Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1031: Exploring the deep mountain house at night!

It was getting darker and darker, and the rescue team who had been rescuing for a whole day chose to evacuate.

Ruan Su fell to the ground with a buttocks, completely ignoring whether the ground was muddy or wet.

She stared at the dark jungle with a bit of a daze. Occasionally, the night wind would send a gust of cold wind and stroke her hair. She covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath.

He heard Bo Xingzhi's deep voice, "It's okay, we will continue to search and rescue. If they don't save it, we will save it. One day... we will definitely be able to find it."

Ruan Su looked up at him, she was very depressed and uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but take the initiative to hug the man's waist and buried her face in his warm and thick embrace.

Bo Xingzhi had no choice but to look at her dotingly, "Uncle must be playing hide-and-seek with us, so don't be discouraged. If those of us who are relatives don't care about his life or death, let alone other people. "

"I know. So I won't give up." Only then did Ruan Su move her head out of his chest, she sighed, her depressed chest was always heavy, "I can't go back to face all my family, I was afraid to listen to them asking what was wrong with me. I was afraid to see their disappointed and distressed eyes and expressions. I failed so badly, and I caused it all."

"It's just an accident, it's not your fault." Bo Xingzhi enlightened and comforted her, "If his opponent that day was not you, he might have an accident. So there are unforeseen circumstances, people's blessings and misfortunes, and everything is God's will. "

He couldn't bear her to be immersed in self-blame and pain.

I had to try my best to relieve her and comfort her.

"I haven't been back for a few days. If you don't want to go back to Ye's house today, just go back to the villa with me. Take a good rest and take a bath. I'll ask my aunt to make some delicious food now. You've lost weight these two days."

Ruan Su nodded lightly when she heard Bo Xingzhi's voice, she found a comfortable position in his arms, and she closed her eyes unknowingly.

too tired.

When she woke up, she found that she had returned to Bo Xingzhi's villa.

She was stunned, wasn't she still sitting on the grass before?

After a good night's sleep, her whole body felt a little more comfortable, and she got up to take a hot bath again.

After taking a shower, I changed into clean clothes and went downstairs. The smell of food came from the restaurant.

She had no appetite for a few days, and now she only felt hungry.

Bo Xingzhi was busy in the study, and when he heard her coming downstairs, he immediately stopped his work. After opening the door of the study, he saw Ruan Su's slender figure who had just walked to the restaurant downstairs.

"Little Su."

He called out softly.

Ruan Su looked back at him, and then looked at the dazzling array of delicacies on the table, "What a hearty meal."

"Let's eat." Bo Xingzhi walked down the stairs quickly to her side, holding her hand and sitting at the dining table, "I haven't slept well or eaten well these days, eat more."

Looking at the delicacies in front of him, Ruan Su couldn't help but picked up his chopsticks. Just as he put a salt-roasted prawn into his mouth, An Lin's message came.

"It seems that the ZZ organization is looking for you recently and wants to buy you off."

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows and replied with a sneer, "They seem to be investigating me before, but they started again after a while?"

"These organizations are killing people, and they are extremely brutal. You should be careful recently." An Lin told her a few words, and replied to her worriedly, "You must be careful. Zero, we can't miss you in our group."

Ruan Su returned an expression and continued to eat.

"Why are you still looking at your phone? Eat well." Bo Xingzhi took the phone back from her, "Eating is eating, you know?"

"Domineering." Ruan Su's red lips twitched, but there was a touch of warmth in her heart.

"Only domineering to you." Bo Xingzhi peeled a few more shrimps for her, "I asked Cheng Ye to lead someone there to search and rescue. The brothers work in three shifts, so you don't have to go there by yourself, Xiao Su. You still have A lot needs to be done."

Ruan Su held the chopstick's hand for a while, "But I want to find my uncle in person, otherwise I'll feel uneasy."

"But it's not only important to find your uncle, but other things are also important." Bo Xingzhi couldn't help holding her cold little hand, "The silkworms in your body haven't been removed for so many years, you really don't want to try anymore. ?"

Ruan Su thought of Yu Ci and Yuanliang, and he had been back for so long, and he didn't know if the teacher had come up with new situations.

"I see. I'll go back to Ye's house tomorrow."

What should be faced is to face, what is the use of blindly escaping?

After eating, she went directly to the bedroom, and after returning, she sent Yuan Liang a message.

"Senior brother, how is the teacher's retreat now?"

"Xiao Su, the situation is not very optimistic. The teacher has studied for a long time and experimented many times, but he can't solve the poison of the silkworm. Give the teacher some more time." Yuanliang didn't rest, and immediately replied when he saw the message.

Ruan Su was stunned for a while, then smiled self-deprecatingly, and sure enough...

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

"Don't worry, trust the teacher."

Looking at Yuan Liang's reply, Ruan Su put down the phone.

If even the teacher is helpless, then... what should we do?

Ruan Suzheng was depressed when he heard the sound of water rushing from the bathroom. After a while, the bathroom door was opened.

A man with only a bath towel stepped out from the inside, tall and long legs, attractive masculine.

But she doesn't have any mood to think about these sex-eating men and women now.

She looked at him helplessly, "I'm not in the mood."

Bo Xingzhi let out a low laugh and wiped the drops of water dripping from You You's well-textured chest, "What are you thinking? I just want to hug you for a good night's sleep now."

He walked to the edge of the bed and threw the towel aside, the hot breath blowing in his face.

Ruan Su moved inside and automatically curled up on the man's chest, "Okay, go to sleep."

There was no way to rest in the wilderness, and soon she fell asleep.

Looking at her sleeping face, Bo Xingzhi gently placed a kiss on her lips, and then quietly dressed and left.

What she wanted to do, he personally came to help her do it.

He drove directly to the site of Ye Yanli's accident and carried out search and rescue work with Cheng Ye.

She didn't want to give up, and he didn't want to give up even more.

If she can't find Ye Yanli for the rest of her life, she will live in pain and guilt for the rest of her life.

How could he let her live in such pain and suffering?


In the deep mountain house.

It was late at night, Ye Yanli was leaning on the chair, and the sound of Xiao Zhen's even breathing could be heard in her ears.

He called softly twice, "Xiaozhen, Xiaozhen."

The other party was still asleep, and the only response to him was the sound of breathing.

Ye Yanli got up quietly, and then gently opened the door of the room.

For the first time in so many days, he opened the door of this room and came out.

What catches the eye is a large kitchen, with an area of ​​at least nearly 100 square meters.

There are all kinds of kitchen appliances and appliances, and there is a large four-door refrigerator with an oven air conditioner next to the refrigerator.

As soon as he made the sound of footsteps, the voice-activated light in the kitchen turned on.

He was startled, and quickly squatted into the shadows, only to feel relieved when he realized that it was just the voice-activated lights.

His feet have improved a lot in the past few days, so he wants to take advantage of the late night to find out what kind of place this place is.

The night was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The house was quiet, but what he didn't expect was that there were security guards patrolling the house at night.

As soon as he walked out of the kitchen, he saw a man in black with a miner's lamp.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly hid behind a rockery. Fortunately, the buildings here were more ancient, with more bridges, flowing water and rockeries, which was convenient for him to hide his body.

After the men on patrol left, he quietly probed his head, and continued to walk after he found it was safe.

There are several buildings here, and I don't know who lives in them.

He finally chose a building that looked like a hotel and walked in.

On the first floor, there is only a long corridor, which looks deep and deep, like the corridor of a hospital.

If a white-clothed piao suddenly floats out at this time, he can shoot horror movies directly on the spot.

He didn't dare to take the elevator, because there are usually surveillance cameras in the elevator.

So he could only drag his injured leg up the stairs.

The taste of climbing stairs is not very pleasant.

As soon as he climbed to the second floor, he heard voices, grass!

There are also patrols in this building in the middle of the night!

This made Ye Yanli more and more curious about where this mansion was.

The two men in black yawned as they walked, "It's true, let's patrol every day. We're like iron pipes, and a fly can't get in. What's there to patrol?"

"Be quiet, don't let others hear it. When the blame comes down, we'll be sabotage."

Another man looked around and found that there was no one else, and then said, "The lady has been very diligent recently. Isn't that why the housekeeper made us so diligent in order to please the lady?"

"It's really pitiful to hear that the big guy was caught in the vinegar fire!"

"That's right! I also sympathize with her. Unfortunately, there is no way."

The two walked away from each other as they spoke, and waited until the footsteps were gone before Ye Yanli came out again.


Vinegar fire?

Too miserable, right? Who is the lady they speak of? Who is the boss?

It's too ruthless to put vinegar on fire, isn't it?

As we all know, vinegar fire can't be touched, once it gets on it, it is doomed.

After Ye Yanli went upstairs, he found that the second floor was one room after another, and each room had a nameplate posted on the door.

"The Flint Room?"

"Magnesium sulfate chamber?"

"Potassium nitrate room?"

These rooms seem to be the rooms where these chemicals are placed?

Ye Yanli reached out and twisted the door of one of the rooms, but found that it couldn't be opened.

It seems that you have to have a key to get in.

He went to the third floor again, and found that the entire third floor was an open laboratory!

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