Mr. Zhou’s Little Cutie

Chapter 739 I Miss You

Two shots were shot in the calves of the two men.

The roar of the car didn't stop, Shen Ye turned his head and saw the car rushing towards the two people.

"Boss! Run!"

Zhou Beicheng's eyes were blood red and his face was pale. He raised his hand and grabbed Shen Ye's arm, trying to drag him along.

But no matter how fast the two people walked, they were not as fast as the car. When they saw the car hit and no one could escape, a car rushed over from the side and knocked the car away.

The people in that car saw the helper coming, and when they saw the logo on the car, they reacted quickly. After stabilizing, they kicked the accelerator and left quickly.

Huo Yu'an and Mu Qing got out of the car and brought them back to Jinyuan.

Bullets must be removed immediately.

The operation had already started when Lu Zhiqiu was arrested.

There are also good doctors in Jinyuan.

"Does anyone know?"

With local anesthesia, Zhou Beicheng's mind was still clear.

His face was a little pale, and his eyes were dull.

"I don't know."

"Who did you offend?"

Zhou Beicheng looked at him when he heard the words, and said in a daze, "I think it might have something to do with Tangtang."

He doesn't know why, it's just intuition.

He has been looking for someone for so many days without any gains.

But calm down and think about it, He Xiao, Xie Sheng and Master, everyone's attitude is strange.

They have a clue but won't say why.

Tangtang may not be dangerous, but the person who took her may be.

Everyone dared to tell him before he was sure.

But these are just his guesses. He doesn't have any news, so he can only search from city to city.

That at least made him feel alive.

Mu Qing looked at him after hearing the words.

No one spoke anymore, but things looked suspicious.

These people are obviously going to kill him, to his death.


He was injured, Huo Yu'an and the others were worried, so they let him live in Jinyuan directly.

Nothing has changed in Meng Yutang's room, except for the girl.

The anesthetic dissipated, and the pain in his legs spread all over his body. Zhou Beicheng sat on the bed, his face pale, and he turned his head to look at the position beside him.

He raised his hand and touched the pillow.

The little girl who was acting like a baby in his arms not long ago disappeared overnight.

Zhou Beicheng's eyes were slightly red.

Deep thoughts finally hit his heart during his break.

After a long time, his restrained voice echoed in the room: "I miss you."


In the underground arena in S continent, fish and dragons are mixed here, and it seems that every corner is full of bloody atmosphere.

The arena is divided into ordinary fights and life-and-death fights.

Ordinary battle winners can obtain corresponding rewards by winning.

There are more bounties in life-and-death competitions. Not only can the opponents get bounties, but the audience who watch can also bet.

Someone bet on a black horse by accident, and in an instant, they could get rich because of watching a life-and-death fight.

Ordinary arenas are safe, but the temptation of life and death is even greater.

On the one hand, there are mountains of wealth, and on the other hand, his own life.

Everyone who steps into the life-and-death competition has luck and confidence in their hearts.

But there is always one party who will die here, and some people will disappear when they are happy.

Today's life and death competition seems to be a little different.

The man who won three consecutive victories in the life-and-death competition has already forgotten the saying that there is someone in the world.

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