Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 1067: That's a premium chip!

Ruan Su hooked the corners of his lips, this fake seemed to be looking for something very important, not related to money.

He successfully opened the two safes, and rummaged inside but couldn't find what he wanted.

Finally, he looked at the time and had to give up and leave.

He quietly opened the door of the study, then stretched out his head to look in the corridor, and after finding that there was no one, he quietly walked out of the study and closed the door.

Just as he tiptoed around the corner and went downstairs, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Uncle, why did you go upstairs without sleeping in the middle of the night?"

He turned back sharply and was startled, almost screaming out of fear.

He stared at Ruan Su who suddenly appeared behind him in horror, and when he was about to show his trademark smirk, he saw that Ruan Su had come to him.

She looked at him with a smile, but her eyes were unpredictable, "Why don't you speak? Uncle?"

She approached the impostor and said in a low voice, "Are you sleepwalking? It seems that I have to take you to see a doctor again to cure your sleepwalking."

"Hehe - I'm so hungry - I'm so hungry - I want to eat chicken legs, I want to eat chicken legs." The impostor looked like he couldn't understand her words, and he was drooling foolishly and said something in his mouth. Cloud words.

As he spoke, he secretly said in his heart that it seemed that Ruan Su did not doubt himself.


When he was secretly rejoicing, Ruan Su grabbed his arm, "Want to eat chicken legs? There is something in the kitchen refrigerator."

"Chicken drumsticks...chicken drumsticks..." The impostor muttered to himself.

Ruan Su dragged him downstairs, "Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen. You really don't go to the kitchen to find something to eat when you're hungry, what are you doing upstairs?"

The impostor followed Ruan Su all the way to the kitchen, and then saw Ruan Su take out the roast chicken legs from the refrigerator and put it in the microwave to heat it up and put it in front of him.

"Eat it, hot."

The impostor looked at the three big drumsticks in front of him and complained in his heart, he didn't want to eat it at all, okay?

He is not hungry at all.

But in order not to make Ruan Su suspect him, he had to pick up one of the smaller chicken legs and start nibbling, talking while nibbling. "Big drumsticks are delicious, drumsticks!"

He thought Ruan Su would go back to the room, but Ruan Su actually sat down and took an apple while watching him nibble on the chicken thigh and eat the apple.

He ate it with nausea in his stomach, but he didn't dare not to eat it.

He could only bite the chicken legs, but after eating one, he thought Ruan Su would leave. Unexpectedly, Ruan Su took another chicken leg and handed it to him, "Eat a little more, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable if you are hungry and can't sleep."

The impostor almost cried, did he make a mistake?

Want to eat again?

Under Ruan Su's concerned gaze, he had no choice but to take the chicken leg and eat it again.

Ruan Su smiled and threw the apple core in his hand into the trash while watching him eat chicken legs.

Don't want to eat? Then eat more.

I'll see when you put it on.

In this silent night, the two of them were sitting in the restaurant, eating and watching by themselves.

After about half an hour passed like this, the counterfeit finally endured his nausea and ate all the three chicken legs.

Ruan Su then stood up and helped him up, "Uncle, don't come out after midnight, I'll take you back to your room."

Grass is gone! At this moment, the impostor's stomach turned upside down, and his stomach was about to burst.

Is there any time to take care of her?

He walked quickly back to his room, and as soon as he got back, he ran into the bathroom to vomit.

Ruan Su stood outside the door and never left. Hearing his vomiting, he couldn't help but let out a sneer. What is the real Ye family?



In the early morning, the brothers got up lazily one by one.

After two days of training, they all suffered from backache and leg cramps.

If it wasn't for Cheng Ye calling them up one by one, they would not be able to get up because of the pain.

After standing on the training ground, he looked like he didn't look good.

Bo Xingzhi looked at them with eyes like torches, "Get up, I guarantee that you will see obvious results in a week. The pain in your body these two days is caused by your infrequent exercise. If you insist on training every day. , you will soon see a different version of yourself."

"The next step is to train all, who dares to be lazy and be found by me to carry 10 kilometers immediately!"

Everyone answered in unison, "Yes!"

Bo Xingzhi glanced at everyone, "Didn't you eat? Speak louder!"

Hearing this, everyone answered loudly, "Yes!"

After Zhentianxiang's answer, today's training began.

But Lian Cheng was still sleeping late in his tent.

Bo Xingzhi didn't force him to train, after all...Lian Cheng, who used to be the chief here, seemed to be very disdainful of his training method.

But it doesn't matter, even the achievements will be slapped in the face soon.

He thought confidently.

It was almost noon when Lian Cheng woke up, and he heard the alarm sound as soon as he woke up.

"Beep! Beep!" The siren siren sounded endlessly.

He hurriedly put on his coat and rushed out, shouting loudly, "The refugees are here, come and resist!"

At this time, Bo Xingzhi and Cheng Ye also rushed out, and immediately rushed out with everyone holding their weapons.

After about an hour, everyone came back tired.

For the wounded, a doctor accompanying the army came to help the wounded brothers bandage and treat the wound.

Lian Cheng was also injured. He slumped to the ground tiredly, looking at the injured brothers. He was shocked to find that the number of people injured this time was nearly one-third less than the last time.

He was a little surprised.

I saw Bo Xingzhi taking Cheng Ye to apply medicine and bandage to some brothers who only suffered skin trauma.

"Are you good at medicine?" Lian Cheng looked at Bo Xingzhi in surprise. In his eyes, this is a young master who only knows how to eat, drink, and play.

Bo Xingzhi just glanced at him lightly, "My wife is a doctor, and I learned some simple dressings from her."

Even into:"……"

When he was wondering here, he heard several brothers say, "Brother Lian, thanks to Bo Shaoyou for training us this time, when we faced those refugees today, it was obvious that our physical strength had improved in all aspects. ."

"That's right! I have a lot of energy today! I didn't expect that after training for only two days, my strength has increased a lot."

"Yeah, I feel that my kung fu has improved, and the moves learned by Bo Shao can be used, and I will be knocked out with one punch!"

"This time, there are fewer brothers who were injured!"

"That's right! Thank you, Mr. Bo!"

"If Young Master Bo hadn't taught us kung fu and helped us train, we'd be walking back and forth!"

The big guy was chatting and laughing there.

Those brothers who were injured were not discouraged, and they were sincerely happy to see that this time their loss was not as serious as before.

Lian Cheng was very curious, but he was too embarrassed to ask.

He really wanted to know how Bo Xingzhi trained them and what moves he taught them.

Another day later, Lian Chengcheng woke up early in the morning. After he got up, he ran to the training ground to wait for everyone.

Gradually, at six o'clock, the big guys arrived one after another.

Bo Xingzhi and Cheng Ye also arrived.

Everyone was a little surprised to see Lian Chengzai.

"Yo, even brother, why did you come out?"

"That's right, aren't you coming to practice?"

Lian Cheng scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "Don't I also want to improve? I used to be too lazy."

He didn't dare to say that he didn't come because he didn't like Bo Xingzhi's method.

Bo Xingzhi's thin lips pulled out a smile, "Since you're here, let's go together."

There was a trace of unnaturalness on Lian Cheng's face, and his bronze-colored face was also flushed, black and red. He stood at the back of the team embarrassedly and began to train with everyone.


The research laboratory building of the Bo Group.

Ruan Su sat in the conference room anxiously waiting for the arrival of the two experts.

Just an hour later, she got a call, saying that the little black thing had come to fruition.

She looked at the time, she had been sitting in this meeting room for more than ten minutes, but the expert had not yet appeared.

She let out a long breath, maybe they were still busy.

Just then, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Li Ke led two experts, Fu Xi and Liu Ming, and walked in together.

"Mrs. Bo, I've made you wait for a long time." Chief Li said embarrassedly, "Just now, the two experts confirmed the results again, and they came out of the laboratory."

Ruan Su stood up with a faint smile, "It doesn't matter. After so many days of waiting, what's the point of waiting a little longer?"

As she said that, she looked at the two experts, Fu Xi and Liu Ming, "You two have been working hard recently, can you tell me the result? What is that little black thing Kong? Have you researched it?"

Fu Xi and Liu Ming glanced at each other, and Fu Xi handed over a report to Ruan Su, "Mrs. Bo, take a look at this report first."

Ruan Su nodded and opened the report. The report was not very thick, only two short pages.

When she saw the results of the report, her eyes widened in shock. "This is... this turned out to be a positioning chip?"

Fu Xi nodded heavily, "Yes, this is a GPS positioning chip implanted into your patient's ankle using high-tech means. That is to say, no matter where this person goes, the person who implanted the chip can find his location. . Now after you take out this chip, that person can't find his whereabouts, and there is no way to control him."

"This... No wonder his ankle will rot and become diseased." Ruan Su looked at the report speechlessly, "I didn't expect such a high-tech existence now."

Liu Ming looked at Ruan Su and said, "Under normal circumstances, this chip will not cause his legs to rot, but because his legs are sick, so... there will be a rejection reaction. I'm just as simple as that. speculation."

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