Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1034: The collapse of adults is only for a moment

Kong Yurou covered her hot cheeks and glared at Father Confucius angrily, "I would be forced to get involved!" She pointed to Mrs. Kong, who was proud of Father Kong's back, and said, "Is it her? Is it her again? Complain in front of you? Everything she said was false!"

"You still have the face to blame on your aunt's head!" Father Kong was so angry with her. "If you don't have a blind date with the Ling family, you'll never want to step out of the house!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and immediately two servants rushed over and tied Kong Yurou directly to the head of the bed.

The movement of three, five and two is so fast that she has no time to struggle.

Kong Yurou's face suddenly turned pale, and her stubborn appearance just now disappeared. "Dad, you can't treat me like this, I'm your biological daughter! Dad, don't be so cruel, okay? I beg you?"

She looked at Mrs. Kong again, "Auntie, can you help me persuade Dad?"

"Yurou, it's not that your aunt doesn't help you. It's your father's stinky temper. Who can persuade him? You should be obedient." Mrs. Kong said to Kong Yurou with a smile, "Wait until your father's anger subsides. I'll let you out at some point."

As she said that, she took Father Kong's arm and said, "Why do you need to have the same knowledge as a child? What should you do if you are out of breath? You have high blood pressure and you can't stand it. Go and drink some water."

Father Kong glared at Kong Yurou viciously, "You'd better stop acting like your daughter-in-law! Hmph! I'll just tie you up for two days to keep your memory long."

After speaking, he walked away.

Kong Yurou's eyes were full of tears, and she could only look at the closed door and shed tears of grievance.

Why did Ruan Su happen to do something that hurts the world and kills Ye Yanli, and no one blamed her.

Those in the Ye family also tolerated her.

It's not fair to God for doing nothing but being treated like this!

She thought bitterly, why do you treat her like this? What did she do wrong?

She must leave the Kong family, and she must get in touch with that mysterious person, who will definitely help her.


In the deep mountain house.

Ye Yanli took a night patrol job. He had no skills or specialties when he first arrived, so he could only do this kind of manual work without any technical content.

Patrol at night for two hours and change shifts, one duty is two hours and then go back to his room to rest, rest for two hours and then go out to change shifts.

He and another man were on the night shift from 12 to 2.

He also moved out of Xiaozhen's place and was placed in a dormitory. He said that he and Xiaozhen were not married yet, and it was inconvenient to be in the same room all the time.

The housekeeper agreed, after all, the housekeeper also wanted to centrally manage the men in these houses, and it would take some time for him to send an order to someone who was always single.

In the dead of night, he walked out of his room and handed over to the people in the previous shift at the door of the first floor.

He started patrolling with this colleague named Xiaoqiang.

Xiaoqiang yawned, "Patrols at night are the most boring, and no one will come to our courtyard. Every night is like a war. You are the only one who has come in for so many years."

Ye Yanli smiled slightly and asked him in a hoarse voice, "Why do we feel so mysterious here. How many years have you been here?"

"For many years, I've been here since I was a teenager. Xiaozhen and I came in in a group." Xiaoqiang rubbed his eyes, "If it wasn't for the poor family, who would come to work here? It's like going to jail."

Ye Yanli nodded, "I think it's pretty good here. It's pretty good to have food to eat, money to take, and no heavy work to do."

"Where is it as good as you said? No freedom! Who doesn't want to go out and see?" Xiaoqiang didn't treat him as an outsider, and continued to complain, "When you turn back to the master, you will know how terrible it is. The master has a very bad temper. Bad!"

"Master? What kind of person is he?" Ye Yanli asked curiously, "Don't look back. Master is here. I don't know. If I collide with him, I will die!"

Xiaoqiang's whole face was wrinkled together, looking a little indescribable, but after a while he described it with his barren vocabulary, "The main one is very bad-tempered, she's a woman, and she always wears a mask. The big guy who lives in the building in the corner lost his temper! That big guy is also very miserable!"

"Getting angry?" Ye Yanli became even more curious, and couldn't help looking towards the northeast corner, where there was a building that looked like a housing apartment.

"Yes! That big guy is very stubborn and always disobedient. So let's be smart." Xiaoqiang sighed again, "Or we don't have the chance to make the master lose his temper. The master only sees Those big guys."

Ye Yanli silently took Xiaoqiang's words to heart, there is a big boss in the northeast corner.

Ye Yanli really realized how big this yard was after walking around in a circle from start to finish.

Xiaoqiang also dutifully told him what the functions of each building were.

What laboratory building, what equipment building, what dormitory, or a dungeon...

"Dungeons are generally forbidden areas, and the dormitory buildings where the bosses live are also forbidden areas. Don't wander around if you have nothing to do. Let's just do our own work." Xiaoqiang is too tired. I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyes.

He looked down at his watch, "Fortunately, I can go back to sleep in ten minutes, otherwise I'd be dead sleepy."

"Why don't you... go back to sleep first?" Ye Yanli said with a smile, "In order to express my gratitude to you, I'll do it myself for the next ten minutes."

"Are you really good?" Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up, "Don't get lost! Don't touch the infrared rays! I've told you all about the infrared rays."

"I remember it clearly, don't worry." Ye Yanli looked like a little brother, "You treat me so well, and I should treat you well."

Anyway, more than ten minutes passed in a flash, Xiaoqiang nodded and said a few words before leaving.

Ye Yanli wandered around the yard alone with his mobile phone, and before he knew it, he walked to the northeast corner.

Looking at the building standing in front of him in the dark night, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since he has no way to leave here for the time being, it is better to study this place to understand what it is.

If it really is a lawless place, he must destroy it!

Tomorrow night he will ask Xiaoqiang if he has a cell phone or something.

He turned around and walked back, walked around the yard again, and then checked that the time was up, and then went back to his room to rest.


Ruan Su woke up when it was almost dawn, and she slowly sat up from the bed, feeling a little uneasy.

Standing by the window and looking at the fish maw white in the east, she couldn't fall asleep again.

She went to Su Jinghuai's room, but as soon as she entered, she found the child lying on the bed moaning in pain.

Ruan Su was startled and rushed over, holding the child in his arms, only to find that the child was hot like a ball of fire.

"Damn it! Why do you have a fever?"

She quickly turned on the light by the bedside, reached out and touched the child's forehead, "It's hot!"

"Jinghuai, Jinghuai?" She tried to call the child's name twice, but Su Jinghuai's eyes were tightly closed, her cheeks were crimson, and a moan overflowed from time to time.

Appears to be in a coma with a high fever.

Ruan Su was so angry that she could not wait to slap herself.

I've been busy with Ye Yanli's affairs for the past few days, how could I ignore the child's care?

A strong sense of frustration hit, she was a little self-doubt, why couldn't she do anything? My uncle couldn't find the child and got sick...

Her mood collapsed for a moment.

But soon she took a deep breath and started dressing the child. After dressing, she hurried out with the child in her arms.

When it was dawn, she put Su Jinghuai on the back seat of the car and started the car to rush out of Ye's house.

Madam Ye suddenly woke up when she heard the sound of a car starting. She sat up and listened carefully, and sure enough, she heard the sound of the car.

She hurried to the window and saw Ruan Su's BMW rushing out.

"Why did Xiao Su go so early?"

Mr. Ye was also woken up by her loud movement, "What can she do? I'm so sleepy, I'll sleep a little longer."

But Mrs. Ye couldn't fall asleep. "I always feel that something is not right. I will give her a call."

As soon as Ruan Su drove the car onto the road, she saw Mrs. Ye's caller ID.

"Grandma. Did it wake you up?"

"Xiao Su, why did you go out so early?" Mrs. Ye felt a little worried, "Did something happen?"

"Jinghuai has a high fever. I'll take him to the hospital for a test." Ruan Su said eagerly, "I don't know if it's an upper respiratory tract infection. Children often have a fever for this reason."

"Okay, I'll call the driver now and I'll go to the hospital. Is it going to the general hospital?" When she heard that the child had a fever, Mrs. Ye felt anxious in her heart, "I'll call your grandfather up too."

"No, no, you are old, you don't need to go to the hospital specially." Ruan Su said quickly, "It's still very early..."

"Xiao Su, we are a family, you don't have to be so polite." After Mrs. Ye finished speaking, she hung up the phone. As soon as she turned around, she saw that Mr. Ye was already up, looking at her anxiously while dressing. " Is the child sick? Has a fever? Why are you dazed? Let's go!"

By the time the two old people arrived at the hospital, Ruan Su had already tested Su Jinghuai, and the results came out.

"Sure enough, it was an upper respiratory tract infection, but his condition was a bit serious."

"Seriously? Do you need an infusion? Or take medicine?" Old Mrs. Ye looked at Su Jinghuai, whose face was still red, "Oh, the child is really suffering! Do you want to reduce the fever first?"

"Well, the fever needs to go down first. He has a fever of 39.5 degrees." Ruan Su sighed, "It's all my fault for neglecting him these two days..."

"It's common for children to get sick. You don't have to blame yourself. I don't blame you." Old Master Ye patted her on the shoulder, "Hurry up and get rid of the fever!"

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