Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 229: This man is terrifyingly cruel

Cheng Ziyin also saw Ruan Su.

She was surprised, "Ruan Su?"

In addition to Ruan Su, she also saw a few men. The man who I care about is beside Ruan Su. The man is tall and tall, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, looks extremely handsome and elegant, and there is a sense of luxury all over his body. gas.

Hearing her voice, the Cheng family around her all looked towards Ruan Su.

Madam He was talking to Cheng Mu. The moment she raised her eyes, she suddenly stopped speaking.

Then he quickly pulled Mr. He, and the couple walked quickly to Shang Lingxiao's face, and said with a hint of surprise, "Mr. Shang, why are you here?"

Mr. Shang?

Everyone in the Cheng family was stunned.

Jiangcheng's surname is Shang...It seems that there is only such a family?

Is it what they think it is?

The status of the merchant in Jiangcheng is not inferior to the Huo family and the Bo family, and it can be regarded as one of the top families in Jiangcheng.

In recent years, the Cheng family has gradually become weak because of no successor.

It can't be compared with this kind of big brother family at all.

The old man of the business is also an amazing person. Few people have seen him, but he has a son who is a luxury agent who monopolizes the fashion industry.

The luxury brands of the entire H Empire are all represented by Shang's.

Although the He and his wife have a lot of contacts in the music circle, when they come to the Shang family, they still have to stay low, not for anything else, just for the Shang family's fashion resources.

Of the five well-known magazines in the fashion circle, three of them are owned by Shang's.

The couple didn't want their artists to be blocked by the Shang clan.

Speaking of... Hasn't this daughter of the Cheng family ever been blacked out by the young master of the merchant? All brands in H Empire block her.

It was also extremely sensational at the time.

Now... He and his wife have a short face, and their expressions are a bit complicated.

I have dinner with someone that the General Chamber of Commerce hates, and I don’t know what the General Chamber of Commerce thinks of their couple...

Shang Lingxiao didn't know what He and his wife were thinking. He glanced at each other, a bit familiar, but he knew too many people, had no characteristics and status, so he really couldn't catch him.

He just responded casually and politely, "Invite my sister to dinner."

"younger sister?"

Madam He looked at Ruan Su who was next to Shang Lingxiao. The woman had outstanding eyebrows and extraordinary temperament.

She hurriedly smiled and said, "Sister Shang is really beautiful, oh, at first glance, she is the kind of grace that everyone has only a daughter."

She mistaken Ruan Su for the merchant’s lady Shang Tangyi.

Ruan Su also said nothing.

Just smiled faintly.

Madam He hurriedly took out a box from her bag. The box was the emerald necklace that the Cheng family asked her couple for help just now.

As she stuffed Ruan Su's hand, she smiled and said, "When we first met, I happened to have an emerald necklace here. I think you are a good fit for you. I hope you don't dislike it."

Now she only prayed that Shang Lingxiao would not be angry with her because she was close to the Cheng family.

Although in front of the Cheng family, it was a bit embarrassing to send things out.

But the most important thing is not to offend the big Buddha in front of you.

Ruan Su naturally dodged, "I'm sorry, I won't be rewarded for no merit."

"It's just a necklace, a gadget." Shang Lingxiao said faintly, and then looked at the He and his wife with a serious face, "Mr. He, Mrs. He, right?"

It seemed as if he had just remembered who they were.

Mr. He's face is a bit embarrassed. Having lived for such a long time, being called so publicly by a young man who can be his own son is really a bit hard to get off the stage.

But, who made him the young master of the merchant.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Shang."

"As for the international piano competition, I heard that it will be held at our Jiangcheng Opera House this year." Shang Lingxiao curled her lips, "Sponsorship...Shang's package."

"Really...really?" Mr. He was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

"My assistant will discuss the details with you." Shang Lingxiao finished speaking and left with Ruan Su directly.

The Cheng family and his party were all dumbfounded.

Especially Cheng Mu and Cheng Ziyin, their faces are as colorful as color palettes.

Cheng Ziyin's face was as rare as being struck by a giant thunder.

She couldn't help clenching her fists, and the carefully drawn manicure was pinched deeply into the flesh.

She looked at this scene in disbelief, how could it be possible? Isn't Ruan Su a doctor? Isn't it just an internet celebrity? Doesn’t it mean that you can play the piano? How could it be possible to become a businessman like this?

The attitude of Mr. and Mrs. He, nodding and bowing, is extremely respectful to this so-called general manager.

The couple kept sending Shang Lingxiao and Ruan Su away, and then looked at Cheng's family with satisfaction, "Do you know who the Shang was always just now?"

"Could it be from the Shang clan..." Uncle Cheng asked, unable to restrain his curiosity.

"Yes, that is Shang Lingxiao, the eldest master of the Shang family." Madam He's gaze fell on Cheng Ziyin, "Miss Cheng, when you were blocked by all the fashion brands, is the work of the merchant master."

Cheng Ziyin's face turned pale, her eyes widened in disbelief.

She became the laughing stock of fashion and entertainment circles at first, all thanks to Ruan Su!

It turned out that she was blocked by all the brands... because Ruan Su went to Shang Lingxiao to tell the truth!

The Cheng family originally wanted to inquire about the crime, and asked Madam He why he had given the million-dollar jade necklace to Ruan Su, but now they couldn't say a word.

I just feel that my face hurts like being beaten down by countless heavy punches at the same time.

No one dared to answer the conversation.

Cheng's Dafang even blamed Cheng Ziyin a bit, making them lose face in front of He and his wife.

In particular, Cheng Mu just wanted to feel sorry for the jade necklace that she had spent nearly a million on, and it hurt her very much.

Why should I give it to Ruan Su that little bitch.

As a result, now... her face was so hot that she didn't even dare to say a word.

"I only hope that Mr. Shang will not anger our husband and wife. I am thankful." Mrs. He said with no face, "As for your participation in the international piano competition, I will consider it."

After speaking, she took Mr. He's arm and left directly.

The anger and jealousy in Cheng Ziyin's heart were almost monstrous.

She squeezed her palm tightly, and the blood dripped down her palm. But she didn't seem to feel any pain at all.

Because of her notoriety before, she failed to pass the review when she signed up to participate in the piano competition.

The Cheng family only made this round and made an appointment with the He family and his wife.

As a result, now I encountered Ruan Su again. It was because Ruan Su had given millions of gifts by himself, and even if nothing was done, the gifts still fell into Ruan Su's pocket.

Cheng Ziyin gritted his teeth with hatred, and wanted to drink Ruan Su's blood and eat Ruan Su's meat.

Why, why Ruan Su turned out to be the daughter of Cheng Jinfeng who was kicked out of the Cheng family, and why she wanted to come back and compete with her for the family property.

Why should she ruin everything she has!

Even her only chance to become a top international pianist was forcibly denied. If she wins a prize at the International Piano Competition, she will be well-known in the world!

Whether it is the Cheng family or those ladies and ladies, including the whole world, she will be admired, and she will definitely be noticed!

No, no! She can't wait and die! She must fight back.


Paris France.

After the plane rumbled and landed.

Bo Xingzhi did not check into the hotel with the crew.

As soon as they stepped out of the airport, there were several black luxury cars waiting at the airport gate.

Seeing him, the well-dressed middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes immediately greeted him and bowed respectfully to salute, "Master, Master and Madam have been waiting for you for a long time."

The tall and stalwart man wore a captain's uniform, which matched his wide shoulders and narrow waist, and outlined his golden ratio figure perfectly.

The cold, abstinent face nodded at the middle-aged man expressionlessly, "Butler Helen."

"Master, please get in the car." The Butler Helen opened the door.

The man leaned over and sat in.

Dozens of luxury cars drove out of the airport mightily.

Butler Helen has always been the steward of the manor in France. Bo Xingzhi's father Bo Fengshan and mother Wang Bilian live in France, and they rarely return to China.

Has been working and living in France.

After driving for half an hour, the car drove into an idyllic manor.

The area of ​​the manor is vast. Although the style is idyllic, it does not reveal a touch of warmth, but is terribly cold.

From a distance, the tall castle is like an invisible cage.

In the darkness, the huge prison door opened, as if to swallow everyone in.

Bo Xingzhi didn't like coming here very much, but he had to come here again.

Without expression, he followed the butler into the first floor hall of the castle.

In the dim hall.

Nearly a hundred strong men gathered.

Sitting on the sofa in the center is an elegant man wearing a dark red Tang suit. If you don't look carefully, it is estimated that everyone will be fooled by his appearance, thinking that he is a university professor or some scholar.

However, the cold breath emanating from his body was like a demon crawling out of hell, making others tremble.

He has a pair of deep eyes, those eyes are different from the indifference of Bo Xingzhi, they are really cold.

All the people around were too quiet to make a sound.

In this gloomy lobby, even breathing seemed to be a burden.

The elegant man on the sofa was Bo Xingzhi's father, Bo Fengshan. At the same time, he is also the person in charge of the Bo's Research Institute, who has a private research institute in France and is very famous.

And Mrs. Bo runs the institute together with him, so she stays in France all year round and rarely returns to China.

Even at the funeral of Mr. Bo, the two never showed up.

In the eyes of Bo Xingzhi, his parents are the coldest-blooded existence in the world.

"Master, master is back."

"Come in." Bo Fengshan's voice was cold and calm.

The man put one hand on the armrest of the sofa, while the other hand stroked a black cat in his arms.

Maybe it was because he was too strong, the black cat meowed uncomfortably.

In the next second, the man's big palm clicked directly, breaking the black cat's neck.

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