in the tone.

Meng Yutang stared at him, his eyes were like a deep pool of water, with an icy cold air.

"come over."

He spoke.

Meng Yutang still stood still.

Ding Yun looked up at her from the side.

All the people around bowed their heads and did not dare to breathe out.

Only Meng Yutang stood there motionless.

After a long time he suddenly smiled.

She is rebellious by nature.

He raised his hand and turned the wheelchair towards her, everyone was startled, and then his head dropped even lower.

The wheelchair stopped half a meter away from Meng Yutang. He sat on the wheelchair and looked up at her standing up.

The people behind Ding Yun couldn't help but sweat all over their backs.

"Zero, you've grown up."

Meng Yutang looked down at him, without much emotion in his eyes.

She finally said, "Huo Shen, you came to me just to catch up with me?"

Huo Shen looked at her with a smile on his lips all the time. He raised his hand as if he wanted to grab something, but he didn't catch anything.

He lowered his eyes and glanced sideways, and saw Meng Yutang's hands were cuffed behind his back.

"Ding Yun."

With a deep voice, Ding Yun's heart trembled subconsciously, and immediately stepped forward to help Meng Yutang open the handcuffs.

Then drooping eyes retreated to the side.

Meng Yutang's hand was hanging by his side, he raised his hand as if he wanted to grab her hand, but Meng Yutang raised his hand and moved his wrist to avoid it without a trace.

He paused with his hands in the air for a moment, Meng Yutang had already turned around and walked to the sofa not far away to sit down.

For almost an instant, the quiet room where the needle drop could be heard held its breath.

Meng Yutang sat on the sofa, raised his legs, turned his eyes to look at the person over there, and said in a cold voice, "I need to do something before letting me go."

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