Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 147: She shocked the world again

After Li Zi finished dancing, he confidently stepped off the stage and went straight to the backstage.

After scanning around, she found that there was no Song Jiayan, she pretended to be very concerned and came to Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, hasn't Ms. Song contacted yet?"

Ruan Su took off his headset and glanced at Li Zi anxiously, his voice was faintly irritable, "Song Jiayan knew she was so unreliable, so she wouldn't let her play that sketch."

"I don't know what's going on with her. If you don't want to act, please bring it up early."

"Why wait till now to enlarge the pigeons."

Ruan Su gets irritable when he mentions this.

Talked like a lot of guns.

Li Zi blinked, looked at Ruan Su, and said comfortingly, "Miss Ruan, don't be too angry, or... I'll go to Song's house to see for myself?"

"No. I'm also to blame for this. I didn't see Song Jiayan's thoughts." Ruan Su shook his head. "A mentor has already gone to her. If she really can't come, she can only find someone else to go up."

Li Zi's heart was secretly refreshed.

Ruan Su continued to be busy again, and Li Zi began to send WeChat to Ouyang Xing, "Ruan Su was still on strike by Song Jiayan himself. It seems that the Song family was secretly searching for it and didn't tell the story."

"Got it. Be careful, don't show your feet." Ouyang Xing quickly replied to her.

In the office of the president of the Huo Group at this time.

Ouyang Xing reported Ruan Su's situation to Huo Jiliang.

Huo Jiliang squinted slightly, no emotions could be seen on her feminine face.

"Since the Song family is searching in the dark, why didn't those trash contact you anymore to ask for money?"

"I paid enough cash in one lump sum. I guess they are afraid of being found by the police, so...all the mobile phones can't get through." Ouyang Xing said cautiously, "I can't contact them now."

"Trash!" Huo Jiliang spit out two words coldly.

"Find! Find me those rubbish, and kill them!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Xing's heart trembled, and she hurried out.


She knew exactly what it meant.

She took a deep breath and began to tell her to go down and look for the hooligans.

At this time, they didn't know that Song Jiayan had returned to Song's house safely.

Everything depends on Ruan Su's instructions.

Time passed bit by bit.

No matter which program it is, it is excellent. After more than a month of training, the extras have made rapid progress.

Especially in several dancing shows, the folk dance has a flexible and graceful posture.

The modern dance is full of vigor and vitality.

The national standard dance dances elegantly and softly, with a wide and comfortable appearance.

Other singing and language programs also have their own advantages.

Especially, many viewers only now know that the scripts of many language programs are written by Master Su himself.

Who is Master Su?

That's a famous boss!

He draws with his left hand and plays the piano with his right hand. He is also a best-selling author.

Since Master Su wrote a novel three years ago, there has been no new work. Fans are looking forward to it, looking forward to it.

At that time, the novel caused a huge sensation, sales invincible, and dominated the list for more than a year.

Even now, the sales are still considerable, and the publishers keep printing and printing, and then printing.

The script written by Master Su himself, the sketches, the comic dialogue!

That's it!

The effect is also top-notch.

But I have to admit that with a good script, the actors can also perform well.

Every action and expression are vivid.

The combination of the actor and the script, the preparation effect presented, detonated in an instant.

Bo Xingzhi was sitting at the round table under the stage, and he didn't care what was happening on the stage.

He just wanted to see the little women...

However, he waited for one show after another, never waiting for Ruan Su to come on stage.

He was a little irritable, "When will Ruan Su play?"

Song Yan swallowed his saliva and hurriedly went to read the program. He watched it up and down two or three times before saying, "Master, Miss Ruan is a choreographer and she doesn't participate in the show."

Bo Xingzhi's handsome face suddenly condensed, and the breath of Bingyu burst out from his deep eyes.

The other big guys at the same table with him instantly got a cold back.

What happened to President Bo?

The atmosphere suddenly became so rigid and stagnant.

And the background at this time.

Li Zhuoyan was standing there holding Guzheng with a pale face, with fear in her big beautiful eyes.

Even with a perfect and fresh makeup, she couldn't hide her fear at this time.

Her nervous hands were shaking.

The next one will be her turn... a lot of people... all the people who are overwhelmed by it are people.

She can't do it!

She will die... She is so scared, she is so uncomfortable.

She felt almost unable to breathe.

Fu Yinli kept cheering her on, the handsome man was worried on his face, and the big palm took her small hand and said softly, "Yanyan, you can, you can definitely break through this psychological line of defense."

"My uncle believes in you, when you grow up, you are not afraid anymore."

"Yeonyan, you can definitely perform perfectly."

"It's just like you usually practice, you know?"

"You don't want to see the audience below, you just have to bow your head and perform exclusively."

However, it was useless.

It has no effect at all.

The more he said, Li Zhuoyan became more uncomfortable, her head was blank, her pitiful eyes looked at Fu Yinli, her voice was crying, "Uncle...I, I'm afraid..."

At this moment, Ruan Su came over.

Seeing Li Zhuoyan's state, she narrowed her eyebrows slightly.

"do not be afraid."

"Miss Ruan...Miss Ruan..." Li Zhuoyan suddenly let go of her small hand holding Fu Yinli's big palm, and instead grabbed Ruan Su by the corner of his clothes.

It seems that Ruan Su at this time is her life-saving straw.

"Li Zhuoyan, you practiced for a long time and worked hard for this party. So you must not back down, you know?" Ruan Su gently held the girl's cold hand back, "Your little uncle cares about you very much, he really I really want to see you walk out of the shadows and face the sun like a sunflower."

"Li Zhuoyan, I believe you."

"" Li Zhuoyan shook her head desperately.

She didn't know what to do, she was so stiff that she couldn't play a single note at all.

How can she be on stage to perform like this.

Her hands began to numb, and the other hand holding the guzheng almost lost its strength.

Looking at Li Zhuoyan's state.

Fu Yinli was heartbroken and regretful, all to blame, Ming Ming Yanyan couldn't face too many people at all.

He wanted to exercise her and scared the child like this. She has finally changed a lot and can communicate with others in short words.

He was afraid of scaring the child back again this time, and would never come out.

He said to Ruan Su in a bit of pain, "Miss Ruan... Yanyan's state, or... let's stop acting."

Ruan Su has been staring at Li Zhuoyan silently, the little girl has a delicate face, but her expression is restrained and frightened.

That is the fear that comes from the bones.

Autism or something is as terrible as rumors.

Shut yourself in your own world and never come out.

Ruan Su thought for a while and said, "Li Zhuoyan, you have to be brave. I'll be with you, OK?"

"Accompany...accompany me?" Li Zhuoyan suddenly widened her eyes, staring at Ruan Su in disbelief. "Come with me?"

She confirmed again.

Ruan Su squeezed her little hand, "You play the piano and I dance, okay? I'll help you dance."

"Really...really?" Li Zhuoyan bit her lip, surprise in those pitiful eyes.

"When did I lie to you?" Ruan Su smiled and said softly, "I'm going to change my clothes now. You wait for me."

The show on stage was a cross talk show, and it was almost over at this time.

Fortunately, there are a lot of props and costumes in the backstage.

Li Zhuoyan wears an ancient costume and fluttering in white.

Ruan Su picked up a set of red ancient costumes, and the red clothes fluttered.

The two were quiet and angry, each with its own merits.

Quickly put on a simple makeup, Ruan Su held Li Zhuoyan's hand with the skirt, "Let's go."

On the stage, Li Zhuoyan sat in front of Guzheng.

A girl in white fluttering, with exquisite makeup, looks like an ancient lady, which makes her eyes shine.

The spotlight hit her, she was like a fairy in the moon palace.

Many of the audience's eyes fell on her.

Li Zhuoyan could clearly feel these gazes, and she wanted to escape uncomfortably.

Her eyes were damp, and her tears of fear almost fell out.

at this time!

Suddenly a woman in red stepped on a dance step and floated in front of her, blocking most of her gaze for her.

She was startled slightly, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Ruan Su dancing in front of her.

Her horrified eyes met Ruan Su's gentle and warm eyes.

I don't know why, in the bottom of her heart, there suddenly seemed to be a touch of warmth passing by.

It seemed that for an instant, she suddenly forgot that she was on the stage. She lowered her eyes and began to play the first melody.

Guzheng Yuyou's piano sound plays.

And Ruan Su also began to dance with the music.

She danced and danced like a beautiful butterfly, twisted like a graceful wicker, and the beauty was intoxicating.

The Bo Xing in the audience stopped being irritable, and suddenly saw the woman in red appearing on the stage.

His eyes widened in shock. You can recognize it at a glance, that is Ruan Su!

He never knew that Ruan Su could even dance.

The woman dances lightly, her body is as light as a swallow, her body is as soft as a cloud, her arms are as soft as boneless, she dances like a lotus step by step, like butterflies flying among flowers, like gurgling water, like a bright moon in a deep mountain, like a small The morning light in the alley is like a round dew on the tip of a lotus leaf.

People almost forget where they are at this time.

Everyone looked at the two women on stage in shock. The white ones are like white lilies, and the red ones are warm roses.

Some viewers even indulged in this beautiful music, this light dance, and forgot to take pictures.

And those media are crazy.

"Two beautiful young ladies, they cooperated so perfectly."

"Oh my God! This show is definitely going to be a hit!"

When the media posted on Weibo, the accompanying articles were more frightening.

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