Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 112: : Mr. Bo Xian is courteous to please her!

Step on the accelerator and accelerate directly.

The car is speeding on the highway like an off-string arrow.

When the car behind saw her speeding up, it speeded up immediately and chased her wildly.

Two cars, like a racing car, were racing on the highway in the dark night.

Ruan Su manipulated the steering wheel skillfully and did not give the other party any chance to catch up with her.

Especially when she turned into a bend, this road has a lot of bends, without superb technology, if she is not careful, she will not have time to turn and hit the railing.

The driver behind almost tried his best to operate, but he still couldn't catch up with Ruan Su.


"Did this woman hire a driver? Why did she drive so hard?"

"No, it seems she drove it herself!"

"She is so skilled?"

The men in the car behind were tortured by the curve and were about to vomit.

Could not help yelling.

"Sixth, you drive well! Ah--"




With a few screams, the car made a loud noise and mentioned it to the railing.

The engine cover was smoking.

Several people quickly opened the door of the car and rushed out.

The people who had been knocked out of nowhere, stumbled and rushed out, and some were even injured, bleeding from their heads.

And the white Land Rover in front of it has long since disappeared without a trace!

Ruan Su saw the squashed car in the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but smile at the corner of his lips.


Want to chase her?

Next life!


Early the next morning.

Ruan Su got up as usual, and after breakfast, he was going to the studio.


Just opened the door of the villa.

She stared her eyes wide and looked at the automatic loading and unloading truck at the door with a shocked look on her face.

The automatic loading and unloading trucks are filled with boxes of international brands.

There are about a hundred boxes stacked together.

Don't think about it... it's either clothes or shoes, or bags.

The driver saw her and said immediately, "Ms. Ruan? These are all gifts that Mr. Bo brought back to you from the UK. Where do you want to put them?"

Ruan Su raised his eyes and saw the Bentley not far from the gate.

The man was walking towards her with a pair of long slender legs.

He was bathed in the golden sunlight of the morning, like a **** stepping out of the morning light, handsome and invincible.

Those gloomy eyes stared at Ruan Su's pretty figure gloomily.

The woman wore a crescent-white dress, long black hair, and her skin white as snow, especially her eyes, which seemed to be brighter and brighter than the stars in the sky.

The glow of water was even more touching, arousing love, and people couldn't help but want to hug her and take care of her.

Bo Xingzhi only felt that his heart was hit hard by something.

He came to Ruan Su and looked down at her condescendingly, "Do you like it?"

Ruan Su: "..."

Can you not be so profligate like an explosive household?

It's not a 2.8 billion community, or 999 roses filled with gypsophila. It's all right now... There is another car of luxury goods...

What's in this man's head is nothing but buying, buying and buying?

She took a deep breath, "Thinking of it, can you do something meaningful? This way you will make me feel that you are very tasteless and like to spend money."

Bo Xingzhi was choked, spending money was wrong, and trenching was wrong.

So what should he do?

"I ask Mrs. Bo for advice."

"Don't call me Mrs. Bo. I'm going to the studio, I'm very busy." Ruan Su glanced at the hundreds of boxes in the car and shook his head helplessly.

"These are all the latest international brands. Don't you even take a look? There is always one you will like." Bo Xingzhi said coldly.

After seeing Ruan Su obviously didn't have any interest in the gifts he brought back.

His expression became sullen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There seemed to be a great sense of oppression in the air.

The flight attendant in his crew saw the new bag as crazy, but she could only buy one or two.

He gave this woman so much, she even dismissed it.

The man's eyes were dark, full of suffocating oppression.

Ruan Su couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

She doesn't lack these things, but she didn't expect Bo Xingzhi to be so crazy and so nervous.

Since the divorce, his neurosis has become more and more serious.

Very sick.

But she also knows Bo Xingzhi very well. If she refuses, or if she does other behaviors, this man will definitely go crazy and will stop her from letting her go.

She has to go to the studio. She has always been a very responsible person. It is impossible to take the burden handed over by Mayor Xie, but it is not easy to carry it out.

She was in a hurry, so she could only say to the driver in the car, "Take it back to the villa and let the servant pack it in the cloakroom."

Thin Xingzhi's lips twitched slightly, "If you accept my gift, it's mine."

"You are wrong, I just accept it temporarily. In the future, you have a new wife, so I will give her all these things." Ruan Su finished speaking and was about to drive his own Land Rover.

Bo Xingzhi's big palm suddenly clasped her wrist, "I'll give it to you."

Without knowing it, the man stuffed her into the Bentley.

Song Yan sighed secretly, the young master was really domineering.

"What are you thinking about?"

The silent atmosphere in the car was finally broken by the man's magnetic voice.

Bo Xingzhi stared at her small face with eagle-like sharp eyes, as if he wanted to see through her, making her invisible.

Ruan Su lowered her head, and her long black hair spread out like dense seaweed. Her black hair covered her profile and her thoughts.


Vaguely saw her red lips move slightly.

The voice was very soft, but it penetrated the man's eardrum with lethal tension.

It hit his heart so hard that he couldn't bear it anymore.

He always knew she was beautiful, amazingly beautiful.

But since the divorce, she has become even more beautiful, and even the beautifully designed jewelry is not as charming as the breath of her body.

Ruan Su hadn't reacted yet, his body had been locked into Bo Xingzhi's strong arms.

The man's breath exudes fatal danger.

She didn't even have a chance to struggle. The man's strength was so great that she couldn't get rid of it.

The man's warm and eager lips were pressed instantly, and her cherry lips fell into the man's mouth.

The cold breath is always domineering, plundering all her sweetness and fragrance to her heart's content.

Ruan Su's head was blank.

Raid her early in the morning? !

The man's domineering and strong masculine breath came to his face.

Ruan Su's whole person seemed to fall into the clouds.

After enjoying the sweetness of women.

Bo Xingzhi only then satisfactorily let go of her delicate lips like cherry blossoms.

Black diamond eyes looked at the woman's shortness of breath.

Her cheeks were stained with attractive crimson.

The man's eyes became greedy. A terrifying and dangerous light flashed.

He had known Ruan Su's beautiful fairy breath a long time ago.

Knowing that she is a stunner who will make all men lose their minds.

Even just such a simple kiss makes him unable to hold on to himself.

What kind of magic did this little woman plant on him?

Make him want to stop so much? Inextricable?

"Bo Xingzhi, are you still endless? Don't think..." You saved my last poisonous attack, and you can do whatever you want!

Ruan Su did not dare to speak out.

She tried to struggle from the embrace of the thin line.

On the contrary, Bo Xingzhi held him tighter.

The strong muscles clung to her soft body tightly.

Ruan Su is not a fool, nor a child. No matter how stupid she is, she knows... what this terrifying strength of a man represents.

She moved a little nervously.

"do not move!"

The dull voice was full of depression and forbearance.

It seems to be about to explode, as if it will explode at any time.

The man's hot breath sprayed her ears, almost burning her.

Bo Xingzhan's eyes are scarlet, as if he is a beast.

And the car had stopped by a remote side road without knowing it.

Song Yan... got out of the car very discerning and squatted on the side of the road to smoke.

And thin Xingzhi's strong arms tightly confined Ruan Su's waist, buried her head in her neck, greedily sucking the faint fragrance of her body.

This charming breath made him feel at ease, and his irritability was finally fully relieved.

This man seemed to eat her, especially now that he was still on the road. Although he could not see clearly through the glass, Ruan Su felt uncomfortable.

"Bo Xingzhi, be rational, I have to go to the studio!" Ruan Su wanted to slap him and slap his head to pieces.

"I'll sleep for a while..." Bo Xingzhi's whispered voice was seductive, lazy and **** enough to make almost all women blush and heartbeat.

He smiled lowly, and his big hand firmly clasped her waist.

The interior of the luxurious Bentley is huge, but Ruan Su feels as if trapped in a small cage.

There is no way to escape the entanglement of men.

As the temperature inside the car rises sharply, the unspeakable entanglement carries a strange feeling.

But soon, this feeling gradually dissipated.

Only the man’s unique clear breath remained, lingering in his nose.

Ruan Su tilted his head and saw...Bo Xingzhi actually fell asleep holding her.


Is she a human-shaped pillow?

Why does this man always run over to find her, and then hug her to sleep?

Song Yan squatted on the side of the road and smoked a cigarette, but did not notice any signs of vibration in the car.

He couldn't help scratching his head. The young master's posture just now seemed to swallow Miss Ruan into his abdomen. Why did he stop now?

He got into the car with wonder, and saw...Bo Xingzhi fell asleep again.

He started the car directly, and whispered to Ruan Su, "Master flew to London yesterday and flew back at night. He has never closed his eyes and rested."

Therefore, the young master was sleepy and tired.

Ruan Su sighed helplessly, "What's the situation with your young master? Can't I sleep without me every day?"

"The answer is correct." Song Yan also discovered this. "It seems that the young master is by Ms. Ruan's side and falls asleep very quickly. As long as you leave Ms. Ruan, you will lose sleep."

"How can I be so mysterious as you said?" Ruan Su helplessly.

Ask for a monthly pass~~~ Ask for a monthly pass~~~ If you have a ticket, hurry over and sprinkle it~~~Love the babies~~~ Just ask Mumeng: It’s more uncomfortable~~~?

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