Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1001: You **** him off! You are unfilial!

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room through the gaps in the leaves, Ruan Su slowly opened his eyes, pulled the curtains, and opened the window.

A golden sunlight came in, bright and gentle.

Bo Xingzhi's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and the sudden light made him a little uncomfortable.

Fresh air blows in, with a touch of earthy fragrance.

"It seemed to rain in the middle of the night last night." Ruan Su looked down at the window. It rained at some point last night, and the ground looked wet.

A gardener is pruning the branches, and the holly is sprout after the rain.

Su Jinghuai woke up long ago and was looking for snails in the yard.

The nanny stayed by his side and followed suit.

Ruan Su stretched and was about to turn around to wash up when Bo Xingzhi hugged him from behind.

The man's chin rested on her shoulder and rubbed lightly.

Ruan Su pushed him, "You have to go to the hospital today, you know? Don't be willful."

Bo Xingzhi's long eyelashes covered his eyelids, and his voice was faintly hoarse in the morning, "You can ask Shang Lingxiao to donate blood to him. Shang Lingxiao is also his son. Now is the time to show their father and son's deep love."

"He doesn't necessarily have RH negative blood." Ruan Su frowned, "This blood type is relatively rare, so no matter what, you should go."

Bo Xingzhi especially wanted to tell her what the president scolded Su Jinghuai, but he swallowed the words again.

Sometimes not knowing is the best thing to do!

He is now like a son in a difficult relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Although he and the president are only related by blood, and the family relationship is cold, the president has not loved him in any way since he was a child.

But... it was this blood relationship that stumbled on his hands and feet, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that he remained silent, Ruan Su added, "Besides, he is my patient in my eyes, and I am his doctor. There is no personal emotion in it. Let alone him, he is a murderer. If the crime is given to me, as a doctor, I will also save it. The law will punish him, but it is not me who punishes him. I just do my job well, and I am not a virgin, nor am I overflowing with love.”

At the end, she looked at him with clear eyes, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"So do you want me, the family member of the patient, to cooperate with your work?" Bo Xingzhi kissed her cheek lightly, "Should I pay this family member a little?"

Ruan Su looked at him helplessly, stood up on tiptoe and took the initiative to put a kiss on his lips, "Is that all right?"

"No." The man shook his head, clasped the back of her head with both hands, and began to deepen the kiss.

It took a while until she was out of breath before he let go of her.

"Bo Xingzhi...the window is still open!" Ruan Su blushed and buried her face in his chest.

"Haha—" The man chuckled and there was a slight vibration in his chest, "What? Are you shy?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, looking at his handsome face with misty eyes, "I'm afraid that if he really has three strengths and two weaknesses, one day in the future you will regret it and feel sad. That's why... I will advise you. "

She looked at him seriously, "If you can guarantee that one day in the future you will not regret or suffer, then you should not go to the hospital."

She is not the Virgin, nor the White Lotus.

She's just talking about things.

This is how life is.

Nothing is always perfect.

"It's rare to see you work so hard for one thing." Bo Xingzhi put his arms around her slender waist. "I know what you mean, and I also understand how you feel."

He pecked her lips lightly again, "Let's go, wash up."

He didn't say he was going, and he didn't say he couldn't go.

But Ruan Su just knew, he agreed.

After the two finished washing up, they went downstairs together. Su Jinghuai had already sat obediently at the dining table and waited for them to have breakfast together.

He is the kind of child who speaks early, and his articulation is also very articulate, and he is rarely ambiguous.

"Godmother, goddaddy, good morning."

"Morning." Ruan Su pulled Bo Xingzhi to sit down together, and saw Su Jinghuai holding her training chopsticks hard to hold a small bun.

The early morning sun shines through the window into the restaurant, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily warm.

Song Jiayan also came over with the baby in her arms. After sitting at the table, Ye Yanli took the baby and said, "You eat first, I'll hold the baby."

After the family had a lively breakfast, Su Jinghuai was sent to the early morning class.

When he was in the Middle East before, he had been working in nursery school, because Su Xing was very busy and didn't have time to take him.

Bo Xingzhi contacted an international kindergarten, which also has an early education class for babies, and is bilingual. After discussing with Ruan Su, he sent him there.

The main reason is that he has been in nursery school before. The early childhood education class of the international kindergarten that the couple found is more professional in the education of children's intellectual development and thinking.

And Song Jingyao also went to kindergarten in this family. Song Jingyao will graduate from primary school this year.

This is his last year of kindergarten.

After delivering the child in person, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi went to the hospital together.

Because of the surgery, Ruan Su went directly to the office.

Bo Xingzhi came to the door of the ICU, and the president still stayed in the ICU.

To his surprise, he saw Shang Lingxiao who was sitting on a bench eating breakfast. The man was dressed casually and even looked a little haggard.

"Azhi, are you here?" Shang Lingxiao smiled weakly when he saw Bo Xingzhi, and his eyes looked tired.

It's a little different from Shang Lingxiao, who always looks like an elite young master.

When the words fell, he coughed violently while eating, "Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Several staff members of the Presidential Palace who had just arrived just saw this scene and couldn't help but ask with concern, "Young Master Shang, what's wrong with you?"

"Why are you coughing so badly?"

"Is it a cold? Or?"

Shang Lingxiao put the breakfast in his hand aside and covered his chest again, looking very uncomfortable.

"Maybe it was because I stayed in the ICU all night last night and caught a cold. I don't know, I just feel sick all over."

When everyone heard it, they immediately said, "My God, you actually stayed there all night?"

"This kind of filial piety is simply touching!"

"Aiya, Young Master Shang, hurry up and go back, we are here!"

"Yes, isn't Bo Shao also here now?"

"If something happens, I'll let you know immediately, and you can go back quickly."

Shang Lingxiao coughed violently again, soothed his throat before speaking, "How can this work? I have an operation today, and I will definitely stay by my father's side at such an important moment. If blood transfusion is really needed, I will It has to come forward.”

"Young Master Shang, you are so admirable for us."

"Your health is so bad, the doctor will definitely not let you lose."

"You better rest."

The crowd said with concern and distress.

Bo Xingzhi stood beside him, as if he was watching a reality show.

I saw Shang Lingxiao's vigorous show there, and these people around were cooperating vigorously.

He only felt ridiculous in his heart, and his ironic eyes shuttled back and forth between Shang Lingxiao and everyone.

After a while, he said coldly, "Brother, you are so weak, you should leave the blood donation to my younger brother. Otherwise... if you are also ill, and my father loves you so much, it is estimated that he will also blame me."

"No! I'm the eldest brother, I have to take care of you and take the lead. How can such a thing trouble you? Ah Zhi, you are a younger brother, not to mention that you have a child to take care of. Although my father does not agree with this child, he does not I think the child is innocent. Don't be angry with the father, and treat him again. Look at how angry you are with him this time?" Shang Lingxiao quickly refused, as if he would rather die The appearance of donating blood, by the way, is also crazy and disgusting.


"Really recognized a godson? Did you quarrel with the president?"

"It seems to be true..."

"Young Master Shang said that and it's true."

Everyone began to talk in small voices again, and did not dare to speak loudly, lest they would upset Bo Xingzhi. But what Shang Lingxiao said was very informative!

Is the president sick because Bo Xingzhi quarreled with him? Grass is gone! Can such a secret thing be known by the people who eat melons? Will it be silenced by Bo Shao?

Bo Xingzhi stared blankly at Shang Lingxiao, his sharp eyes as if he wanted to pierce the other side.

Shang Lingxiao hooked his lips, trying to play a good elder brother who cares about his younger brother.

This character is simply awesome!

It took a while for Bo Xingzhi to speak again, "I'm really touched by how big brother cares about me so much. But don't worry, my father will get better. This time me and him are just an ordinary dispute between father and son. But don't get mad at him."

This Shang Lingxiao turned black and white, obviously it was the president who humiliated Su Jinghuai.

When it came to his mouth, it became Bo Xingzhi, which made the president angry.

Filial piety has been a big stone on blood ties since ancient times.

Unfilial piety is a big disadvantage.

At least there is a moral problem.

So no matter how Bo Xingzhi disdains to show brotherhood and love with Shang Lingxiao here. But he will not bear the charge of this unfilial piety!

"Yesterday, I clearly saw you go away, and my father was so angry that he had a seizure. Ah Zhi, it's not that I am a troubled eldest brother. I really think you should not care about your father, after all, he is old. You have to take it a little more."

Shang Lingxiao looked bitter and he coughed several times while speaking. "It's not easy for our family to get together now. Don't pay too much attention to what he said. I'm also doing it for your own good."

Bo Xingzhi's face turned gloomy, and a cold chill burst out from his deep black eyes, "I repeat, I'm not angry with him. He has always suffered from middle-aged and old age diseases. It has nothing to do with me."

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