Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1036: can't make any mistakes

Although one thousand and one thousand in my heart are unhappy and reluctant.

But Ye Yanli still didn't let Xiaoqiang see it.

Xiao Qiang smiled and hugged Ye Yanli's shoulder, looking like the two of them were good.

"Da Zhuang, let me tell you. Although we are not staying in the city, there are a lot of high-tech things. You will see more in the future."

Ye Yanli's name is Guo Dazhuang now, and he's used to it after hearing it a lot.

He and Xiaoqiang came to the creek together. After so many days without going out of the yard, he could finally come out to breathe fresh air and enjoy the feeling of not being watched.

He stretched out his arms comfortably.

Looking at the mountain scenery in front of the blue sky above his head, he couldn't help thinking, and he didn't know what Jiayan and Baobao were doing.

I don't know if Xiao Su is sad...I don't know how her parents feel.

It's a pity... I can't pass the message to them myself.

It seems that he can only do well to fight for a chance to be sent out. It is best to go to the city. It would be nice if he could just meet Ruan Su.

Ye Yan had made up her mind after thinking about this in a heartbeat, and devoted herself to becoming a qualified undercover agent in this house.


In the meeting room of the Presidential Palace.

The president looked at everyone present with a serious expression, and said slowly, "You are both the pillars of the country and the ministers of the humerus. This time when such a big thing happened to the Ye family, Ye Yanli has been initially judged dead. You said that now it should be what to do?"

"Young Master Ye is considered to have died for the country, why not just publish an obituary? Then introduce some measures to reward the Ye family?" a member of parliament suggested.

Another person echoed and said, "Yeah! It's a pity that Young Master Ye passed away because of business."

"The Ye family has always been loyal to our country M, why not give more rewards?" Everyone began to express their opinions.

When Bo Xingzhi heard them discussing here, his heart suddenly became very heavy.

His cold voice sounded in the conference room, "Uncle should not have passed away. He may just have not been found for a while. I believe that in time, he will be able to find it."

The meeting room, which was still full of lively discussions, suddenly became silent.

Everyone looked at him awkwardly and looked at Shang Lingxiao.

Shang Lingxiao raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Azhi, Ye Shao is really dead. After searching for so many days, I couldn't find it. If he was alive, he would have come out earlier. Don't spoil the atmosphere here. Since father has the intention to reward him. Ye family... I think it would be better for everyone to discuss how to reward them?"

"Ling Xiao is right, Ah Zhi! I know that you have a good relationship with the Ye family, but this person's life and death are up to God's arrangement. You better recognize the facts, I heard that Ruan Su is still here. Send someone to look for it there? Don't look for it, it's a waste of time." The president said earnestly, he looked at Bo Xingzhi and shook his head helplessly, "It hurts my heart to leave Young Master Ye, but there is no way out."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and mourn!"

"This is the most painful thing to be alive since ancient times."

"It's really sympathetic for the two old white-haired people in the Ye family to send black-haired people!"

Everyone began to express their heartache and sympathy.

"He's not dead." Bo Xingzhi's voice was still cold, "I trust my wife's intuition."

Very rude, very disregard of the president's face.

"Okay, okay, everyone is concerned and well-meaning. What are you anxious about?" The president put away the sad look on Minren's face just now and suddenly became serious, with a hint of anger in his heart, "Death is death. , you are an adult, why are you so nonsense?"

Speaking impatiently, he said to the legislator on the other side, "After the meeting, an obituary will be issued to announce the news of Ye Yanli's death. For the sake of his sacrifice for the country, the whole country will observe three days of silence. During these three days, No entertainment activities are allowed, and entertainment venues are not allowed to operate."

The ceremonial member hurriedly replied, "Yes."

We then discussed some other unimportant things, and then the meeting ended.

Bo Xingzhijun walked out of the conference room with a gloomy face and walked towards his office.

Shang Lingxiao took a few steps to catch up with him, "It's not that I'm my eldest brother's nosy, but can you not embarrass your father in front of so many people in the future. He is the president after all, you have to learn to give him some face."

"Since eldest brother likes to give father face so much, then I hope you can do this forever in the future. As for me, you are really the water of the Pacific Ocean, so wide!" Bo Xingzhi sarcastically went straight into his office.

Shang Lingxiao shook his head helplessly, this scene happened to be seen by those who had the meeting together just now.

Everyone couldn't help but shook their heads.

"I'm afraid this Bo Shaomo is stunned? This person has been gone for so many days, so what else can he say that he will be found."

"That's right! Forget it, it's not our family's business."

"Okay, okay, think about how the obituary will be posted!"

"That's right! Let's go."

After talking in a low voice, everyone dispersed.

Bo Xingzhi sat in the office, looking at the computer screen in front of him, and after a while, he called Ruan Su and told him that the president was going to issue an obituary.

Ruan Su was silent for a while and said, "We can't do anything, just send it. Should we look for it or look for it, maybe we will find it? I won't give up."

"Okay." Bo Xingzhi said to her in a hoarse voice, "Uncle will be fine."

"Thank you." Ruan Su gave a low laugh, with a deep sense of helplessness and bitterness in the laughter, "The Ye family can't hold funerals, even if he sends ten obituaries, our Ye family won't hold funerals."

"I went to eat tonight, is Jinghuai feeling better?" Bo Xingzhi was still not very concerned about the child's condition.

"I don't have repeated fever, I'll be fine after taking the medicine for two days." Ruan Su's heart was also very heavy, even if he smiled, he smiled bitterly, "If you have nothing to do, come and accompany the children and grandma. Some."

"I see, see you after get off work."

Bo Xingzhi responded and hung up the phone.

Ruan Su looked at the hung up phone and was about to go to the kitchen to have a look, when she heard Su Jinghuai's cry.

She was startled and rushed into the toy room, only to see the child sitting on the ground crying. The nanny who was with him just now didn't know where to go.

Ruan Su was angry and anxious, and hugged the child into her arms, "Dear, why are you crying?"

"I'm a little scared here alone." Su Jinghuai drilled into Ruan Suhuai and looked at Ruan Su with tears in her eyes.

Ruan Su found that since he got sick, his emotions have become extraordinarily brittle. The child who didn't like to cry before has become very clingy and clingy in the past two days.

It's like he always wants to stick to Ruan Su's side now.

The nanny ran into the room in a hurry, and said with an embarrassed expression, "Miss, I'm sorry, I just went to the toilet, and I've had a bad stomach in the past two days..."

Ruan Su glanced at her lightly, "Forget it this time, remember to say hello in advance when you leave the young master next time, so that others can come to accompany him. He is a little afraid of being alone."

"Yes, yes, I will, I remember." The nanny nodded quickly.

While talking, the housekeeper came in, "Miss, Bo Shao sent someone to bring some king crabs and Aolong, and some other seafood. Look..."

"I see, I'll go to the kitchen now. Clean up all the seafood and make it at night." Ruan Su kissed Su Jinghuai before handing him over to the nanny to take him, and then gently coaxed him, "Go ahead. Mom is going to cook something delicious for you, shall we eat big crabs tonight? The meat is tender."

"Can I go to the kitchen and watch you cook?" Su Jinghuai stared at Ruan Su with big eyes.

Ruan Su's heart softened and could not help but agree. "Okay, let's go to the kitchen together."

The king crab is very tasty and so is the Aolong.

Other seafood is also very delicious by Ruan Su's wonderful hands.

Even the two elders of the Ye family, who had no appetite these days, ate a lot and were full of praise for this table of seafood.

When Bo Xingzhi saw that the two old men were finally in a better mood, he felt a little more comfortable.

The heavy atmosphere of the Ye family was finally diluted a little.

After nightfall, Ruan Su began to sit in the room and read ancient books.

She started to read the book Niu Daoren had left her before, hoping to find an effective way to track Ye Yanli's whereabouts.

She now only regrets why she didn't use some protective formations when the plane fell, at least it could protect Ye Yanli's life.

At that time, when she heard Ye Yanli's voice, she became anxious for a while, and she simply forgot that she still had a formation to use.

But it's too late to say anything now.

When it was almost dawn, Ruan Su finally found a method that seemed feasible on the surface.

It's just that she still needs practice.

It is recorded in ancient books that one of the ways to find a missing person is to find a piece of clothing that the person has worn in the past 30 days, put it in a compass, and cast an array. The direction the compass points is the direction of the person.

But... the clothes are easy to find, what is this compass?

Ruan Su had to look for what a compass is, and after a long search, he found a few words about making a compass.

It seems that I can only do it myself.

"Broken fat jade, peacock feather, obsidian, spar... celestial cordyceps... copper iron magnesium... and..."

Ruan Su memorized the more than ten kinds of necessary materials one by one.

Then prepare to find some to make this compass according to the recorded steps.

When the sky was dawning, Dongfang finally turned fish belly white, and then she put down the pen in her hand, stretched, and crawled onto the bed to lie down.

So sleepy!

But it was all worth it for my uncle.

When the uncle the housekeeper got up, he found that the light in Ruan Su's room had just turned off. He was startled. It seemed that the young lady hadn't slept all night last night.

When the servants got up one after another, he deliberately confessed that the movements should be lighter, and that the young lady should not be disturbed.

This family is now supported by the young lady and the young grandmother, but there must be no more mistakes.

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