Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1005: Please, Dr. Ruan, please!

The three of them were startled.

Jing Ke shouted loudly, "Who? You are so ignorant, don't you know this is my room, Jing Shao?"

His face was full of gloomy displeasure, because of Jing Sa, he could be said to be domineering, and he did everything he could to bully men and women.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the tyrant of the M country.

Several black-clothed men rushed in and scared the two women. They immediately started to tidy up their clothes that were barely covering their bodies, and they all hid behind Jing Ke, "Jing Shao... I'm so scared."

"Jing Shao, what are these people doing?"

Jing Ke looked at them angrily, "What are you doing? Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know who you are." A cold female voice sounded from the door, and the familiar voice suddenly made Jing Ke look startled.

There was a trace of fear on his face, and he looked in shock at the middle-aged woman who came out from behind the man in black after the man in black stood in front of him.

The woman is well-maintained and looks no more than thirty or forty years old, with a beautiful charm.

She wore a burgundy shirt tied in wide-leg trousers around her waist, and matched with her red lips of the same color, which was full of aura.

When have two women seen such a high-end figure? Immediately, he became more and more frightened.

"Jing...Ms. Jing?"

"It looks better in real life than on TV."

"Mom—" Jing Ke never thought that Jing Sa would go to the private club to arrest him, he swallowed his saliva, and was almost not frightened.

"You...why are you here?"

"Crack!" Jing Sa raised his hand, and slapped Jing Ke's face with a slap, leaving distinct five-fingerprints on the young man's cheek.

Jing Sa hated that iron was not steel and looked at his son who had high hopes in front of him.

Think about Shang Lingxiao's scheming, think about Bo Xingzhi's excellence, and take another look at his son who only knows how to eat, drink, and have fun.

She was out of breath.

How could God send such a scourge son to torture her.

She wants the wind to be like the wind and the rain to be the rain, and she wants wealth, wealth, status and status.

But the daughter is a silly and sweet, and the son is a scumbag.

If God wants to torture her and punish her, he can come at her as much as he can. But why send her two children like this?

"Mom! What are you beating me for?" Jing Ke covered his cheek aggrieved, it hurt! Burning pain.

"The president is at stake now, and all the young masters and young ladies of the big family are guarding there. It's better for you to ignore it. You are still here to spend time with me!" Jing Sa's chest hurts with anger. Although she disdains the president, but The face factory should still be done.

How can you not fall into the trap.

Jing Ke couldn't get her point at all, so he shouted at her, "I don't know how to see a doctor, what am I going to do?"

Jing Sa was going to be mad at this idiot and go to hell, "Are all those young masters and young ladies going to see a doctor?"

"Go to the hospital immediately!" Jing Sa stared at Jing Ke with a pair of eyes, she laughed angrily, "Don't you hurt them? Very well, if you don't go, I'll poke them both in the eyes now. , chop off their hands, I see how they will serve you in the future!"

"Mom?!" Jing Ke looked at her in shock, "They are innocent, they are just my confidantes."

"If you want them to live well, leave now." As soon as Jing Sa waved his hand, two men in black immediately stepped forward and directly pressed the two women to the ground.

The two women screamed in fright, "Young Master Jing, save me!"

"I don't want to be blind! Help!"

Jing Ke's eyes were red, and his chest kept heaving.

Jing Sa sneered, "Isn't it good to be obedient?"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, Jing Ke glared at the man in black, "Let go! Let go of them!"

The man in black glanced at him silently, didn't say anything, then let go of the two women and followed Jing Sa away.

Jing Ke gritted his teeth and had no choice but to follow.

The two women hugged each other in fright, shivering.

After leaving the meeting, Jing Ke got into the car, and the man in black took him directly to the door of the hospital.

"Watch him here tonight and stay with him until tomorrow morning. If you dare to run away, be careful that I will break your legs." Jing Sa's voice was threatening. "Anyway, he is also his own... Uncle. Your father died early, and your uncle treated you well."

"Humph!" Jing Ke turned his head to look out the window at the dark night, he didn't want to say anything.

"Heimu, I've been with the young master." Jing Sa knew that he was not convinced, but it didn't matter. As long as he knows surrender, everything is saved.

"Yes." The man in black who drove the car responded immediately.

Heimu got out of the car and led Jing Ke into the hospital.

Immediately, another man in black got into the car and took over the position of the black wood driver.

Jing Sa looked at his son's back and sighed softly.

When will he grow up...

Jing Ke entered the hospital and came to the ICU floor where the president was. Sure enough, as Jing Sa said, at least one person from the major families was kept in the ICU.

Maybe because of the late night, everyone was a little tired and looked listless.

When they saw Jing Ke appear, they were all shocked.

How did the famous Jing Jia Wan come?

It's really strange.

However, the compliments and compliments that should be given are still indispensable.

Jinghuai was the first to stand up, "Brother Ke, why are you here? Our brothers can stay here. Go back and rest, it's cold at night."

Jing Ke said disapprovingly, "It's not that my mother insisted on me coming." He pointed to his face, "Look, my face was beaten by my mother."

Jing Huai had seen the distinct five-fingerprints on Jing Ke's face long ago. In this world, he could be slapped so hard.

Except for my aunt Jingsa, I don't think about it.

Jing Huai didn't expect Jing Ke to speak out so carelessly.

But... thinking about Jing Ke's mindlessness again, he was relieved.

Although Jing Ke was Jing Sa's biological son, he did not inherit Jing Sa at all. Jing Sa is the pride of the Jing family. She married the president's younger brother. At that time, the president was not the president. Later, after the president took office.

Seeing his younger brother's face, he even promoted everyone in the Jing family.

And Jing Sa is one of the best among them. In just a few years, he has skyrocketed all the way, and finally became a position below one person and above ten thousand people.

And everyone in the Jing family followed the chickens and dogs to the sky.

Even a pair of Jing Sa's sons and daughters changed their surnames to Jing after the president's younger brother died in battle, and did not continue the surname Bo.

But the president had no dissent, and even raised his hands in favor.

Everyone knows how high and important Jing Sa's position in country M is.

Jing Ke also developed such a playful and mindless character early on.

Jing Huai recovered his thoughts and took a bottle of water and handed it to Jing Ke, "Brother Ke, drink the bottle of water first, if you are tired, go back to rest early."

Jing Ke took the water with a cold snort, "You're still sensible."

Others also came over to greet him and sat down again.

Jing Ke felt bored, so he called Jing Huai to play the top ranking points together, "Huai, I've drawn a lot of new skins recently, and if I have a few more, I'll have all the skins."

Jinghuai twitched the corners of his mouth calmly, "Brother Ke, didn't you hear that a team was formed? Are you going to sign the eldest young master from Ouyang's family?"

"Ouyang Tian is very ignorant of praise. No matter what conditions I offer, he won't come. If he won't come to pull him down." Jing Ke pouted with a look of disdain, "We'll spoil the fun if we don't mention him!"

The whole night was spent playing ranked games, and Jing Huai was dizzy.

There were also a few people in the middle to play with Jing Ke, but everyone's spirits were far less than the eldest young master of the Jing family, who had a rich nightlife.

Until ** in the morning, Ruan Su finally came.

And other members of the family who were assigned shifts with the Jing family also came.

One by one, they all got up and left.

After seeing Ruan Su, Jinghuai hesitated for a while, but stopped Ruan Su who had just come out of the ICU. "Doctor Ruan!"

"Is something wrong?" Ruan Su stopped and looked at him.

Jing Huai said a little embarrassedly, "It's like this, my elder brother Jing Ren, you have seen him too, he doesn't know what kind of strange disease he has, and the doctor can't figure out the reason, even after doing various examinations, he can't find out what the cause is. So... our family is helpless now, can I ask you to help him take a look?"

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows and looked at Jinghuai calmly. After a while, she said slowly, "Did he do something? That's why he got this disease? You should ask him. He should be better than a doctor. Know what his cause is."

Jing Huai looked at her in astonishment, "Doctor Ruan? What do you mean by that, why can't I understand..."

"If you ask your brother, you will naturally understand. When he is clear and understands, he will come to me again." Ruan Su did not talk to Jinghuai after he finished speaking.

Jing Huai looked at her back strangely, she seemed to know something? And she didn't say it.

Speaking in an unfathomable way.

What's going on?

When Ruan Su returned to the office, he saw breakfast on the table, and at a glance, he knew that it was prepared by Bo Xingzhi.

Sure enough, the man came out of the lounge with a circle of dark blue under his eyes.

He also stayed in front of the ICU until midnight last night. When Jing Ke went, he had just returned to Ruan Su's lounge to rest.

"Why did you get up?" Ruan Su sat at the coffee table and picked up chopsticks, "Come here for breakfast."

Bo Xingzhi nodded, "How about the old man?"

"It's good, only the recovery is left." Ruan Su said lightly, "I heard that Jing Sa's son also came over in the middle of the night."

"Heh—" Bo Xingzhi smiled sarcastically, "Just a dude."

"Grandma has also been discharged from the hospital and went home. Song Yan is coming to rehab for the first time today. Do you want to go and see?" Ruan Su suddenly thought of Song Yan, "Why don't we go together?"

"Of course." Bo Xingzhi responded and started to eat breakfast.

However, another thought appeared in Ruan Su's mind. Shang Lingxiao always liked to behave in front of the president, why did Bo Xingzhi give the opportunity for blood transfusion this time?

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