Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1051: Tricky situation! Difficult!

Two men in black have been waiting outside the door of the operating room.

At this time, Ruan Su was standing in front of the operating table and had already started the operation. It was very simple to remove the rotten tissue from Xiaoqiang's ankle, but the difficulty was that so far their reports have not found why his ankle rotted and festered.

After removing the rotten flesh and blood, Ruan Su carefully checked his ankle and found nothing special.


Obviously there is continuous medication, why does this happen?

And after doing a detailed examination, nothing strange was found. The medical judgment and conclusion that should be there have proved that there is no bacterial infection in his ankle.

But why does it continue to be necrotic without bacterial infection?

And also face the risk of amputation.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is a last resort, which doctor would be willing to amputate a patient? Are your limbs healthy?

Ruan Su's forehead gradually oozed out a layer of crystal sweat, and the assistant doctor on the side asked anxiously and hoarsely, "Doctor Ruan, what should I do if the cause has not been found?"

Some time ago, when a medical beauty plastic surgery hospital performed liposuction for others, there was an accident of regenerative bacterial infection, which eventually led to the disappearance of the Internet celebrity.

He wondered if it was also regenerative bacteria or something.

"Continue to look for it, be sure to find it." Ruan Su replied in a cold voice, "Show me the inspection report again. I remember that there seems to be some lesions in his blood vessels?"

"Dr. Ruan, is it the same as the Internet celebrity some time ago... Is his situation the same as that Internet celebrity?" The assistant doctor couldn't help asking.

"It's not the same. The inspection report stated that there was no bacterial infection. The Internet celebrity was that the bacterial infection was not dealt with in time, and it was too late to deal with it later! The treatment time could not catch up with the infection time, and the internal organs were infected. ...It seems to be rotting, necrotic, and purulent for no reason. This is so strange." Ruan Su looked at Xiaoqiang's ankle, which was cleaned up by her now, and it was bright red flesh.

The necrotic parts have just been cleaned up.

But cleaning up is not enough, far from enough.

It is necessary to prescribe the right medicine.

The little nurse took Xiaoqiang's test report and held it in front of Ruan Su. Ruan Su had read this report many times.

Looking at the freshest report before the surgery again, she didn't let go of a word.

"There is indeed a vascular plaque in the blood vessel. But a small vascular plaque shouldn't be the main reason, right?"

Ruan Su was wearing a blue medical mask, and her red lips were slightly open. "Maybe it's not a blood vessel spot. Sometimes a small problem can make a huge difference or a terrible result."

"Doctor Ruan?" Even the other doctors next to her didn't quite understand what she meant. "You said the reason why his ankle is like this? Is it because of the blood vessel spot? Not likely, right?"

"Yes! This has never happened before."

"I also think it should be a bacterial infection or something else."

Several doctors began to speculate.

Ruan Su insisted that it was the cause of the vascular plaque, "I am going to perform an operation on his blood vessels now, and I will remove the vascular plaque."

A doctor said very angrily, "Vascular plaques are generally caused by excessive fat deposition between the intima and media of the blood vessels, causing vascular plaques. Generally, statins are used to stabilize plaques and control the disease."

"Doctor Ruan, do you really understand vascular plaque? This is just a small plaque that does not cause vascular stenosis. If it is a large number of serious types, it will cause arteriosclerosis and occlusion in the lower foot, causing local ulcers in the legs to become black and necrotic. , amputation and other adverse consequences.”

Ruan Su glanced at these indignant doctors who didn't believe her at all, "You also said that it will cause adverse consequences such as amputation. Who stipulated that a small blood vessel spot cannot? There must be many blood vessels. Spots? Must the blood vessels be narrowed?"

A doctor said in confusion, "Is it really such a small blood vessel spot? There aren't a lot of blood vessel spots in his legs! Logically, it shouldn't be."

"And once the plaque in the blood vessel is formed, it will enter the intima of the blood vessel, and there will be more and more. At present, drugs cannot be used to remove plaque, because drugs can only avoid plaque rupture and stabilize plaque. Now that you're going to surgically remove it? Take it out? It's ridiculous? It's impossible!"

Ruan Su didn't pay much attention to him, "I have to deal with it now." After speaking, she began to seriously continue the operation.

Everyone in the operating room held their breath and watched Ruan Su's movements.

Until Ruan Su removed a small thing about one centimeter long.

"This is not a blood vessel spot. The machine misjudged." Ruan Su was wearing surgical gloves and pinching the little thing, squinting her apricot eyes slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes.

Her voice echoed in the quiet operating room, and everyone's eyes widened in shock, "It's not a blood vessel spot? What is that?"

"I don't know. Further tests and tests are needed, and it needs to be stored and frozen." Ruan Su told the nurse in a light voice.

"Yes, Dr. Ruan." The little nurse hurriedly started to deal with it.

"I must be because of this thing, so his feet have been rotting for unknown reasons." Ruan Su said and began to stitch the wound.

A doctor said worriedly, "Dr. Ruan is about the patient's life. You must not be hasty."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows and asked him, "I believe my intuition as a doctor, and you have seen it, it is not a vascular plaque at all. And why does it appear in the blood vessels? This is a very worthy of attention and research. do you think?"

Suddenly everyone was speechless.

For the first time, they saw such a strange hard thing in a blood vessel.

too weird!

"Yes, what Dr. Ruan said is right, it's something worth studying."

"We must devote ourselves to studying this problem in depth."

"Nurse Wang, be sure to keep it and don't lose it."

When everyone walked out of the operating room together, they were still discussing this strange phenomenon softly.

No one has figured out what this thing is, and no one has figured out how to start researching it.

When the two men in black saw their companion Xiaoqiang who was pushed out of the operating room, they immediately surrounded him, "Doctor, how is my brother?"

"The operation should... be considered a success. It still needs to be observed." A doctor glanced at the back of Ruan Su who had already left, and had no choice but to answer.

"What should be?" The two were a little confused, "Success is success, failure is failure..."

"This needs to be observed, at least forty-eight hours of observation period, first push the patient to the ICU." The doctor said to the nurse, "Hurry up."

After he finished speaking, he pushed the two men away, "I'm sorry, I have something else to do. I'll go first."

The two men in black looked at each other, wondering what the **** was going on in the hospital.

"Don't spend our money, and no one can save it, I'm so angry!"

"Yes!" A man in black angrily grabbed the collar of a little nurse, "Is my brother amputated? Is his leg still there?"

The little nurse's face changed with fright, "Let go of me! No!"

"What? The leg is gone? Is it disabled?" The man in black was even more angry, his face as black as mud at the bottom of a well.

"No, no, I mean that there is no amputation, the leg is still there." The little nurse was so frightened that her face turned pale, "Let me go!"

The black-clothed man let go of his hand angrily, and breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as the legs are still there."

The little nurse ran away in a flash, what a savage.

So scary!

After Ruan Su returned to the office, she lay tiredly on the bed in the lounge and rested for about half an hour.

Then she lazily took the phone on the bedside table and checked the time.

Five forty-five in the afternoon.

She let out a long breath. The operation took a very long time, at least five hours.

so tired.

She was about to get up when she received a call from Bo Xingzhi, "Have you gotten off work?"

The man's mellow voice sounded in her ears, ironing her tired soul almost instantly.

"Not long after the surgery, I'm lying on the bed!" Ruan Su replied lazily, and asked him, "Are you finished?"

"Well, I'm going to pick you up. If I'm tired, I can come later. You can rest first." Bo Xingzhi asked with concern, "How is the operation going?"

"It's alright." Ruan Su didn't answer confidently for the first time that he did a very good job.

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows in surprise, "What's wrong?"

Ruan Su was surprised by the man's sensitivity, she laughed softly, "I'll tell you when we meet. Today's operation is a little tricky."

"There are still situations that make you feel difficult? It's rare." Bo Xingzhi chuckled, "I'll send you a message when I arrive. You lie down for a while."

"Okay." Ruan Su answered and hung up.

About half an hour later, Bo Xingzhi finally came to the hospital. Instead of calling Ruan Su to come out, he got out of the car and went to the office to pick her up in person.

When Ruan Su got up from the bed and opened the door when she heard the knock on the door, she was a little surprised, "Why are you here? Just wait for me in the car."

"I want to hold your hand and go out together. I don't want you to go out alone." Bo Xingzhi looked at her pale and tired face with deep eyes, "If we're tired, we can go back directly and do it another day. You can also have a meal.”

"No, let's talk about it, I also want to see Song Yan. Let's take a look at his current situation." Ruan Su shook his head and went to change his shoes, "Wait for me."

She quickly changed her clothes and shoes, then took the initiative to hold the man's big palm and smiled at him, "Get off work, let's go."

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