Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 122: : Is it my fault?

"Oh my God! She is so amazing! I want to worship her as a teacher!"

"How can a woman be so handsome!"

Out of the corner of Bo Xingzhi's eyes, he glanced at Liang Fei's phone and saw a small video uploaded by netizens on Weibo.

Ruan Su's body and method are fluent and flowing, and several big guys are beaten into the water.

Sure enough... very handsome.

It turned out to be on the hot search again.

This little woman is really getting more and more famous.

Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but hooked his lips.

He also took out his cell phone and went to Weibo to watch how Ruan Su beat up the brothers of the ancient family.

Netizens are even more crazy.

"Why are there so many women besieging you?"

"Have you offended anyone?"

"I think these big guys have excellent skills!"

"Unexpectedly, the real version of the martial arts master battle!"

"An eye-opener, even cooler than a martial arts movie."

News finally came from the tower and it was ready to take off.

The two put away their phones at the same time.

While notifying everyone, he obeyed the tower's instructions before taking off to Serbia.

The night is getting deeper.

The lights on the plane were also dimmed.

Most of the travelers also fell asleep.

Ruan Su put down the magazine in his hand, stretched his waist, and prepared to take a rest in the bathroom.

Turns out she just went in.

Before the door could be closed, the man had already covered his mouth.

The man also broke in.

"What are you doing? I want to go to the bathroom!" Ruan Su stared at him in shock.

She knew it was the time for Bo Xingzhi to change shifts.

But this man shouldn't be so crazy, right?

Bo Xingzhi ignored Ruan Su's bad attitude.

Just holding her hand, using the orange light in the bathroom to check the redness and swelling on her wrist.

"Are you stupid? You have an injury on your wrist, so you still protect Ning Jie?" Bo Xingzhi asked with a gloomy expression.

Does he know? Know that the aunt just hit her wrist?

Ruan Su still stared at him stubbornly, "I didn't thank you for my wrist injury."

"My fault." Bo Xingzhi's tone softened, and he quickly took out a bottle of massage oil from the pocket of his captain's uniform, ignoring Ruan Su's prevention.

Ripped off her gauze and began to massage her with medicated oil.

"It's not enough if you don't take the medicine on time."

Ruan Su was a little uncomfortable. He couldn't tell how he felt and looked at the man, "You... care about me so much?"

Bo Xingzhi had a pause when he was about to step out, then turned around and looked at her deeply, "Can't you see it? I'm chasing you, I want to fall in love with you."

After speaking, the man opened the door.

Ruan Su was uncomfortable by Bo Xingzhi's numb words.

What is this man making?

Talking about love from his mouth is really scaring to death. She stayed in the bathroom for a long time before dragging herself out.

When I went out, I met Ning Jie who was on duty.

Ruan Su blinked, "Crew chief, don't you rest?"

"Now it's my turn to be on duty." Ning Jie smiled, "Thank you so much for today."

"You're welcome." Ruan Su said lightly, walking back to his seat.

Maybe it was because of having a fight with too many people during the day, Ruan Su was a bit tired at the moment and fell asleep after a while.

Wait until she wakes up.

The sky was faintly bright, and the fish belly was white.

Some passengers are already sober and there is movement.

And Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su did not have any intersection.

Until the flight landed steadily to Serbia's airport.

Serbia is a small country, but it is better than its beautiful scenery.

And it has maintained a good alliance with H Empire.

Send away all the passengers.

The crew members got on the crew car.

Go in the direction of the nearby hotel.

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and sat in the last row.

Looking at the strange city, several flight attendants around were very excited to discuss.

This is their first flight to Serbia.

Bo Xingzhi Da grasped Ruan Su's small hand, he kept looking at her sideways.

She tilted her head and leaned on the car window, looking at the scenery outside.

Long eyelashes leave two rows of cute silhouettes.

Bo Xingzhi looked at it for a while, and looked a little fascinated.

I looked at this small face for four years, but it still attracted him deeply.

She is like an addictive flower, can't stop it.

The car came to a halt slowly.

Everyone got out of the car.

He Qiuqiu found that Bo Xingzhi hadn't come down. As soon as she turned her head, she saw the man staring at Ruan Su fascinated.

She was a little bit jealous and a little bit angry, and made a noise accidentally.

Bo Xingzhi frowned and looked at He Qiuqiu, and Ruan Su also narrowed his eyes to look at her.

I saw that the car had stopped and everyone got out of the car.

"Let's go." Ruan Su stretched out, even if it was this kind of action, she was delicate and attractive.

Bo Xingzhi stepped on his long legs, took Ruan Su's hand, and got out of the car.

The closeness of the two drew ambiguous glances from several flight attendants.

Ruan Su didn't bring any luggage, Bo Xingzhi held her trolley case in one hand and her in the other.

As always domineering style.

Checked in the hotel soon.

Ruan Su found himself, Bo Xingzhi's family member in everyone's eyes, had to live in the same room with Bo Xingzhi.

Everyone entered the elevator together.

Then she heard Ning Jie say playfully, "Miss Ruan, Captain Thin, I'm sorry, the elevator is full, please sit down."

With that said, Ning Jie immediately closed the elevator door.

Ruan Su stood with Bo Xingzhi speechlessly, "Bo Xingzhi...why do you have to let me fly with you? This atmosphere is too embarrassing."

Bo Xingzhi's handsome face looked at her with a smile.

He didn't say anything, and pulled Ruan Su directly into the elevator.

Ruan Su tried to break free, but the man seemed to see through her mind, and warned, "Don't move!"

Sure enough, the small hand in the big palm no longer moved.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her and couldn't help but curl his lips.

There was a pampering look in his eyes that he hadn't even noticed.

Entering the room, Bo Xingzhi put down his suitcase, and then said to Ruan Su, "Come to the hospital with me."

"Why are you going there?" Ruan Su blinked his beautiful apricot eyes.

"Let me show you your hand." Bo Xingzhi's tone was strong and unrejectable.

Ruan Su curled his lips. He had suffered more serious injuries before. What is this?

"If you don't go, I'll..." Bo Xing stopped fiercely and lunged at her, pressing her onto the soft bed.

The hot breath sprayed in her ears, and Ruan Su's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat.

"Go, go, go now." Ruan Su scolded him in his heart, arrogant, domineering man.

But this early morning, she really didn't want to spend time with this man in bed.

Ten minutes later.

Ruan Su changed his clothes. She really didn't expect that half of the suitcase was filled with her clothes.

It even has underwear.


Bo Xingzhi also changed into the captain's uniform and wore a casual outfit.

Ruan Su was about to go out, but the man suddenly took out a pair of sunglasses to cover her face, "Here the sun is fierce."

Then he also wore a pair, which opened the door.

Ruan Su was stunned in the same place, she found that this is a pair of lovers sunglasses...

Bo Xingzhi wouldn't tell her that this was a couple model he personally selected.

It can be because of being in a foreign country. The tension between the two men eased a lot.

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and walked out.

"Don't drag me, I will go by myself."

Ruan Su's cold voice sounded.

"This is called holding hands, holding hands between lovers." Bo Xingzhi raised his hand and rubbed the woman's long hair.

"We are not lovers." Ruan Su said lightly.

Bo Xingzhi did not speak.


They are divorced, not even a couple.

For a moment, the two fell silent at the same time.

There happened to be a hospital nearby, and Bo Xingzhi took her hand and walked for about ten minutes before arriving.

The doctor enthusiastically helped Ruan Su re-apply the medicine, and then prescribed some ointments.

Bo Xingzhi stood aside, frowning, his face was ugly, and there was ice scum when he opened his mouth, "When will it be better?"

"About a week or so. As long as the medicine is applied every day, it will soon be healed. No bones were injured." The doctor explained.

"Thank you." Ruan Su faintly thanked.

Out of the hospital.

The two strolled through the streets of Serbia.

The scenery here is very good, and the food is very distinctive.

The two went shopping for a long time.

After lunch, I was ready to go back to the hotel.

After stopping a taxi, Ruan Su was a little tired, and fell asleep on Bo Xingzhi's shoulder unconsciously.

The man looked down at her sleeping face.

When she reached the door of the hotel, Bo Xingzhi was not willing to wake her up. He directly carried her out of the car and stepped into the hotel.

The crew members were going to have lunch together, but as soon as they stepped out of the elevator, they saw Bo Xingzhi's MAN bursting princess hugged.

"Captain Thin is so handsome!"

"Handsome exploded."

"I really envy Miss Ruan."

"This matter must be kept secret, they are hidden marriages!" Ning Jie confessed to everyone.

Ruan Su has been carried into the room without waking up.

Bo Xingzhi put her on the soft big bed, staring at her beautiful little face with dark eyes, and muttered, "Wife, are you inviting me?"

There is a vigorous and intense movement in a foreign country, and the blood is full of blood when you think about it.

Ruan Su was awakened by the kiss, she slowly opened her eyes and discovered...

I don't know when my clothes are missing.

Thin Xingzhi's thin lips were sucking on her lips.

She subconsciously raised her hand to hit the man's handsome face, but was stopped by the man.


Ruan Su's mouth was dry for a while.

She could almost see through the thin captain's shirt, she could clearly feel the man's muscles and the rolling sound of the **** and charming Adam's apple.

The dim yellow wall lamp exudes the ultimate halo, and the atmosphere is seductive and blurry.

Bo Xingzhi didn't know where to open a bottle of red wine, he took a sip, and slowly entered the little woman's mouth.

The mellow scent of red wine filled their mouths.

That crazy desire tortured the woman's body and mind wantonly.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hands, put her arms around the man's slender neck, and put her flushed cheeks up...

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