Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 118: : You can treat me as a lunatic

I am afraid that Cheng Ziyin has killed her thousands of times.

The gaze, as if poisoned, came through the heart, with suffocating coldness and resentment.

"You can be here, why can't I be here?" Ruan Su's eyes filled with sarcasm, and Ziyin was about to leave as soon as possible.

However, the thin line stops faster.

The man didn't know when he got up from the dining table, stretched out his palm, and clasped her wrist firmly, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"Didn't someone do it for you?" Ruan Su looked cold.

"I only eat what you make." Bo Xingzhi looked down at her, "You made delicious."

"I saw trash early in the morning, I was not in the mood to do it." Ruan Su threw away the man's hand and walked towards the door.

Bo Xingzhi strode to keep up.

Cheng Ziyin watched this scene bitterly, she was about to chase after her, but was stopped by the housekeeper.

He said to Cheng Ziyin with a serious face, "Miss Cheng, please don't make me embarrassed again. Master said clearly just now that you are not allowed to step in here."

This woman pretended to be a mistress, and she insisted on going into the kitchen to direct her, and now his old face was lost.

If it weren't for the young master's thoughts that he couldn't figure out, he would have driven the woman out for the young master long ago.

Now the young master has made it clear that there is only one hostess of Jiangsong Villa, so don't blame him for being polite!

Cheng Ziyin glanced impatiently at the housekeeper, old stuff!

When I succeed in taking the post of Mrs. Bo, I will be the first to ask you to get out.

Bo Xingzhi chased out and saw Ruan Su who was walking ahead.

The woman's footsteps are extremely fast.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her slim back. A bloodthirsty breath surged throughout his body.

It's like the restless, wild breath in the blood when hunters go hunting.

All over his body.

Almost, Almost!

He can catch up with her in just a few steps!

Ruan Su just wanted to leave Jiangsong Villa and stop a taxi.

A man like a demon appeared in her life at any time, disturbing her peaceful life.

This makes her feel very upset.

Accompany flying?

Accompany a hammer!


The man hit with a big palm.

She clasped her wrist tightly.

Ruan Su frowned and wanted to throw it away.

"Where are you going?" The man's voice was cold and graceful, like a beast that had been lurking for a long time, waiting to attack!

Ruan Su glanced at the tall man in front of him, "You can't control it."

The man's voice is still low and elegant, "My wife, don't make trouble."

"Bo Xingzhi, what on earth do you want to do?" Ruan Su glared at him irritably.

"You have always been what I want to do, you don't know?" Bo Xingzhi suddenly laughed, and the deep laughter penetrated Ruan Su's eardrums.

She could almost feel the man's chest shaking when he laughed.

"Don't get nervous!" Ruan Su raised his angrily and kicked him.

But the other hand of the man directly grabbed her foot. Before she could react, the man grabbed her thin white ankle.

The big palm hotly touched her skin, bringing a shuddering tingling sensation.

In the villa area.

The man is stalwart and handsome, and can't help but arouse the eyes of the girls in the past.

There were even a few girls who wanted to take pictures, but were stopped by the man's cold eyes.

He stood in place, and the sunlight shining on every part of his body was as perfect as the hand of God.

He silently looked at the young woman in front of him who was as fresh and refined as a porcelain doll.

She obviously only wore the simplest white T, but it was enough to stir his heartstrings.

Ruan Su looked at Bo Xingzhi.

His eagle-like eyes locked her tightly, and a large palm clasped her ankle.

The two of them are just like the pictures in the movie.

All the people around me, no matter the scenery, all passed by like a phantom.

Only the two of them were left.

Undercurrents rushed between his eyes.

Men want to conquer, women want to resist!

The two eyes intertwined with each other across the air, as if everything around was air.

Cheng Ziyin chased over and saw this scene.

She stared at Ruan Su bitterly, this woman actually spent the night in Jiangsong Villa last night!

She was cooking and making coffee early in the morning, but what she got was a slap in the face!

Now Bo Xingzhi is still holding this woman's feet!

This ambiguous atmosphere almost showed that Cheng Ziyin was about to collapse.


Why can Ruan Su be able to climb onto the bed of Bo Xingzhi, why did she suffer inhuman torture last night and be rounded by so many hooligans!

Cheng Ziyin is going crazy! She was forcibly enduring the body's soreness, to please me, what did she get?

The morning breeze stroked Ruan Su's long hair, and she was as beautiful as a painting.

"Thin line stop, let go!"

She stared into the man's eyes and spoke quietly.

The corners of the thin lips twitched gently, "Fly with me."

He laughed so much that he wanted to smash his handsome face!

"Bo Xingzhi, can you not be so naive?" Ruan Su's tone was questioning and irritable.

"Hey, today I fly to Serbia. This country is beautiful." Bo Xingzhi smiled even more proudly. Seeing Ruan Su acting like he was unable to do anything, a touch of satisfaction rose in his heart.

Obviously he is entangled in everything, but he still looks indifferent.

Really had enough of Ruan Su.

All this upset her.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her small face, raised his eyebrows and said quietly, "Don't be angry, it's easy to get wrinkles when angry."

"I'm only twenty-two, I can grow as long as I want!"

Ruan Su gritted his teeth and said coldly.

Bo Xingzhi seemed to have heard some funny joke, the corners of his lips were hooked, and a faint smile appeared under his eyes, "Long wrinkles are not pretty anymore. It doesn't look good in a wedding dress when I look back.

"Who said I want to wear a wedding dress?" Ruan Su said angrily, a mess in his heart.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the studio." Bo Xingzhi said, he pulled Ruan Su into his arms with a strong force, hugged her sideways, and walked towards the garage.

Ruan Su looked at him bitterly, his teeth tickling with anger.

Cheng Ziyin had been ignored by the two of them standing in the same place as the background board. At this time, seeing Bo Xingzhi holding Ruan Su into the car, she hurriedly followed and patted the car door, "Brother Xingzhi! Where are you going?"

Bo Xingzhi lowered the car window, his icy face seemed to be covered with frost, "Cheng Ziyin, you better stay away from me. I'm really afraid that some dirty germs will be transmitted to me. If you dare to show up to me in the future In front of you, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Brother Xingzhi...Don't..." Cheng Ziyin was stiff in place.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. What did she hear?


She seemed to have been poured ice water on her head, could it be that Bo Xingzhi already knew what happened last night?

Do not!


How would he know?

Not even her parents and family members.

The Bentley drove out of the villa area.

Ruan Su sat in the car and looked at the man who was driving.

His cold and cruel attitude towards Cheng Ziyin just now was very different from his previous attitude towards Cheng Ziyin.

What happened when she didn't know it?

"Bo Xingzhi, I am very busy today, and I have no time to fly with you." Ruan Su's voice was as cold as a small ice bead falling into a jade plate.

The corners of thin Xingzhi's lips caught a trace of sensuality. Perhaps Ruan Su's cold appearance would scare others, but in his eyes it was fierce.

Those black and white apricot eyes were full of resistance, and they were a hundred times more charming than the cunning looks when they were married before.

She will always have a way to make his blood boil.

[Author's words: Mr. Bo, let me count, you have masochism. 】

"It's okay, you just finished my flight at 7 o'clock in the evening." Bo Xingzhi glanced at Ruan Su, his tone light and breezy.

The whole car was filled with the strong masculine atmosphere of a man, and his face was now lazy like a cheetah basking in the sun.

But he still couldn't conceal his brutality.

Ruan Su especially wanted to get rid of Bo Xingzhi.

However, she needed this man again when she was venomous.

She has mixed feelings in her heart.

Sometimes, the feeling of being involuntary is particularly uncomfortable.

"My wife, don't always want to escape me, otherwise I don't mind building a golden cage and shut you in." The smile on the corners of Bo Xingzhi's lips gradually faded.

A cold and heavy fog rises under the eyes, making people seem to lose their direction once they enter.

The temperature in the entire car dropped slowly, making people feel a biting chill.

"Bo Xingzhi." Ruan Su's voice was also cold, faintly forming a strong confrontation with the man. "You can give it a try! Is the fish dead or the net broken!"

This is the real face of this man. The noble son who had been estranged in the four-year marriage was the illusion of Ruan Su.

He is such a man.

Domineering and arrogant can't be forever.

Noble, cold and tyrannical.

She couldn't see him.

I don't understand why she stalked after the divorce and forced her so tight that she almost didn't even have a chance to breathe.

"My wife, I just want to go back to the past. Isn't it possible?"

The car is driving on the highway.

The morning sun poured in from the front of the windshield and gradually fell on the handsome face of the man.

"Of course it's impossible." Ruan Su blurted out without thinking about it.

The current situation is really getting ridiculous.

This man wants to go back to the past?

He proposed the divorce!

A hint of sarcasm flashed through her eyes.

Bo Xingzhi all looked at the bottom of his eyes, and his thin lips twitched lightly. Every expression, every movement, and every word of this little woman were all tied to his heart.

Maybe it is because she is too mysterious, so she is curious.

Bo Xingzhi comforted himself.

He believed that he would be able to peel all the secrets of Ruan Su like an onion!

"Wife, don't answer me in a hurry." Bo Xingzhi's eagle-like eyes traversed Ruan Su's pretty face, and the corners of his lips pursed slightly unpleasantly.

It's as thin as ice.

"Bo Xingzhi, you figure it out, we can't be together."

Ruan Su's words just fell.

The man's big hand suddenly stretched out and held her hand, his movement suddenly vigorously.

Ruan Su couldn't help but break free, but the man got tighter and tighter!

The gloomy eyes swept over her jade-like white face and evil lips, "You should be a lunatic."

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