Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 125: : Mr. Bo is jealous anytime and anywhere

Finally, a cup of black coffee.

Song Yan looked at Ruan Su who had been tossed so hard, and swallowed his saliva and said, "Master, there are other foods in the kitchen, I will bring them again."

These were all brought back by him in a five-star hotel.

"No need." Bo Xingzhi has no appetite, as long as it is not something Ruan Su prepared, he looks the same.

But it’s okay for him not to eat, but it’s okay for a little woman not to eat.

Bo Xingzhi looked at the tired little woman in his arms and patted her cheek lightly, "Wife, let's eat something."

The smell of food filled the nose, Ruan Su slowly opened her eyes, she was still nestled in her bosom.

His back pressed tightly against the man's sturdy chest.

She didn't do anything, but Bo Xingzhi had already picked up a bowl of wontons and brought it to her lips.

Take a spoon and take a sip, send it to her lips. "It's stewed in good black chicken soup, which is very good."

Ruan Su opened her mouth and swallowed the wonton soup. The warm liquid entered her body, making her stomach feel more comfortable.

Bo Xingzhi put his arm around her waist and put food in her mouth with one hand.

The gentle look is as if he was in the bed before, the man who was ferocious like a beast was not him at all.

Ruan Su began to eat, but the other hand that the man had freed up started wandering uncomfortably.

She slapped it bitterly, "Will you die in peace?"

"Strong to hit me, why don't we continue to do something else?" Thin Xingzhi fingers rubbed her lips that were red and swollen with his kiss.

Ruan Su didn't even think about it. She bit the man's finger and took a hard bite. She could almost feel her teeth irritating the skin of the man's fingertips.

Warm blood filled her mouth.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her silently.

Ruan Su felt boring and let go of his finger, "Are you stupid? I don't know who you resisted?"

"It's good if you are happy." The man said in a low voice.

He looked at his bitten and bleeding finger and looked at her with commanding eyes, "My finger is hurt, you feed me."

Ruan Su: "..."

What is self-inflicted, she understood clearly.

This black-bellied man played this abacus at the beginning.

It seems that it will always be. After her hand, the food will become especially sweet.

Ruan Su resignedly picked up the fork and started to feed him food.

The white fingers are as white as jade, making people can't bear to look away, "Don't use a fork."

Bo Xingzhi's tone was ambiguous and low.

Ruan Su was a little angry.

"You bit my finger." The man's thin lips are particularly beautiful, thin and angular.

Especially when eating, it is elegant and noble.

Ruan Su's heart palpitated, and he thought of the way he had bitten him hard just now, but he didn't struggle to let her bite...

In his eyes, in his expression, it seemed as if there was a trace of what she couldn't see through...

She must be dazzled.

Ruan Su subconsciously pinched the food with his fingers and brought it to the man's lips.

He opened his lips and swallowed what was on her finger, Ruan Su was about to withdraw his finger.

The man suddenly opened his mouth and put half of her finger in his mouth.

Warm lips and tongue tightly wrapped her fingertips, sucked, and allowed.

Clean up the caviar on top, including all the residues.

The man's star-black eyes tightly locked the woman's face that was gradually flushed.

This powerful and powerful woman unexpectedly showed a bewildered look in front of him for the first time... extremely charming, extremely seductive!

"Wife, turn my head and I will use my tongue... how about serving you?" Bo Xingzhi let go of her finger evilly, his eyes flashing eagerly.

"Shut up!" Ruan Su became angry from embarrassment.

She looked as if staying with him for a second would make her collapse.

Bo Xingzhi was a little irritable, he must find a way to lock this woman firmly by his side.

"That's what you want to leave me?"

He felt uncomfortable for a while.

very uncomfortable.

The tone was cold.

Ruan Su stared at him viciously, "Yes!"

This man's perverted possessiveness and paranoid neurotic appearance is simply not a normal person.

And the abnormal stomach, if she didn't feed it, or she did it, this man would rather be hungry than eat.

Isn't this neuropathy?

After eating.

Ruan Su was tired and lethargic, and it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when he woke up.

Bo Xingzhi didn't toss her any more, but took her hand and left the cabin together.

"On the flight at 8 o'clock in the evening, I can take you to some places with nice scenery."

Ruan Suxing is lacking.

However, Serbia is indeed a beautiful country. Although it is small in size, its style is really good.

It is called the crossroads of the Eastern and Western worlds. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. Every ruling hegemony that has appeared on the European continent has competed here. Almost every generation of Serbs has at least experienced it. After a war.

For half a day, Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su to experience the old-fashioned Salkan 8 steam train.

Down the river in Tara National Park.

This feeling is particularly beautiful.

Until six o'clock in the evening, the two returned to the hotel.

After having dinner in a hurry, Bo Xingzhi took the suitcase and held Ruan Su's hand, went downstairs on time and appeared at the entrance of the hotel.

Everyone in the crew has boarded the crew car with their luggage.

A tense working state.

Bo Xingzhi put the suitcase on the crew car and still led Ruan Su to the back row.

Everyone in the car still looked at them silently, and no one spoke.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the flight back home took off on time.

This time the flight was extremely smooth, there was no delay, and there was no bad weather.

Until more than five o'clock in the morning, the plane finally landed smoothly at Jiangcheng Airport.

Got off the plane.

Bo Xingzhi said directly to Song Yan, "Check who is the middle-aged woman who made trouble on the flight before."

"Yes, master."

Song Yan hurried to investigate, ten minutes later. He sent all the information of the middle-aged woman to Bo Xingzhi's cell phone.

"Wang Suxin, 57 years old, was originally a farmer at home, but suddenly because her husband reselled the coal mine business, she became an explosive household. After being taken off the plane the day before yesterday, she educates and leaves. And she also asked Southern Star Airlines to pay for it. Her mental damage expenses."

Song Yan said while keeping up with the man's footsteps, "She also asked a reporter to ask for justice, to wantonly discredit Southern Star Airlines, saying that the crew's service attitude is poor. She wants to defend her rights."

A cold sweat broke out on Song Yan's forehead.

This Wang Suxin is really looking for death!

"Haha—" Bo Xingzhi sneered, "South Star Airlines, is she the place where she went wild, let my lawyers deal with this matter. I must let her ruin!"

She even dared to hit the red and swollen wrist of a middle-aged woman. This middle-aged woman is really bored!

After Bo Xingzhi finished speaking, he said to all the crew members behind him, "Everyone's reports don't need to be written. I will handle this personally."

After several people heard it, they couldn't help but let out a cheer, and their footsteps became much lighter.

Everyone left, except for Ruan Su, Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan.

"I have to go back to the studio." Ruan Su said lightly. Although she had spoken to several of Wei Lun's mentors before leaving, she was still a little worried.

"I'll take you to a place." Bo Xingzhi strongly clasped her wrist, and then stopped underground.

"What are you doing? I'm very busy!" Ruan Su struggled.

The man squeezed her into the Bentley car.

Song Yan directly drove the car forward.

Speeding all the way to the private jet of Bo Xingzhi.

"Bo Xingzhi, where are you taking me? I tell you, I'm not going."

"Speaking again, I'll kiss you!" Bo Xingzhi turned his head to look at her evilly.

Ruan Su shut up after hearing this.

Then he boarded the plane with Bo Xingzhi.

L city.

The top floor of the top luxury five-star hotel is a huge tennis court.

The tennis court was covered with plastic, and the private jet landed slowly.

Several women in **** tennis clothes and short skirts ran and dodged on plastic tennis **** in a panic.

They have white skin, holding tennis rackets, and their legs are slender and charming under the tennis skirt.

This is a large entertainment and leisure hotel. From these **** and enchanting tennis girls, you can see how exciting and novel the service of this hotel is.

This is one of his properties in L City.

The hotel is special, but because L City is the darkest and most prosperous city in the entire H Empire, the customers it receives are all big businessmen.

After the private plane landed.

Bo Xingzhi grabbed Ruan Su and brought her down.

Ruan Su looked at the green tennis court, and several beautiful girls ran to the shadow.

In the shadows, there are a few men in tennis uniforms gathering there.

"People are so scared..."

"Almost killed by a plane..."

"How can anyone dare to be so arrogant here..."

The voice of anger came into his ears along with the breeze. Ruan Su glanced over and saw the girls acting like a baby at a few old and ugly middle-aged men.

"I don't look at a handsome man like me with your husband. What do they do? Aren't you afraid of being blind?"

A slender and powerful palm covered her sight, and the man's slightly teasing voice sounded.

Ruan Su was angry, "I don't know they are ugly!"

Fortunately, she was far away, otherwise the scene just now would definitely make her nauseous.

"Wife..." Bo Xingzhi hugged Ruan Su's slender waist. His little woman just now dared to look at other men, or ugly old men! He is very upset, is his figure not good enough? Can't it attract her attention?

Bo Xingzhi glanced over the middle-aged uncles with jealousy.

When he had known that he had landed, he ordered Song Yan to clear the field.

However, these few people should not think about it.

"There are a lot of interesting things here, maybe you will like it." Bo Xing said lightly, no emotions could be seen in his sharp eyes.

Thank you Xinyu, Zuo Xing Menghan, Qianqian, Happy Everyday, Wang Sun Yinggu... Monthly tickets for a few babies~~~ Meme~~~

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