In a luxurious box.

Ruan's family stepped into the box.

On the main seat of the box sat a gentle-faced man.

Huo Jiliang wore a thin cashmere sweater and black trousers today. Although it was not a suit and leather shoes, it still had a sinister aura.

Huo Jiliang didn't even move his eyebrows when he saw everyone from the Ruan family come in.

The slender legs overlapped gracefully, and his feminine brows cast a sinister look at Ruan Su.

"Doctor Ruan is here too."

Ruan Su nodded, "Huo Shao."

Ruan Xinhua sat next to Huo Jiliang with a flattering smile, "Huo Shao, I brought Ruan Su, you promised me..."

"Natural." Huo Jiliang's voice was with a hint of coldness and impatience.

Ruan Su silently glanced at Ruan Xinhua's ugly face, and looked at Huo Jiliang with a lot of time, "Huo Shao, you are so troubled by the teacher, just to see me?"

"Dr. Ruan, my grandfather's condition is getting worse, and I have asked Dr. Ruan to treat my grandfather regardless of the predecessors." Huo Jiliang hooked his lips, and there were calculations in his evil eyes.

"Huo Shao, what did you say before?" Ruan Su lowered his eyebrows.

"I didn't know Taishan before. Dr. Ruan should not be surprised." Huo Ji said indifferently. "I have already transferred 2 million for Ruan's decoration yesterday. At the Huo's bidding meeting tomorrow, I have promised Mr. Ruan to let Ruan win the bid."

Ruan Su picked up a glass of wine and shook the red liquid inside, "But...what does this have to do with me?"

Huo Jiliang had long known that this woman was a bone.

However, I did not expect it to be so hard.

He had investigated Ruan Su a long time ago, and this woman was really surprising.

Naturally, she also knew that she was the first person in surgery at the City No. 1 Hospital.

Unexpectedly, Ruan Xinhua was a trash, but the daughter he gave birth to was so extraordinary.

Moreover, the aura and temperament of this woman Ruan Su is simply incompatible with the Ruan family.

It seems that it is not like Ruan's family at all.

"Doctor Ruan, what if I buy the City No. 1 Hospital and give it to you?"

"Huo Shao, the hospital is a state-owned hospital, how do you buy it?" Ruan Su has always felt that thin lines stop madness, and now she thinks Huo Jiliang is really mad!

"Hehe—it’s not for Dr. Ruan to worry about. Let’s just say, what on earth did you agree to help my grandfather treat?" Huo Jiliang needs to build the image of a dutiful son in front of others.

That must require Ruan Su's cooperation.

It has always been rumored how he sought medical advice for his seriously ill grandfather, which moved many people.

"Xiao Su, you are too ignorant." Ruan Xinhua gritted his teeth and stared at Ruan Su. "You don't see what you are. You are not just a little doctor. Huo Shao specially entertained you. If you can think of you, you can Stop dragging on the shelf. Hurry up and agree!"

His company needs Huo Jiliang's funds. Two million yuan is not enough for the company's holes. It can only save the emergency.

This dead girl, is this to watch his company be forced on the road?

His company is small, but the hole is not small.

Ruan Su watched Ruan Xinhua being forced to desperate by millions, and couldn't help but curl his lips. "Dad, you said the company would leave it to Ruan Fangfang. What does it have to do with me?"

Ruan Xinhua frowned, glanced at Ruan Fangfang, and then at Ruan Su vainly, "Xiaosu, how can you say that? Fangfang and you are both my daughters. I am still a mature man. I have not decided to stay in the company. to whom."

Li Meixing quickly said, "Xiaosu, are you cursing your dad? Your dad is still so young."

Ruan Su glanced at the chirping Li Meixing and stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

She went out with her front foot, followed by Huo Jiliang on her back foot.

The three of the Ruan family saw the two go out one after another.

Ruan Xinhua was overjoyed and glanced at Li Meixing. Li Meixing quickly took out something from his bag.

Ruan Fangfang looked at them in surprise, "What is this?"

"Don't worry about anything, just watch it obediently." Li Meixing said as she poured the packet of medicine into Ruan Su's cup.


In the bathroom.

Ruan Su washed his hands and walked out.

I saw a long, jade, feminine man at the entrance of the bathroom, leaning against the wall.

A slender cigarette was clamped in his fingertips, as if he felt soot, and the man's slender fingers flicked twice.

Ruan Su looked at Huo Jiliang without any emotion, "Huo Shao used to have a hobby of squatting in the women's bathroom."

"Doctor Ruan, I don't have much patience. If you don't want to see Ruan's bankruptcy, you'd better agree to treat me to your grandfather." Huo Jiliang stared at Ruan Su's flawless face with evil eyes.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows calmly, "Huo Shao, then I beg you to close Ruan's bankruptcy as soon as possible."

After speaking, she walked away.


Into the box.

Ruan Su was a little thirsty, so she took the cup in front of her and went to drink water.

The Ruan family stared closely at Ruan Su's hand, especially Ruan Xinhua.

Seeing Ruan Su pick up the water glass, his heartbeat speeds up, nervous and guilty.

When Ruan Su's red lips were about to touch the cup, he swept his eyes to the waiter who started to serve the dishes, just in time for a corn soup.

She then glanced at the water in the cup again.

She is a doctor and is extremely sensitive to drugs.

The water didn't look abnormal, but she had a bad feeling in her heart.

Especially when she found that when she picked up the water glass, the Ruan family was silently staring at her.

She pretended to take a sip of water, and then put the cup down quietly.

The three of the Ruan family couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw her drinking water.

Ruan Su squinted his apricot eyes slightly, and then pulled a piece of paper towel to wipe his mouth.

Then she took a bowl of corn soup and started to drink it in small sips.

"Why hasn't Huo Shao come back?" Ruan Xinhua stood up, "I'm going to find him."

"Husband, I'll be with you."

"Hey, Mom, I don't want to stay with Ruan Su."

The door of the box slammed shut.

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows, and as the three of them left, she immediately exchanged her water glass with Ruan Fangfang's water glass.

Most of the time, she has always maintained a kind behavior, as long as some people don't touch her bottom line.

As long as someone wants to hurt her, she will not ignore it.

As soon as the three of the Ruan family stepped out of the box, they ran into Huo Jiliang head-on.

The four then returned to the box and sat down together.

Ten minutes later.

Ruan Xinhua secretly glanced at Ruan Su from the corner of his eye.

Vaguely feel that something is not right.

Ruan Su Mingming drank the water he had put in things. It has been more than ten minutes, why there is no response?

Does it take longer for the drug to strike?

Ruan Fangfang was also muttering in his heart. Dad clearly said that as long as he drinks it, no matter how pure a woman is, she can turn into a girl. She must be sent to Huo Shao's bed tonight.

Ruan Fangfang picked up the cup in front of him and took a sip.

"Fangfang, come, quickly toast Huo Shao." Ruan Xinhua said, he is not stupid. Although he wanted Ruan Fangfang to marry a rich man, who was Huo Jiliang? Ruthless and cruel, comparable to a poisonous snake, Ruan Fangfang and Huo Jiliang have a relationship with each other, only to be played with. It's impossible to want to be a young grandmother!

Therefore, this time he chose Ruan Su as a bargaining chip.

As long as Ruan Su is treated with medicine, will he still be at the mercy of Huo Shao?

To be played with and abandoned, that is not his business.

Ruan Fangfang stood up. She opened her mouth. Just about to speak, she suddenly felt hot and her cheeks began to flush.

My throat is even more dry and thirsty.

As soon as she uttered...a voice like a cat springing up from her mouth, "Ah...uh...Huo Shao..."

Ruan Fangfang couldn't help but clamped his legs, looking at Huo Jiliang with some impatience.

Spring is all over the eyebrows.

Ruan Fangfang's head was dizzy, what's the matter?

She was so uncomfortable and thirsty, she almost couldn't stand still.

Ruan Xinhua soon discovered that something was wrong with her, "Fangfang, what's the matter with you?"

Ruan Fangfang's entire face was flushed and flushed, and even twisted his waist impatiently. "Dad...I, I'm so uncomfortable."

Huo Jiliang raised his eyebrows and glanced at Ruan Fangfang's springing appearance.

With a mocking look, "I can't imagine Miss Ruan is so hungry and thirsty."

Ruan Su was also taken aback. She thought that Ruan's three mouthfuls had put some drugs or laxatives in the water.

But I didn't expect that it turned out to be an aphrodisiac... medicine.

Ruan Fangfang just took a sip just now. If she drank the whole cup, then she probably didn't just stand here to have sex, but just started taking off her clothes, right?

Ruan Su looked at Ruan Fangfang, whose face was flushed with sweat on his forehead, with no sympathy at all.

At this time, Ruan Fangfang could no longer control herself, and began to post towards Huo Jiliang.

Her two arms hung around Huo Jiliang's neck, and she kept rubbing her chest against the man's chest.

"Huo Shao...Huo are so handsome."

She simply sat on the man's lap and shouted again and again, ""

Ruan Xinhua's face was completely lost by Ruan Fangfang.

"Huo Shao, she may be drunk."

Huo Jiliang slammed Ruan Fangfang to the ground.

Ruan Fangfang felt that her **** was about to bloom, but she still crawled towards the man unwillingly, "Huo Shao...I fell in love with you at first sight...Look at me..."

Huo Jiliang had seen more women, and there were not a few women who wanted to seduce him with all their tricks.

It was the first time he saw someone like Ruan Fangfang who was stupid and so stupid.

He squinted his icy eyes and glanced mockingly at Ruan Xinhua, "I didn't expect President Ruan to act like this and use this method to seduce me to invest."

"No... Huo Shao... listen to my explanation." Ruan Xinhua explained quickly, with cold sweat on his forehead.

But he couldn't say a word when he met the man's wicked eyes.

Ruan Xinhua didn't understand that the Mingming medicine was dropped into Ruan Su's cup. Why is it that Ruan Su is okay now, and what happened is Ruan Fangfang?

He was puzzled.

Huo Jiliang kicked away and entangled Ruan Fangfang, he sneered and called his assistant. "Since Miss Ruan likes to play so much, it's better to play something exciting and bring it up with a box."

The assistant replied immediately. "Yes."

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