Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 149: He is always the most painful!

When everyone looked back and saw Jiang Xinyu, they couldn't help but hum.

"Ah! Miss Ruan's boyfriend, President Jiang!"

"President Jiang! Please eat sweets!"

"Mr. Jiang, our Miss Ruan is great! You are too insightful!"

Jiang Xinyu is a bit embarrassed... He and the boss are really subordinates, not a couple.

Bo Xingzhi took Song Yan to the backstage door. He heard the roar of these actors from a distance, and his handsome face was dark.

It was Jiang Xinfeng just now, and now it is Jiang Xinyu.

Why are they all surnamed Jiang!

Damn it!

Each of these men had their eyes stuck to the little woman.

He was extremely upset in his heart.

With chills on his handsome face, he stepped into the background.

As soon as the man's tall figure appeared, everyone only felt a chill in his back.

Ok... so cold.

Why does it seem that the air-conditioning suddenly drops below zero?

This is too cold!

The originally lively atmosphere has also become rigid and stagnant.

Ruan Su glanced at the familiar man with a calm face, she raised her eyebrows, "Bo, what's the matter?"

"send you home."

The man's magnetic voice is like a fine cello, exuding a seductive fragrance.

But this did not reach Ruan Su. She pulled out her ears and curled her lips, her eyes filled with a stray light, "Excuse me, President Jiang and I were on the way."

Li Zi stood in the dark with hatred in his heart.

Ruan Su, this woman is really a bitch, how did she find Song Jiayan?

Why does Song Jiayan appear at a critical moment?

She was puzzled.

Fortunately now, Song Jiayan appeared, and the party was a complete success.

If Huo Shao investigates it, she will definitely be punished.

Li Zijiao's good face is insidious.

Damn, how does she go back for business now?

Before that, she had always reported triumphantly to Ouyang Xing that Song Jiayan hadn't come.

Thinking of Huo Jiliang's vicious methods... Li Ziqing couldn't help but worry about his fate...


Bo Xingzhi watched Ruan Su get into Jiang Xinyu's car.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, thinking of what was said at a certain point, can't always force her, follow her, and let her do whatever she wants.


Let her go and let her be alone with other men.

Why is he so upset in his heart.

He is now a little suspicious that the words of the emotional **** above a certain degree are bullshit, and they are not credible at all.

He clenched his molars and said to Song Yan who was sitting in front, "Order 99 flower baskets."

Song Yan was a little confused, "Where to send it?"

"Send to the gate of the city hall."


The next day Jiangcheng Morning Post had another headline.

The mysterious person sent all 99 huge flower baskets to the entrance of the city hall, and all of them were given to Ruan Su, to celebrate the success of Ruan Su Jiang’s Jiangcheng Evening Party.

"The mysterious suitor really makes Miss Ruan's suitor feel the pressure doubled! After all, such a big deal must be rich or expensive."

These are the original words of the Jiangcheng Morning Post press release.

Ruan Su looked at the report, feeling tired.

You don't need to guess, this must be done by that neuropathy Bo Xingzhi.

Do you want to be so high-profile?

Ruan Su lightly rubbed his eyebrows, and the corners of his eyes swept to the two brothers Liang Hei and Liang Bai, where you pushed me and I pushed you.

Ruan Su glanced at the two of them, "It's like a big girl, what are you doing? Just talk about it."

"Boss... it's like this, about Nguyen's Decoration Company..."

"A few days ago..."

"Say the important point." Ruan Su straightened up, put down the newspaper in his hand, and looked at the two brothers. "Isn't it for you to check Nguyen's handle? Why? So many days have passed, and there is no progress?"

"Yes, yes." Liang Hei said quickly, "I was thinking of reporting yesterday, but we both forgot."

"Since there is progress, submit all the evidence to the relevant departments. The law is fair and just." Ruan Su said lightly. "Since you have drilled a loophole in the law, it is only natural to get the punishment you deserve."

"Yes, yes, let's do it now." The brothers ran away quickly.


After resting for a long time, Ruan Su personally cooked lunch at noon and sent it to the hospital.

I have been busy with the party for the past two days, and I haven't been with my grandma in the hospital.

Before she stepped into the ward, she heard a loud noise from a distance.

She couldn't help frowning, speeding up her pace.

"The things here are so good, do you dare to say that Ruan Su's girl has no money?" It was Ruan Xinhua's voice, and he stared at Wang Xiuzhen in an extremely rude manner.

Wang Xiuzhen shrank on the hospital bed shivering, "These things are changed by Xiaobo."

"Who is Xiaobo? Are you a liar? Where does Xiaobo come from?" Ruan Xinhua said maliciously, "I don't care, you have to ask Ruan Su for two million. She is so famous as a doctor. She charges a lot of money when she gets sick, will she have no money?"

Wang Xiuzhen looked at her fierce son with sorrow, "Xinhua, it is not easy for Xiao Su to make money, can you stop forcing her?"

"Mom, how can you be like this? You are too partial. Xinhua's company doesn't know what's going on in the past two days. Many of the cooperations are dysfunctional. This capital chain looks like it's about to be broken. Anyway, it's you. Newborn baby, you can't die without saving, right? Now the whole family can save Xinhua only Ruan Su, she can afford to live in such an advanced ward, will she have no money?" Li Meixing said sharply. "Can a granddaughter have a son? You don't even care about your own son?"

There were tears in the corner of Wang Xiuzhen's eyes, "Don't push me! Xiaosu has no money."

"Even if I have money, I won't give you such a white-eyed wolf."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from the door of the ward.

The three people in the ward all looked towards the door and saw Ruan Suzheng standing there carrying a lunch box. She was wearing an ice blue dress and her beautiful face was breathtakingly beautiful.

She stepped into the ward with a cold expression.

Then put the lunch box on the bedside table and open it, "Grandma, I personally boiled the rib soup for you. You can try it."

She directly ignored the rascals of the Nguyen clan. I feel a little weird in my heart. Why is Ruan Xinhua starting to have problems with the company now? Obviously, the evidence has not been submitted yet.


Wang Xiuzhen looked at Ruan Su, sighed, and then said to the couple, "Go back."

"Mom... what we told you, remember to think about it!" Ruan Xinhua glanced at Wang Xiuzhen suggestively, and dragged the unwilling Li Meixing away.

Since the last incident, Li Meixing has been a little bit embarrassed by Ruan Su.

He didn't dare to say anything, and left quickly.

"Xiao Su...your dad was swayed by that woman, don't blame him." Wang Xiuzhen was afraid that Ruan Su would resent her son. She thought for a while before she said. "Your dad was not like this before."

Ruan Su directly interrupted Wang Xiuzhen's words, "Grandma, why do you need to cover up for him, because there is a mother like you who always hides for him, so he is now raised as a white-eyed wolf without any gratitude. "

The tears of the old man twilight slid down the corner of his eyes, "I...I am sorry for you."

After Ruan Su said what he said just now, seeing grandma's tears, he regretted that he spoke too aggressively.

Thinking of how grandma raised her since she was a child, she had no choice but to say, "I'm sorry, it's never you, it's my dad."

She picked up the ribs soup and delivered it to the old man, "Stop talking, let's have the soup."

She let out a long breath.

I feel a little uncomfortable.

Just now Li Meixing's voice came to her ears again, "Can my granddaughter have a son?"

She suddenly thought of a piece of news she had read some time ago.

A paralyzed old man was buried alive by his own son, but when his son was about to go to jail, the old man came out to intercede for his son.

She seemed to suddenly understand why for so many years, no matter how she asked to live with her grandma, grandma always refused her.

No matter how close she and grandma are, Ruan Xinhua is always her son. The mother's selfless love for her son will never stop.

Maybe in grandma's heart... Ruan Xinhua will always be her favorite.

After Wang Xiuzhen drank the soup for a while, she put down the bowl and glanced at Ruan Su a little embarrassedly, "Xiaosu...Your father's company seems to be really not good recently."

"Grandma, do you want to ask me for money for him?" Ruan Su's heart fell bit by bit.

To her, two million is like a drop of sand leaking out of her fingers.

However, through Wang Xiuzhen's mouth, her heart was cut by a knife.

Wang Xiuzhen knows how Ruan Xinhua and Li Meixing abused her since they were young.

But as she said, it is always her father Ruan Su.

Just because of this blood relationship, do you deserve to be sucked by their shameless family?

Wang Xiuzhen saw that Ruan Su's face was a bit ugly, and her heart trembled.

She knew that Ruan Su always obeyed her the most, and was the closest to her grandma.

She really couldn't bear to hurt Ruan Su's heart, but her son was in trouble now, and she couldn't bear to watch his son be charged for debts.

She finally sighed and said nothing.

When Bo Xingzhi brought Song Yan in, he was sensitively aware that the atmosphere in the ward was a bit strange.

Song Yan put down the large and small boxes of supplements and nutrients, and quickly stood by the door.

Ruan Suzheng was upset, and it was even more annoying to see him.

"How did you come?"

"Xiao Bo visits me almost every day. When you are busy, he comes to chat with me to relieve my boredom." Wang Xiuzhen hurriedly excused Bo Xing.

Bo Xingzhi glanced approvingly at his awesome grandma.

"Grandma, how are you doing today?"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Wang Xiuzhen glanced at Ruan Su, then at Bo Xingzhi and said, "It's pretty good, Xiaobo, but you don't spend any more money, I have enough supplements here."

She just picked it up nicely.

Ruan Su was a little surprised.

Bo Xingzhi visits grandma every day?


When is this man so idle?

She glanced at the thin line, facing the man's dark eyes, the deep gaze seemed like a gloom in the darkness.

People can't help being attracted to it.

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