Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1007: All kinds of tricks, mad at him!

Jing Sa originally thought that by setting up a down-to-earth character for his son, the reputation of his son's trash to the bottom would definitely be restored.


She didn't know who took the picture of Jing Ke eating a luxurious breakfast, and also the picture of the man posing for Jing Ke.

Jing Sa was so angry that he almost went crazy.

"Who is so blind?" She stared at the news on the phone fiercely, "I think someone is targeting the young master, hurry up and find out who the initiator is, I will not let him off easily!"

The assistant carefully glanced at Jing Sa's face before speaking, "Maybe some passers-by took it and posted it on the Internet, and then someone who was interested in seeing it discovered this matter, and it became popular directly. In addition, the young master usually His style... Everyone knows what he is like. So... this word-of-mouth crisis may be really difficult to handle."

Jing Sa stared at him coldly, "What do you want to eat?"

"This is something that can't be helped. Young master, he has always lived a very individualistic life. No matter how we persuade him, he will go his own way... Many times he will not follow the script we have written, change his mind temporarily, and have good marketing. It just collapsed." The assistant was about to collapse.

Your son is an idiot who can't get up, don't you know?

Why must it be difficult for those of us who work?

He was reincarnated into your house, and we are in a terrible fate!

"Forget it, you immediately go and check who is behind the trouble." Jing Sa waved at him and motioned him to go out.

Assistant Rumeng Dayi hurriedly turned and left.

What are you kidding me, just like your son, you still need someone to hack him and harm him? His own actions can occupy the national headlines for 300 days!

Eat, drink, prostitute and gamble.

Except for not playing with the vinegar fire, if he got caught in the vinegar fire again, Jing Sa would definitely strip him alive.

Who would have thought that Ms. Jing's son was a piece of mud?

I don't know how to raise it.

The assistant did not dare to speak out, and only dared to be angry in his heart.

Who let him lead Jing Sa's high salary here, is it a dog of Jing Sa?

A dog should have the consciousness of being a dog.

On the hot search at this time, the backlash from netizens was very serious, and almost all of them were scolding Jing Ke.

"How could such a good woman as Ms. Jing give birth to a waste like you?"

"It's the biggest stain on the Jing family."

"Ms. Jing's life would be more perfect without you."

"Nausea, vomit - don't push him for me, it will come out every three days and smear my eyes."

"I can't wait to poke my eyes and only hate myself to click in and see this garbage."

"Waste of resources! I feel indignant when I see him, why is he from such a good background."

"Look at the other young masters of the Jing family, all of them are excellent, why is he so low?"

"I hope next time he will be on the hot search again because of jealousy, ahaha!"

Some people even started cursing Jing Ke. When Jing Ke was so angry, they smashed the phone against the wall. With a bang, the phone fell to the ground. He stepped on it and stepped on the phone until it was smashed. .

As soon as Jing Baizhi entered the house, she saw her brother, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, was puffing at the phone, and she looked at him with a faint look, "Brother, can you stop making trouble for your mother every day? Mother is the pride of our country M, but you What? If it weren't for you, my mother wouldn't be ridiculed and ridiculed."

"You know shit!" As soon as Jing Ke heard Jing Baizhi preaching there, his face became impatient, and he went upstairs without looking back.

Jing Baizhi looked at his back and pouted, hehe——

It's your mother who spoiled you, why are you still here.

Jing Sa was so angry that he didn't eat dinner because of this incompetent son, and went straight into the study as soon as he came back.

The atmosphere of the Jing family was particularly sluggish.

But the Ye family was happy and happy. Su Jinghuai quickly adapted to the new kindergarten life during this period, although he was only two and a half years old and was in the youngest class.

For those children who go to school early, some children do not enter kindergarten until they are three years old.

After discussing with the teacher, it was a bit redundant to go to nursery school, so Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi directly arranged a normal kindergarten class.

Mrs. Ye's serious illness made her look much less energetic, and she was no longer as energetic as before.

But that didn't stop her from feeling good.

"Jinghuai, hurry up to eat, this crab is full of crab roe." She was carefully helping the child peel the crab, and it was a joy to peel it.

While peeling, he glanced at the baby in the stroller, "When this one grows up, I don't know if I can help him peel the crabs for him."

"Definitely can peel it!" Ruan Su smiled, "He was only two or three years old when he was able to eat crabs, that is, two or three years later, you are still in good health!"

"Little Su has a sweet mouth." Madam Ye opened another hairy crab in a good mood.

At this time, the servant brought a bowl of medicated porridge to Mrs. Ye, "This is the medicated porridge specially cooked for you by the young lady. You can definitely finish it."

"It's all about nourishing qi and nourishing blood, and it's better for the body." Ruan Su glanced at Song Jiayan again, "I was not at home for your confinement before, so I made red mushroom soup for you. The nutritional value of red mushrooms It's very high, so be sure to finish it."

"Thank you Xiao Su. It's great to have a doctor at home." Song Jiayan smiled and handed the child in her arms to Ye Yanli.

The family sat here happily eating dinner. After dinner, they discussed the banquet for Su Jinghuai and Mrs. Ye to celebrate their discharge from the hospital.

After some deliberation, Mr. Ye said, "Then let's make it Friday night, it's more appropriate."

"When the time comes, just invite some relatives and friends. It's good to have a good relationship with our family. As for the others, it's unnecessary." Mrs. Ye is old now, and the Ye family has experienced a lot of turmoil in the past two years.

She doesn't want to be like before, and she will make a big deal of little things.

Nothing beats home and prosperity.

"When the time comes, I will introduce Jinghuai to everyone." Mrs. Ye said with a smile, "In the past, there was a saying in the older generation that when you can't have children, you can raise one to attract your own children. know if it's true."

Ruan Su was afraid that Su Jinghuai would have any strange thoughts in her heart after hearing it, so she quickly said, "These are all things without any scientific basis. Besides, we didn't recognize Jinghuai because we wanted to have a biological child. Because Jinghuai is too cute, his mother can't take care of him alone."

"That's right." Ye Yanli also agreed, "Mom, don't say such things again in the future. Jinghuai is still young, if he hears such words when he is older, he will be sad."

"Oh, I'm always confused, see what I'm talking about." Mrs. Ye didn't think too much and just said it directly.

It's a little embarrassing at the moment, "If I don't say anything, it's all my wife's quick talk. I'm also unintentional, you group of young people educate me."

"Tomorrow, the president will be sent to the ward. Grandpa will visit with you at that time." Ruan Su changed the subject, "My uncle was there two days ago, and we have to do some work at home. "

"Your grandfather and I are planning to go!" Mrs. Ye nodded, "We'll follow you when you go to work tomorrow."

"Okay." Ruan Su responded and took Su Jinghuai upstairs to rest.

The big guys are gone.

Early the next morning, the driver was responsible for taking Su Jinghuai to the kindergarten.

And Ruan Su went to the hospital with the Ye family.

Some gifts and nutritional supplements were prepared in the car. After arriving at the hospital, Ruan Su made a routine round of wards.

After the ward round was over, the president was sent from the ICU to a normal hospital ward. The ward was fully equipped and had a good environment.

There are not only separate toilets and shower rooms, but also some other high-end facilities and supplies.

The president is in a sober state, so after seeing Ruan Su, his expression was very unnatural, and his face couldn't help becoming gloomy.

Especially after seeing the Ye family who followed Ruan Su, his face became darker to the point of dripping ink.

Then he heard Old Man Ye's voice, "How's your recovery? Is your health okay?"

it is good! what good! Don't you see the hanging bottle still hanging on me? The president couldn't help roaring inwardly.

But the face was decent, he could only weakly answer, "It's okay..."

When he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse and weak.

"This person, when you get old, you need to take good care of your health. Xiao Su even cooks medicated porridge for me. It's quite delicious. After this, Ah Zhi is really delicious!" Mrs. Ye smiled as she looked at the hospital bed. The president on top praised Ruan Su in a very gentle tone by showing off how happy he was.

She didn't forget that the president greedily went to Ye's house to eat Xiao Su's meal.

"Haha-" The president wanted to laugh and express his sarcasm, but a smile would involve the wound of the operation.

He was so painful that he could only give up.

Listen to these two old guys show Ruan Su in front of him in all kinds of tricks.

But he couldn't speak back, because talking too much would also tug at the wound.

It's just living torture.

"Oh, by the way, we are going to hold a banquet for recognizing Jinghuai on Friday. By the way, we will also celebrate my discharge from the hospital. I'm afraid your body is not good. Hey, do you have any opinion on our recognition of Jinghuai?" Mrs. Ye said early I just wanted to ask the president, if he has an opinion on Xiao Su, shouldn't he also have an opinion on the child Su Jinghuai?

"I...I..." The president got angry when he mentioned this! He stared at him and wanted to speak, but his chest kept rising and falling, and the wound from the operation became more and more painful.

Mr. Ye was taken aback, "Blood, blood seeped out of the wrapped gauze! Come on, call Xiao Su over here!"

The old lady Ye was so frightened that she almost lost her soul, "Isn't it? Ring that bell, and the nurse and doctor will come, please ring!" She had just been discharged from the hospital, so she was very familiar with the equipment in the hospital.

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