Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 120: : President Bo is domineering and inhumane

They often close themselves in an isolated space and never want to come out again.

For some reason, she felt cordial when she saw Li Zhuoyan. It was a kind of cordiality that was born spontaneously and could not be replaced by anything else.

It was exactly the same as when I saw Madam Xie.

Kind, natural, intimacy, want to be close to...

She has always been cold-tempered and seldom gets close to others.

However, Mrs. Xie is one, and now Li Zhuoyan is another.

This little girl is too cuddly.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Ruan Su came out of the studio.

She stopped a taxi directly and headed towards the airport.

She wants to leave Jiangcheng before Bo Xingzhi.

She doesn't want to accompany Bo Xingzhi to fly or something, Meican does not venomous hair, why does she stick to Bo Xingzhi?

[The author Jun replaces Bo with some root wax, he is a tool man. 】

What she didn't expect was that she had just got off the taxi.

Suddenly twenty or thirty people in black came out from all directions and surrounded her.

"Miss Ruan, are you here to accompany Bo Zongfei?"

The headed man in black is a burly figure, and at first glance he looks like a Lianjiazi.

Ruan Su looked at the menacing black-clothed men blankly, **** thinly.

She must have been sent to follow her as early as when she was out of the studio.

She didn't even notice it!

When did this man have so many followers with stalking skills?

She didn't even notice Ruan Su?

In fact, she was eager to escape...ignoring the tracking behind her.

She sneered, "Why do you want to stop me?"

The body of the woman was like a swallow, leaping into the air.

Move in an instant.

These men came prepared.

"I have long heard that Miss Ruan is so skilled, let our brothers have a try today." The man in the lead gave an order, and all the men immediately attacked Ruan Su.

The airport was originally crowded.

Seeing this scene, I was shocked.

Some passengers even stopped to watch, and some were timid, lest they would be affected, and hurriedly hide away.

But I couldn't help being curious and wanted to see it.

Everyone was shocked!

Many passersby started to shoot and start to record videos.


"This woman is so strong! She kicked five men away!"

"Ah! My God, she knocked down two men with another fist!"

"Ahhhhh! Contemporary martial arts masters are back in the arena!"

"This backflip is so handsome!"

Passers-by shouted while recording.

But Ruan Su, who was at the center of the storm, was not easy.

She met masters, and from the skills and moves of these people, she guessed the identity of each other.

"Unexpectedly, the Guwu family, who has never been out of the rivers and lakes, turned out to be running dogs of Bo Xingzhi."

She sneered and responded more cautiously.

"Miss Ruan has good eyesight, just! We are willing to follow Boss. It's not a running dog in your mouth." The man headed is the oldest elder brother of the ancient family.

Gu Ming.

"The ancient family has never been born, but to stop me in order to stop me, it would be overkill." Seeing the trick, Ruan Su kicked the two closest men to the ground.

"General Bo's order, we will execute it unconditionally."

Gu Ming said solemnly.

"Haha--" Ruan Su knocked down several others to the ground and slammed Gu Ming's face. "Mr. Gu, you are all high-spirited and beautiful, as cold as pines and cypresses, but now in order to stop being stained with the dust of the world. I really feel ashamed for your ancient ancestors and ancestors."

"Ms. Ruan, I am lucky enough to have a fight with Yinxiang in this life, and I can count on waiting for this trip. Yinxiang really deserves its reputation." Gu Ming directly pierced Ruan Su's waistcoat.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "You know enough!"

She moves deadly, even more mercilessly.

Gu Ming gradually struggled to deal with it.

Looking around, all his juniors were lying on the ground, unable to move.

damn it!

Are you going to let this woman run away?

The hidden fragrance is really good! Enough!

It seems that only the patriarch can subdue this woman.

Ruan Su's face was cold, and his delicate features exuded a powerful aura.

She made another move and hit Gu Ming's chest hard.

Gu Ming couldn't help backing a few steps, and with a plop, he fell to the ground, but couldn't get up again.



Several juniors crawled towards him.

Gu Ming waved his hand at them, looked at Ruan Suyang's long-distance back, and sighed, "Our ancient family is still unfavorable for the first time in our life, but losing to her is not a shame."

He sighed and said again, "Go back."

As soon as Ruan Su stepped into the airport lobby, he saw the man's stalwart figure.

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "My wife, you can't tell, you can't wait to fly with me."

Ruan Su: "..."

Sure enough, the praying mantis is catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

She put on a posture, "Bo Xingzhi, don't you think I dare not do anything with you."

"I know you dare, but you just fought with a group of senior brothers from the ancient family. Are you sure you still have the strength to fight with me?" Bo Xingzhi stretched out his hand and clasped her wrist.

It was found that there was a redness and swelling on the woman's wrist.

These reckless men have confessed not to hurt her, but why did they hurt her?

A trace of pain flashed in his deep and secluded eyes, "Does it hurt?"

"It's you who sent someone to intercept me! Don't use mice to fake mercy." Ruan Su gritted his teeth.

It seems that she can't escape today.

Can only be forced to accompany flying.

Bo Xingzhi took a look at the time, and now there is still some time before the seven o'clock takeoff.

He grabbed Ruan Su and walked towards the small meeting room before takeoff.

Passed through the waiting hall and detoured to the staff passage behind.

Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's hand all the way. The tall and handsome male and the beautiful and delicate female attracted the attention of many people.

He Qiuqiu is preparing for takeoff with Ning Jie and others.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, I looked back subconsciously.

I saw the tall man walking in with the tall woman.

He Qiuqiu's eyes almost fell.

"Captain Thin, busy people, etc., how can we enter our meeting room?"

In the morning, she secretly sent someone to deliver a letter to Cheng Ziyin, and asked Cheng Ziyin to stop her disgusting behavior.

Why did Bo Xingzhi stay with Ruan Su again?

When meeting with Cheng Ziyin yesterday, Cheng Ziyin's brother Xingzhi almost vomited He Qiuqiu with disgust.

I am too sorry for my ears if Cheng Ziyin is not cleaned up.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, she received a call from Cheng Ziyin crying, saying how Bo Xingzhi cursed her.

He Qiuqiu was so happy that he almost jumped up.

She must make Bo Xingzhi detest not only Ruan Su but also Cheng Ziyin.

Damn all the women who want to covet mediocre behavior!

Bo Xingzhi glanced at He Qiuqiu with an icy look, "Who are you? Where do you speak?"

He Qiuqiu's face turned pale, and his chest choked.

This man always can't remember who she is!

She obviously worked with him for so long!

She choked on her chest with a mouthful of blood, almost choking to death.

The man looked at Ning Jie with a majestic look, "Bring the medicine box over."

Ning Jie hurried to get the medicine kit prepared in the conference room.

Bo Xingzhi took the woman's hand and went to the sofa to sit down.

After a while, Ning Jie came over with the medicine box. She was about to open the box when she heard the man say, "Go on."

Ning Jie was startled, and quickly stepped aside.

I saw the man's well-knotted palm open the medicine box, and then found the ointment for bruises from inside.

He Qiuqiu's eyes straightened with anger.

Such a noble man is going to serve Ruan Su himself?

Is there a mistake!

She was so angry that her chest kept rising and falling.

Ruan Su raised his eyes and met He Qiuqiu's jealous gaze.

She curled her lips and smiled.

This woman is really interested in Bo Xingzhi.


This man's upside-down face is really a scourge.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, she applied some ointment on the man's fingertips, and when it fell on the redness of her wrist, she couldn't help but sizzle.

Bo Xingzhi's face was tense, "Does it hurt?"

"It's kind of." Ruan Su nodded, his voice was delicate and pretty.

Bo Xing stopped for a moment in a trance.

It's been too long since he heard her such a well-behaved voice.

The man's fingertips were on her wounds, gently massaged to attract.

After a long massage, the man let go of her wrist.

Just after Ruan Su thought he was free again, he did not expect that the man took out the gauze from the medicine box, and gently wrapped it around her wrist.

Finally, I tied a small bow.

"It won't be easy to be touched like this." Bo Xing said lightly.

Ruan Su stared at him speechlessly.

It was him who sent someone to stop her, and it was him who was so gentle and not like him now.

Does this man have many faces?

"I must punish them well. I will avenge you." Bo Xingzhi's expression suddenly became cold and stern, his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.

Ruan Su: "..."

The man was so cruel that all his men were cleaned up.

Niu batch!

She was thinking about it, she saw Bo Xingzhi grabbed the phone and made a call directly, her cold voice was convincing, "Gu Ming, how dare you hurt her!"

"Now immediately, take them all to South Africa for mining! A period of three months!"

Gu Ming screamed again and again, and that Miss Ruan beat them one by one, screaming, and being punished, feeling sad. ,

"Patriarch, who will protect you these three months?"

"Naturally some people." Bo Xingzhi hung up the phone directly.

Ruan Su touched her nose, she really didn't suffer.

He Qiuqiu sat in the seat in shock.

Captain Thin, is this a woman like Ruan Su?

Her heart was pounding and pounding.

Her head was blank, looking at the big palm that Bo Xingzhi was holding Ruan Su, wishing to take a step forward and break the two of them abruptly.

She could hardly bear it, she couldn't stand it anymore, closed her eyes, and rushed out.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

After preparing for routine work, Bo Xingzhi.

Coming to Ruan Su's face, she held her hand with a powerful big hand and tightened it slightly.

Mr. Bo has a thousand faces, hehehe~~~~Thank you three thousand, the monthly pass of Yuanbo during the transportation period~~~What is it~~~

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