Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 162: He is the humanoid antidote

Walked for about ten minutes.

She saw a dilapidated wooden house.

The door was open and it was dark inside. She stood at the door and knocked on the door, "Is anyone there?"

No one answered.

She frowned.

After waiting for a while, no one said anything.

She took out the phone, turned on the flashlight, and entered the room by the light of the phone.

Find the switch, and with a snap, a dim light bulb illuminates the room.

She could barely see the furnishings in the room, it was very simple.

Under the lamp is a four-corner table with two stools beside it.

In the corner is a bed.

There is a box by the bed.

The rest is gone.

She looked at the house and imagined the scene where her mother once lived.

Her heart hurts like being scratched by several sharp claws.

No people can live in this place at all!

This is not as good as a kennel.

Just when she was in a daze, suddenly, there was a messy footsteps outside the door.

"Who! Who is in my house?"

Suddenly, a rude voice rang from the yard.

Ruan Su turned his head subconsciously and saw a dirty man walking towards the room.

The man wore a black shirt, which was worn white, with some grey hair mixed in his messy hair, and he was about fifty years old.

His face was full of wrinkles, and his eyes were muddy.

He also carried a wine bottle in his hand, exuding poor quality alcohol.

Ruan Su silently looked at him for a while before saying, "I have something to do with you."

The old bachelor didn't expect a beautiful woman like a fairy daughter appeared in his home.

He was shocked for a long time, and couldn't help but rub his eyes softly, almost thinking that he was dreaming.

"You... are you a fairy in the sky? Did God send you here?"

"Be sober!" Ruan Su said coldly, "Thirteen years ago, did you find a woman to be your wife?"

The old bachelor approached Ruan Su. He tilted his head, looked up and down, and then left and right. After looking at it for a long time, he said, "My wife ran away early, why are you mentioning her?"

It turned out to be a real person! But this chick is so pretty.

"Where is she? Who did you sell to?" Ruan Su said sharply.

"Cut, she looked soft and weak, but she had a strong personality. I didn't let Lao Tzu sleep with her. Of course Lao Tzu had to sell her! She was also given money to me and asked me to take care of her temporarily for a few days. I I thought it would be fun, but it's a pity..." The old bachelor sighed and sat down on the stool.

I recalled the time when I was young.

"So, you didn't buy her?" Ruan Su instantly grasped the point of his words.

"Why should I tell you so much? Who are you?" The old bachelor glared at her.

Ruan Su took out his wallet directly from his bag, took out several pink banknotes from it, and threw them in front of the old bachelor, "Is this enough?"

The old Guangcoo's eyes lit up, and he quickly grabbed the money in his hands and counted how many pieces there were.

"Enough, enough."

"Say quickly if you have enough!"

"Our village is very remote. At that time I was young. When I went hunting in the mountains, I ran into a man and a woman. They dragged the beautiful woman as if they were afraid of being chased. Then they gave me money. , Let me hide that beautiful woman for a few days. For the sake of money, I told the people in the village that it was the daughter-in-law I bought. After about half a month, several more men came. Take the beautiful woman away. Give me a sum of money so that I don't want to talk about it." Lao Guangtao said with emotion. "But that woman is really beautiful."

He looked up and down Ruan Su again, "Don't tell me, you two are really alike."

"What do those people look like? What do a man and a woman look like?" Ruan Su felt dull after listening to the old bachelor's words, as if someone was hitting her chest with a big hammer. .

There is only one voice in her head, and that is! Mother may not be dead, she may still be alive in a certain corner of the world.

My mother is not dead.

Mom, where are you?

"The man looks good and the woman looks so mediocre. I remember that woman's voice was very sharp and sharp." The old bachelor recalled, "I just met them, I don't remember clearly. "

Ruan Su gritted his teeth, "Think about it again."

"I took your money, can I lie to you? I really can't remember." The old bachelor shouted loudly.

Ruan Su really couldn't ask anything, and didn't insist anymore. "Have you seen a little girl? With that woman?"

"There is no little girl. I have never seen it before." Lao Guangtao said.

If mother is not dead, where did the younger sister go? Ruan Su frowned, puzzled.

She drew a few more bills and put them in front of the old bachelor, "Take care of your mouth and don't tell anyone that I came to you."

"Naturally." The old bachelor said with joy, counting the money.


When Ruan Su drove back to the city, it was already early in the morning.

Her face was ugly, pale, but she was very energetic.

Even if it was wee hours, she was not drowsy at all.

Mother is not dead...

Mother was not in a car accident, but was sold.

Ruan Xinhua lied.

What about the younger sister? Could it be that my sister was also sold?

When Ruan Su thought that in a certain corner of this world, her mother and sister might be suffering inhuman torture, and she couldn't control her emotions.

Want to destroy everything.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the negative emotions in her heart.

no, I can not.

Mom and sister must be very happy, they must be very happy...

Ruan Su, don't think, don't think...

She lay on the bed, constantly hypnotizing herself, and constantly comforting herself.

Before he knew it, he finally closed his eyes.

When I woke up again, it was almost noon.

I picked up the phone to check the time and found that there were several missed calls.

Some call from the hospital, and some from Bo Xingzhi.

She only went back to the hospital, and didn't go back to the thin line.

After washing, she drove towards the hospital.

Just parked the car.

"Wow, so handsome! So domineering!"

Before Ruan Su got out of the car, he was startled by an exaggerated exclamation.

She blinked and followed the exclamation of passers-by.

I saw a few black Bentleys lined up and parked at the entrance of the hospital, magnificent and shocking.

Dozens of black-clothed bodyguards got out of the car and stood in two rows in a well-trained manner.

The door of the middle Bentley was opened, and several men in suits and leather shoes walked down one by one.

Ruan Su's gaze fell on the man in the front.

He was dressed in a hand-made black suit, his meticulously ironed trousers were wrapped around his two long legs, and he had one hand in his trouser pocket.

Under her black and sharp hair, a handsome face is like a masterpiece of God's ingenious work, with three-dimensional features and incredible perfection.

He stood there casually, and everyone around him seemed to have become a background board.

The man carried a strong aura of looking over the world, which made people involuntarily bow their heads to court.

At this moment, a man of the same upright figure got out of another car. The man was very handsome, with a friendly smile on his lips.

When the two men Bo Xingzhi and Xie Jinyan appeared, they instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Ruan Su got out of the car and walked towards the hospital building.

Bo Xingzhi stood there, his deep eyes staring at her silently.

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

Ruan Su didn't know if it was her illusion. Why did she feel that the surrounding air suddenly became cold?

She raised her eyebrows.

Go past the man and continue walking inside, "I just woke up."

The implication is not to answer the phone while sleeping.

Xie Jinyan next to Bo Xingzhi looked at him flat and wanted to laugh a little, but he held back.

Gee, boss, is this swollen?

Ms. Ruan still feels about him now!

"Xie Shao." Seeing Mrs. Xie's face, Ruan Su reluctantly greeted Xie Jinyan.

"Miss Ruan, when I got up early in the morning, I was very angry. I suspect that he is upset, do I need to prescribe medicine or something?" Xie Jinyan said with a smile.

Ruan Su said faintly, "It's owing, just a quick meal."

Bo Xingzhi copied it with one hand in his trouser pocket, and his black eyes stared at Ruan Su coldly, this little woman! He finally did a good job of psychological construction and set a trap for her to let him get married.

He couldn't wait to find her, but she turned out to be so cold.

Small things that cross the river and demolish the bridge.

Why isn't she so cold when she needs him as a humanoid antidote on the bed?

What's even worse is that she even dared to stab him with words?

Have a meal?

He wanted to smoke her even more, um, smoked on the bed.

Ruan Su walked towards the elevator.

Bo Xingzhi and Xie Jinyan also walked in the direction of the elevator.

The two men advanced into the elevator, staring at Ruan Su closely with thin black eyes. "Come up."

Ruan Su shook his head, "No. I'll sit down."

Bo Xingzhi heard the words, and his handsome face like a knife became gloomy in an instant. He eased his emotions and suppressed his irritability, "My wife, hurry up, stop making trouble."

Ruan Su's mouth twitched.

What is this man doing with such a spoiling voice suddenly?

Goose bumps are coming out.

Seeing the elevator door was about to close.

Bo Xingzhi stretched out her long arm, grabbed her by the arm, and dragged her into the elevator.

Ruan Su stood beside Bo Xingzhi, always feeling that Bo Xingzhi's scorching gaze was staring at her.

She raised her eyes a little uncomfortably, stared back, and crashed into a pair of bottomless, pitch-black eyes.

She suddenly jumped in her chest, "What are you doing in the hospital?"

The lacquered black eyes are deep and deep, and when the man looks like this, it seems to be directly immersed in the bottom of my heart.

She lowered her long eyelashes and stopped looking at the man.

Bo Xingzhi suddenly leaned over to her ear, and the familiar male breath was clear and instantly rushing towards her face.

The bewitching voice sounded in her ears, "Guess."

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