Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1063: What if it was a real daughter

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows, looking at these comments and these hot likes and forwards, she was very speechless.

"Isn't it just embroidery? Why are so many people paying attention?"

"Maybe it's because this is a more traditional culture?" Song Jiayan smiled and started replying to the comments below. "But thanks to you, the fans have risen so fast."

She raised her eyes and glanced at Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, how about I start a live broadcast?"

"Do you still want to be an internet celebrity?" Mrs. Ye looked up at her.

"Mom, I'm not bored at home, why don't I just try it?" Song Jiayan said and applied for live broadcast permission in the background.

Now in this era where everyone can live broadcast, in the era of seizing traffic, whoever can grab the traffic can seize the opportunity.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, then turned on the live broadcast.

When the live broadcast was aimed at Ruan Su who was embroidering, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to swish.

"What did I see?"

"My mother! It's really Ruan Su who is embroidering!"

"I couldn't believe my eyes."

The bullet screen is constantly bombarded, and all kinds of bullet screens pop up.

And the fans' gifts were also swishing up. It didn't take long for Song Jiayan's live broadcast room to rush to the first place on the gift list.


It immediately attracted the attention of many big internet celebrities. Some internet celebrities didn't even broadcast live broadcasts. They simply ran over and hung up in Song Jiayan's live broadcast room, and also began to watch Ruan Su's live embroidery.

And the popularity couldn't be stopped, and it rushed directly to the hot search list.

More and more people are pouring into the live broadcast room.

Even many acquaintances ran in.

When Jian Qiqi came in, he dumped several carnivals. Li Yanbei and Ji Youyou were not to be outdone. The carnival was whizzing, and the rocket was whizzing.

Song Jiayan was so frightened that her face changed, and she said in a trembling voice, "I have never seen such a big scene in my life, and now the number of people online in my live broadcast room has reached 10+... I will withdraw this gift and I will donate it. , donate to the children in the mountains, donate to the children with special diseases in need. Don't worry... Our Ye family will not touch the money. "

Mrs. Ye did not expect that an unintentional live broadcast would become so popular and so many people watched it.

She also quickly came over to stand beside Song Jiayan and said, "This live broadcast is also accidentally Jiayan wants to start a live broadcast, but it is just for fun. I didn't expect it to attract everyone's attention. Do you have any bad thoughts about our Ye family?"

"Yes, yes." Song Jiayan said while pointing the camera at Ruan Su, "Everyone, please see Xiao Su has already embroidered Doraemon, and now she is going to embroider on another dress. Yes, Because today is Children's Day, this is the clothes she made by herself and will be given to the three children."

"Oh my God! Xiao Su, there is a well-known children's brand that wants to buy your embroidery patent, and wants to produce a batch of Doraemon children's clothes that you embroidered."

After Ruan Su heard Song Jiayan's words, she looked up lazily at the camera, and the moment she looked up, the live broadcast room exploded again.

"My goddess is so beautiful! Even in simple home clothes, she is still as beautiful as a fairy."

"It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

"The moment you look up, you can be consecrated directly."

The bullet screen kept swiping, and Ruan Su's voice sounded faintly, "I'm sorry, I made this myself for my children, so I don't plan to sell it."

The children's clothing boss immediately swiped the barrage on the public screen, "Sorry!"

Ruan Su's expression was still light, "This is a limited edition, so I'm sorry."

After speaking, she ignored these fans and continued to make clothes.

The enthusiasm in the live broadcast room was still high, until another carnival rushed out. Song Jiayan suddenly looked at the screen of the live broadcast room. She was shocked, "Mr. Jin?! You are here too?"

Because... the ID of this carnival has only three characters: Kim Nam Hyuk.

Kim Namhyuk doesn't change his name or surname, and he's not a young man, so he didn't have the idea of ​​picking up some weird nickname, so he was still called Kim Namhyuk.

He typed a line on the public screen, "Come and support my little friend Xiaosu, Xiaosu's embroidery is truly unique. My brother Chihe used to give me Xiaosu's work, but I didn't know it at the time. That's what Xiao Su embroidered... Xiao Su is truly a talented woman unparalleled in the world."

As soon as these words came out, they exploded in an instant.

This is tantamount to hitting his adopted daughter Jin Aimi in the face.

It was his father who beat him himself.

Who doesn't know that Jin Aimi's show and operation in the practice ceremony two days ago?

Jin Aimi also used a trumpet in the live broadcast room, but she didn't want to use a large one.

She never thought that Jin Nanhe would praise Ruan Su fiercely in front of so many people.

She was so angry that she sent several reports in a row, and wanted to report Song Jiayan as a live broadcast room, hoping that the live broadcast room would be banned.


However, it didn't work, and soon the official sent her feedback: I didn't find any illegal operations in the live broadcast room, thank you for your report.

Jin Aimi was so angry that her whole body hurt, what happened to this trash Ruan Su? Do you think you can handle embroidery with one hand?

Kim Nam-hyuk went through ten carnivals in a row and became the biggest brother on the list. By the way, he also posted a public screen, "Donations to children in need are also counted for me."

He, the big guy, has taken the lead and set a good example, so others will definitely work harder.

So the gift was thrown up again, and the atmosphere was in full swing.

It is directly the posture of the top first-line net red.

Song Jiayan's live broadcast room has attracted too much traffic, and the traffic of other Internet celebrities' live broadcast rooms has declined seriously, but others can only sigh helplessly as there are fewer and fewer people in their own live broadcast rooms.

Even a little open-minded said, "Oh, it's not broadcast anymore, I'm going to see Ruan Su."

"It's rare for Ruan Su to live broadcast once, so I'm going to go see her."

"Everyone, go and see Ruan Su!"

Ruan Su watched more and more people in the live broadcast room, especially when Jin Nanhe sent so many gifts, she couldn't help but say, "Since Mr. Jin is so loving, I'll give you an embroidered handkerchief too. "

She thought about it and said, "I wonder what pattern Mr. Jin likes?"

Kim Nam Hyuk's mind went blank for a moment, she offered to give herself an embroidered handkerchief?

Her embroidery is a work of art, so she promised to give it to herself so casually? After all, how much does ten carnivals cost? Her embroidery is priceless.

He was stunned for a while before replying, "Orchid."

Once... that woman also embroidered orchids.

Ruan Su nodded, "Okay. I'll embroider for you when I finish making the children's clothes."

She said it very simply, like eating and drinking.

Immediately, those fans began to swipe gifts like crazy, "If ten carnivals can be exchanged for one embroidery, I will also swipe ten!"

The carnival was like crazy like it didn't want money.

When has Song Jiayan ever seen such a scene, her hand holding the phone is sore, trembling, trembling, and her voice is shaking, "Dear friends, fans, old iron, be rational. Xiao Su this embroidery It's not easy to get the product, President Jin and Xiao Su are friends and have friendship!"

"So Xiao Su will only send Mr. Jin alone, you guys, Xiao Su will not give it."

Immediately, many people began to send a barrage of disappointment.

Ruan Su saw that they were really enthusiastic, so he said to the camera, "You can send a lucky bag, draw a fan, and give him an embroidered handkerchief. Let's see who the lucky one is."

Saying that, she asked Song Jiayan to send out a lucky bag.

So these fans scrambled to participate in the lucky bag, hoping to be the lucky one.

At this moment, Jin Nanhe was sitting in the Jin family's own study, holding his mobile phone and watching the live broadcast room above, watching the picture of Ruan Su in the live broadcast room bowing his head and embroidering.

Before my eyes, the beautiful face of the woman I remembered drifted past unconsciously. At that time, she was drugged...but charming.

After so many years, where is she?

He just stared at the phone blankly, watching Ruan Su make the child's clothes, and then began to embroider orchids.

Exactly the same orchid appears on the embroidered cloth, the same stitching method, but the person has changed.

She is that woman's daughter.

Could such an amazing woman only exist in his memory in this life?

He closed his eyes in pain.

At this moment, the door of the study was opened, and the familiar footsteps sounded.

"Brother, are you watching Xiao Su's live broadcast?" Jin Chihe's hearty voice sounded in his ears, he had already walked over, stretched his head and looked at the phone screen, for some unknown reason, he suddenly burst out a sentence, "Brother, Do you think Xiao Su's eyebrows look a lot like yours?"

"How is that possible? She's a girl..." Jin Nanhe's words got stuck in the middle of his speech, and he didn't know why a bold idea suddenly flashed into his mind.

He stared at Ruan Su tightly with his eyes, staring at her every move, not letting go of any of her expressions.

Maybe, maybe...

is that true?

His sharp eyes looked out the window, then he exited the live broadcast room, stood up and walked to the window, his tall and straight figure gave people an invisible pressure, he pursed his lips, and then made a phone call.

"Help me investigate the H Empire's..."

"Yes, I want his blood sample, I must get it quickly."

"Find out when he got married."

"Immediately, I hope sooner rather than later, without delay."

After he ordered his subordinates, he returned to his chair and re-entered the live broadcast room.

He stared at Ruan Su intently, it would be great if it was true...

If true...he died without a trace.

Jin Chihyuk looked at him so strangely, "Brother, what are you thinking? What is that **** man doing? What is he worth investigating?"

"You don't understand." Jin Nanhyuk smiled, but said nothing.

I've been sick for two days and I'm not feeling well... So the update is not as timely as before, sorry~~~

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