Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 189: Just refuse! Never be together

"As long as it's everything you say, I believe it. You don't need to take evidence." Bo Xingzhi Kurosawa's eyes fixedly looked at her, looking straight into her pupils, as if through there to reach the depths of the soul.

Ruan Su was startled, and then said, "That's really thanks to Mr. Bo for showing love."

Bo Xing said slowly, his expression was extremely serious, "Ruan Su, even if you do not admit it, but I clearly feel that you have changed a lot to me. In your heart, there really is no my position?"

Ruan Su's expression froze, and it took a long time before he said, "I'm hungry. What do you want to eat at noon?"

"Don't try to divert my attention, your topic has turned extremely bad."

Ruan Su's gaze moved away, even if she didn't look down on her behavior, she could still feel the man's scorching gaze.

She sighed lightly, "Bo Xingzhi, how can you and I be together?"

"If not, then what is our four-year marriage? You were able to be with me at the beginning, you can be with me now, and you can be with me even more in the future." The man's tone was unwavering.

Ruan Su lowered his eyes to look at the palm of his left hand, where it was faintly black, and the wrist was black.

She tugged at her sleeve without a trace, and retracted her palm, "I'll talk about this later."

At first, she had a silkworm on her body, and now she has a poison from the NN terrorist organization. She doesn't know if it can be solved, she has to figure it out first.


Let's put it aside.

She strode forward, facing the sun, but her heart was desolate.


In the kitchen.

Ruan Su put on disposable rubber gloves and started making tomato sauce noodles.

Although this noodle is easy to operate, it is difficult to make it really delicious.

Whether it is heat or tomato sauce, it must be firmly controlled to taste the best.

It didn't take long for her to make it and stir-fry a few more side dishes to take out.

Bo Xingzhi sat at the dining table, looking at the fragrant tomato sauce noodles, and then at the small dishes Ruan Su fried.

Stir-fried legs with cumin and potatoes, fried broccoli with eggs, and stewed carrots with beef.

They all look good.

Bo Xingzhi habitually ate two bites of noodles first, "The taste is very good."

Then pick up a piece of beef and send it to the mouth.

His movements are elegant and noble, like a natural nobleman.

No matter what action is made, it gives people a kind of elegant and pleasing to the eye.

Ruan Su hooked his lips and began to eat noodles.

She kept wearing the disposable rubber gloves on her hands, and she frowned thinly, "Why don't you take off the gloves?"

He remembered cooking before, and she rarely wore such gloves.

There was a strange feeling in my heart inexplicably.

Ruan Su glanced at the gloves, and then said, "I have to wash the dishes later, so I won't take them off."

"You don't need to wash the bowl." A thin and elegant napkin wiped the corners of his lips. "There is a servant."

Ruan Su hooked his lips, "I like wearing clothes, right?"

Bo Xingzhi's eyes were dim, something wrong, very wrong.

But he knew that what Ruan Su didn't want to say, he was forced to ask, and he couldn't ask anything.


Twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

The private jet landed slowly.

Bo Xingzhi woke up the little woman next to him, "Here."

Ruan Su slowly opened his eyes and was stunned for a while before his dizzy head gradually became clear. "Oh, let's go down."

Since the afternoon, she couldn't help being sleepy. The plane flew all the way, and she slept all the way.

Even now, she still couldn't resist sleepiness when she was sober.

She has sent WeChat to Jiang Xinyu, asking him to investigate the poison of the NN terrorist organization. I don't know if the guy found out what the result was.

After getting off the plane and getting on the Bentley.

Ruan Suqiang held up his energy and turned on his mobile phone and logged into WeChat.

Just saw the message from Jiang Xinyu a few hours ago, "Boss, the poison of the NN terrorist organization is divided into three types, all of which have no solution. The one of you, the poisoned part is black and blue, and it is likely to be a child. Medicine. You will... gradually lose your current IQ, and eventually IQ will become a three-year-old child. In fact, poison will erode your nerves, your brain, and turn you into cerebral palsy. The brain is the first to be destroyed, and then you With all the nerves and veins, you will become a waste that can't move your body, your feet can't move, and you can only languish on the bed and wait for death."

Ruan Su's pupils tightened, staring at these lines.

Turn into cerebral palsy, turn into waste, and wait for death.

No, no! She must not be like this!

"How long will it take to die after the poison is on? Lilian will vomit blood soon. Am I going to do so soon?" Ruan Su typed quickly with his fingers.

Since dealing with Lilian, all of Bo Xingzhi's mind was put on Ruan Su, and he was sensitive to the changes in the emotions of the women around him.

What's wrong? What happened?

I always felt that she was hiding something from him.

Bo Xingzhi had a faint feeling in his heart.

However, due to his character, he couldn't take a peek at Ruan Su's WeChat behavior.

I can only sit downright, the end of my eyes falling on Ruan Su from time to time.

Ruan Su, who was immersed in shock and horror, was not in the mood to pay attention to Bo Xingzhi. At this time, she was silently waiting for Jiang Xinyu's reply.

Jiang Xinyu didn't let her wait too long, and quickly returned to her, "Boss, the youngest of you should not turn into cerebral palsy waste so quickly, but time is also very tight, and it may be delayed for up to half a month."

Ruan Su bit his posterior molar and said, "Look, we must find a way to detoxify. Lilian can buy poison, and we should be able to. Buy a poison. If it doesn't work, we will try to prepare the antidote ourselves."

"Yes, boss, I'll do it right away."

Ruan Su closed WeChat and slowly leaned against the back of the car seat.

She closed her eyes, her thoughts numb.

Child-returning medicine...

NN terrorist organization, Lilian, a small servant, how can he get on line with the terrorist organization?

Is there someone who wants to be unfavorable to the thin line?

There was a lot of confusion in her head.

The car steadily stopped at the Jiangsong Villa, and Bo Xingzhi looked at the little woman with her eyes closed with deep eyes, "My wife, I'm home."

Ruan Su, who has always been extremely vigilant, did not wake up in time this time.

Bo Xingzhi frowned, raised his hand and patted her cheek, "Wife?"

Sleeping so soundly?

After sleeping all the way, how can I still feel sleepy after getting off the plane?

Something's wrong.

At this moment, Song Yan's cell phone rang, "Yes, yes, okay, I will tell the young master."

Bo Xingzhi's eyes darkened, "What happened?"

"Master, it's Lilian." Song Yan quickly reported, "The housekeeper said that Lilian's autopsy has been out. She had smeared herself with the NN terrorist organization's repatriation drug before. Because of the overdose, the poison went very quickly. You She was given another shot, which accelerated her death."

Bo Xingzhi's eyes suddenly became cold, "One of the three major poisons of the NN terrorist organization, the child-returning drug? How can Lilian get mixed up with the terrorist organization? Check it out!"


Bo Xingzhi Daheng picked Ruan Su up and got out of the car.

After returning home, she put her on the bed and Bo Xingzhi went directly into the bathroom.

With the sound of splashing water, the woman on the soft big bed slowly opened her eyes, and it took a while to recognize that this was Jiangsong Villa.

Ruan Su sat up dizzy and stroked his forehead.

Damn, why she fell asleep again.

A detoxification method must be found as soon as possible.

If she drags on any longer, she may become like this.

Ruan Su looked at his palm, the palm of his hand became darker and darker, as black as ink that could not be removed.

She can't stay in this place anymore. If the infection is to Bo Xingzhi, she will regret it forever.

She stood up without thinking about it, and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Xinyu, "I'm at Jiangsong Villa, pick me up."

When Bo Xingzhi came out of the bathroom, he found that Ruan Su was no longer on the bed.

He felt tight and was about to go downstairs to find.

But I found a note on the head of the bed with the woman’s extremely beautiful font, "Thin line, I have to leave beforehand."

The man held the note, his expression gloomy and hard to see the extreme.

What run?

She has experienced so many things, why does she still run?

damn it!


On the highway at midnight, a Land Rover galloped past.

Ruan Suqiang held a trace of energy to prevent him from falling asleep, his voice was low and cold.

"go to company."

"Boss, how are you now?" Jiang Xinyu asked worriedly while driving, why did he get poisoned after a trip to the country? Still this weird poison.

"I can't die." Ruan Su replied with no energy, and she barely raised her eyes sleepily, "Notify everyone and hold an emergency meeting right away."


Land Rover rushed all the way to the medical research laboratory established by Baisui Pharmaceutical.

At this time, all R&D personnel are in place.

Some are still yawning, some are listless, and the few night owls can't help but laugh at them, "Boss, when I see you guys who are not energetic, I will definitely scold you."

"Pull it down, what's the big deal with the boss? Call us over in the middle of the night."

"The boss is crazy, right? I'm so sleepy."

Just when the eight R&D personnel were chatting and taunting each other, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the door of the conference room was pushed open.

A tall figure stepped in, the woman was dressed in white, and her beautiful face was pale.

A tall man stepped in after him.

Everyone saw the two of them, and they all looked at them.

Ruan Su sat in the first place, her spirit a little daunted, and gestured to Jiang Xinyu next to her.

"For you."


Five minutes later.

All the R&D personnel stared at Ruan Su in shock, and couldn't believe what Jiang Xinyu said just now.

"If this is true, then boss..."

"If you have three long and two short, what can you do?"

"The boss is still so young!"

"Don't look at me with that kind of sympathy and compassion." Ruan Su said with a cold expression, "I don't have so much time in the United States for you. First, everyone will develop a drug that slows down the toxicity and suppresses the time it takes to poison it. In this way. Come and make full preparations for the antidote."

"Since it can be born, everything has its nemesis, I don't believe it, it has no antidote!"

The woman's voice was loud and loud.

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