Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1057: Slap in the face, clap clap! Shame!

The two walked out of the building of the institute and stood at the door. Ye Feng lifted Ruan Su's jacket, she turned her head and glanced at the man beside her and extended her hand towards him.

Bo Xingzhi held the little hand she held out.

The two walked forward side by side, hand in hand.

As soon as he got in the car, Ruan Su started the car. When the car swooped out like a bullet, Bo Xingzhi was shocked.

"Drive so fast?"

Ruan Su glanced at him from the corner of his eyes, and the car was still driving like a meteor.

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows secretly.

About half an hour later, the car creaked and braked suddenly. Bo Xingzhi looked around strangely and found that it was a remote alley.

Before he had time to ask questions, Ruan Su's slender figure rushed over like a small tiger.

Bo Xingzhi: "?"

The next second, he was thrown down on the seat by Ruan Su, and he also felt that the slowly descending seat was gradually turning into a flat-lying mode.

The woman's red lips with a faint fragrance covered his cold thin lips.

When the sky was dawning, the residents who were already up early began to get up one after another, and there was the sound of dogs barking in the distance, or some other sounds of opening doors, and the sound of steamed buns...

It's almost dawn.

Bo Xingzhi slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the quietly white sky outside the window, and the sun, which was trying to leap over the horizon, was slowly rising.

The woman beside her was still fast asleep, she was really tired last night.

It's just that he didn't expect that she would be so enthusiastic.

He had never seen her so warm, so hot.

Thinking about it now, his blood is still surging.

However, he had already seen pedestrians walking on the road, and he couldn't stay here any longer.

Without any hesitation, he quickly tidied up his clothes, walked to the driver's seat, and drove the car away from here.

When Ruan Su woke up, it was almost noon. She rubbed her aching waist and looked at the room she was familiar with.

This is... going home?

What about thin line?

The two of them were clearly in the car last night...

Ruan Su hardly dared to recall those memories that made her blush and heartbeat, but she was so proactive...

The pretty face suddenly blushed like a boiled shrimp.

But how did she get back? Could it be that Bo Xingzhi sent her back?

When she was wondering, she suddenly heard a hurried knock on the door, "Xiao Su, Xiao Su, are you awake?"

It was Song Jiayan's voice.

She hurriedly jumped out of bed, but found that she was not wearing an inch of thread. She quickly grabbed the bathrobe on the hanger next to her and draped it over her body. She quickly tied a simple bow to the door and opened the door of the room, "Aunt, what happened? What's the matter? Are you in such a hurry?"

"You're awake? That's great!" Song Jiayan grabbed her hands, her tone very anxious, "You hurry up, Young Master Bo is about to leave, and it will be too late if you don't send him off."

"Let's go?" Ruan Su glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was almost ten o'clock. She then remembered what Bo Xingzhi said yesterday. At ten o'clock, the president will hold a practice meeting at the gate of the capital.

She took a deep breath, "I'll change my clothes, wash up and go right away."

"Hurry up. Mom and I are waiting for you downstairs. Our whole family is going."

After Song Jiayan finished speaking, she turned and left.

Ruan Su quickly found a set of casual sportswear from the closet and put it on her body. After washing at random, she rushed downstairs.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye were standing in the living room dressed properly, with the Ye family behind them.

Seeing Ruan Su rushing down, Mr. Ye said in a low voice, "Everyone is here, let's go."

Ruan Su and Song Jiayan sat in the same car, Ye Ye and the old lady sat in the head of the other car, while the others' cars followed.

A row of black cars drove out of Ye's house one after another, heading towards the city gate.

Sitting next to Ruan Su, Song Jiayan couldn't help holding her hand, "Xiao Su, we only received notice this morning that Young Master Bo is going to the border, why didn't you tell us before? Mom and Dad are worried, after all Those hooligans are desperados, and they are not easy to subdue."

"It's alright, aunt, don't worry. The man is interested in all directions. Since some people recommend him to go, he can only go. Besides, he wants to go himself, so let's go. The son of the president always wants to go. Share some responsibilities for the president." Ruan Su forced a smile and said high-sounding words that he didn't even believe.

Her eyes were sore and uncomfortable.

Song Jiayan knew from her expression that she was unhappy, so she was very sensible and did not ask any further questions.

At the gate of the city, Bo Xingzhi led many of his subordinates to stand there. There was a high stage at the gate, and the president was sitting on the stage.

In the center of the table is a tall champagne tower, and it goes without saying that this is for practice.

On both sides of the champagne tower are lit torches, which look a bit spectacular.

Almost all the people from the major families came, and everyone held a wine glass in their hands.

When Ruan Su and Mrs. Ye arrived, they were led to the front by a staff member.

"This is the location of the Ye family. The old lady and the old man can take a seat and rest first."

"It doesn't matter, we don't need to be special because we are old." Old Master Ye rejected the proposal directly, and he and Old Madam Ye looked up at the stage.

He saw Bo Xingzhi wearing a black uniform standing beside the president. The black uniform wrapped around the man's slender figure, looking solemn and noble, with a handsome face that was expressionless but showed overwhelming majesty.

The president was looking at him with relief, "Azhi, you are really grown up, and you can take care of your father. I hope you return triumphantly."

As he said that, he raised the wine glass in his hand, "I'll finish this glass first!"

After he drank it, he handed Bo Xingzhi another bottle of champagne, "Go, this tower belongs to you when you leave, and I hope it still belongs to you when you return."

Bo Xingzhi lowered his eyes and glanced at the champagne in his hand, then walked to the champagne tower, glass after glass was filled with champagne, and the liquid continued to overflow into the next glass along the glass.

The man moved gracefully, as if he was strolling in the courtyard.

Ruan Su stood under the stage, silently watching his every move, for some unknown reason, he felt a sense of alienation.

Her eyes were faint and affectionate, and she saw Jin Aimi walking to the stage, wanting to put a cup of seal on Bo Xingzhi's neck.

Her eyes suddenly froze, and she looked at this scene with some surprise.

How could it be Kim Aimi's turn to come to power at such a solemn and solemn moment?

Anxiety immediately crept into my heart.

Then she saw Jing Sa swaggering onto the stage. She was wearing a red trench coat and red high-heeled shoes today. As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

She looked at Bo Xingzhi with a half-smile, her voice was clear, "Originally, I wanted to put this seal on you myself, but... Miss Jin is young and beautiful, you probably won't like seeing me as an old aunt, so I'll let you Miss Jin is on stage for me, you won't mind, will you? Young Master Bo?"

This **** woman is everywhere.

She is not comfortable without it.

Bo Xingzhi glanced at her with his dark eyes, and refused neither humble nor arrogant, "I'm sorry, Ms. Jing, at this moment, I believe that brothers and sisters across the country would prefer to see you wear it to me, rather than a daughter without any position. Miss. So, I'm very interested."

Totally rejected!

Slap in the face!

It's just a snap!

Jin Aimi originally wore her favorite beige floral dress, high heels, and an elegant sweet girl makeup. She happily wanted to brush her face and presence at this time, after all!

A woman who can wear a seal to Bo Xingzhi, this label will accompany her throughout her life!

As soon as she thought of this label, she was very excited, so last night she rushed to Jing Sa's place overnight and spent a lot of money to send gifts to please Jing Sa.

Only then did Jing Sa agree to let her come to the stage today to see Bo Xingzhi off.

But... She never thought that Bo Xingzhi would hit her in the face so simply and directly, and an invisible slap slapped her face fiercely.

Isn't she qualified as the daughter of the world's richest man?

She stood there in shame and anger, wishing she could cry in embarrassment on the spot.

For this situation, Jing Sa just raised her eyebrows, for her, it was all trivial matters.

But after glancing at Jin Aimi's incompatible aura around him, and her almost crying expression, Jing Sa laughed secretly in his heart, compared to Bo Xingzhi's wife... This situation is really small, not a star.

Hey, she sometimes has to admit that Ruan Su is really a very good opponent. Unfortunately, it can only be the enemy, the opponent.

They couldn't have been in one faction from the start.

It's a pity to think about it!

Jing Sa slowly took the seal from Jin Aimi's hand. The seal was made of gold and strung with a red ribbon. It was a status symbol, symbolizing that Bo Xingzhi could give any order at the border with this seal.

"Okay, it's still your aunt and me, let's put it on for you!"

Saying that, she walked up to Bo Xingzhi and put the seal on Bo Xingzhi's neck.

Even when he accepted the seal, the man was tall and straight, and did not bow his head in front of Jing Sa because of his height.

It is impossible for him to bow his head in front of this woman in this life!

Jing Sa didn't mind this small detail.

After putting on the seal, she stretched out her hand towards Jin Aimi, "Miss Jin, please!"

Jin Aimi held Jing Sa's hand tremblingly, she could only hold back the pain of not crying by biting her lower lip.

Shame, so shameful!

Shame in front of the whole city!

Shame in front of all the family!

She hardly dared to look at everyone, she kept her eyes down, and followed Jing Sa to step down in a hurry.

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