Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 281: Go crazy! Ruan Su subdued him!

Madam Bo slapped Bo Wenyu's face hard.

The girl looked at her humiliatingly, but stubbornly did not let the tears fall.

She had known since she was a child that she seemed to be the daughter of the Bo family, but Mrs. Bo had always only cared about her two biological daughters.

She and her second brother Bo Wenhao are not as good as a dog in the Bo family.

Because she and her second brother are both servants of Bo Fengshan.

"Negligible thing! If you don't have the Bo family, can you go to study abroad? The Bo family has supported you for so many years, and it's time for you to repay the Bo family."

Madam Bo pinched Bo Wenyu's chin, "I must go to accompany Mr. Zhao tonight! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Bo Wenyu widened his eyes and shook his head in horror. Although she couldn't hear what Madam Bo was saying, her instinct told her that it was definitely not a good thing.

She choked up, "Madam, I can't hear...I can't hear anything."

She handed over the pen and paper with trembling hands.

A trace of sarcasm flashed in Madam Bo's eyes, and she took the paper and pen to write directly.

When Bo Wenyu read the contents of the paper clearly.

She paled and thunderous.

"You are now a deaf person. For the sake of your usefulness, go to accompany Mr. Zhao at night! Mr. Zhao promised to invest 300 million yuan in the laboratory! Now it's time for you to support your dad's career."

"No, I don't want..." Bo Wenyu's chest rises and falls, stretches out his hand to grasp the hem of Bo Fengshan, lifts up tears to look at Bo Fengshan's cold face, "Dad, please, don't... don't let me accompany Mr. Zhao, I now make money from filming, and I give you all the money I make for filming. Don’t..."

"Don't have to do it! The Bo family has raised you for so many years, and you want to sit back and enjoy it? Your dad and I should also collect some capital!" Madam Bo quickly wrote on the paper. "You are deaf, you are deaf, what else can you do? It's already pretty good if someone wants you!"

"You are a trash!"

Bo Fengshan pushed away Bo Wenyu's hand indifferently, and Bo Wenyu fell on the bed, his heart becoming cold and weak.

It was like pouring ice water on her in the summer, it was bitingly cold.

This is her parents...

For the money, it would not hesitate to push her to the fire kang personally.

She murmured, "My elder brother has money...300 million only, can't my elder brother get it out?"

"Mr. Zhao is very interested in our research. We are partners. We can use other people's money. Why use Bo's money? Isn't it good to save Bo's money?" Mrs. Bo triumphed on the paper again. Write.

"Do you think your brother will give you money? Do you think you are really worth 300 million? You are a trash, how could your brother spend money for you?"

Bo Wenyusheng felt that he was really naive.

What is she? She and Bo Xingzhi are half-parents... My eldest brother has taken care of her enough all these years!

"Yeah... We are half-parents, and he can recognize that my sister has done everything to me."

Bo Wenyu's arrows pierced his heart, so pain that he could barely breathe.

"You are wrong. He is not your father's son at all. He has no blood relationship with you at all." Madam Bo pinched the girl's chin, staring at her carefully, holding the words on the paper, "You will be excepted. You can still see this face."

No blood relationship?

"No, it's impossible. How could my brother not be my brother? You lie! You lie! How could my brother not be?"

Bo Wenyu's head was blank.

How can it be……

Bo Xingzhi isn't her brother?

In her heart is like a stalwart mountain, the brother who always shelters her from the wind and rain has nothing to do with her?

Does that mean that Sister-in-law will have nothing to do with her in the future?

Because she could never become a well-known sister-in-law of her sister-in-law anymore.

Tears slid down her cheeks like shooting stars.

She cried bitterly, her heart was filled with great sadness, but she couldn't carry it.

"Three hundred million! No one can take it for you. Tonight, I will go with Mr. Zhao obediently!" Madam Bo patted her face and straightened up proudly.

As soon as her voice fell, a cold voice came from behind her.

"Three hundred million! I'll take it for her!"

The door of the room was opened, and the tall and tall man stood at the door, kicked the man in black who was guarding the door, and stepped in.

He was dressed in black and black trousers, and his cold face was covered with frost. "Dad, Mom, are you here to stimulate the language? What good is it for you to stimulate her? Mr. Zhao is sixty years old this year. , Grandpa who is a literary language is more than enough. You actually want her to accompany Mr. Zhao and let her go to the mouth."

"Bo Xingzhi, what are you? I tell you, if there is no Bo family, you are nothing, you are just an abandoned son! A trash that was expelled from the family by that man!" Madam Bo had a sullen face and her eyes were right. The contempt of the thin line is suffocating.

"For so many years, the Bo family has nurtured you and entrusted the Bo family to you. Do you really think you are the proud son of heaven?"

Bo Wenyu didn't know what Mrs. Bo had said, but saw that Mrs. Bo's mouth kept opening and closing.

Bo Xingzhi's tall figure stood in front of the hospital bed, with his back facing Bo Wenyu.

She didn't know what Bo Xingzhi said, there was silence in her world, and the silence made her want to collapse.

Want to go crazy, want to die!

", don't fight them for me, bro..."

Bo Wenyu could almost tell from Madam Bo's cruel expression that Bo Xingzhi must have done something to disobey their husband and wife.

Her hands tightly grasped Thin Xingzhi's arm, "Brother, brother...not worth it."

"Look, didn't you feel bad when your sister called you?"

"It's really deep brother and sister!"

Bo Fengshan's cold eyes moved back and forth between the brothers and sisters.

"Three hundred million, I'll come out, and no one can take away my sister." Bo Xingzhi said word by word.

If he can't even protect his sister, then he...what is the meaning of this big brother?

"Bo Xingzhi, this time you paid 300 million, what about next time?" Bo Fengshan laughed.

The air seems to be suffocated because of this.

The young man in the ward had a stern face, and a pair of ink-like eyes stared at the middle-aged man in front of him. The man had a cold face, and his indifferent face couldn't see any emotions that belonged to human beings.

Bo Xingzhi had known for a long time that this man had no feelings, he was a cold-blooded existence than a poisonous snake.

Wanting to see half a thread of humanity from him is simply a fantasy.

He is a man crueler than an animal.

No, he doesn't deserve to be called a human at all.

Is it a man who can cruelly use his daughter as a pawn, or is it a human?

He is not human at all!

"Dad, I advise you to give up the idea of ​​sending text out." Bo Xingzhi's aura was overwhelming, and the powerful aura was about to suppress Bo Fengshan in front of him.

Bo Fengshan sneered, "Bo Xingzhi, you killed my two daughters one after another, and now you are protecting Bo Wenyu, running out to teach me? What is your position? If it weren't for you, would Wenqing die? All her deaths You and Ruan Su killed it!"

"My poor Wenjuan... fell off the cliff..." Madam Bo couldn't help but screamed, "Bo Xingzhi, what do we owe you? What do we owe you? What do you want to do? My son killed my Wenjuan!"

Thin Xingzhi's brain seemed to be severely smashed with a heavy hammer!


The blue veins on his forehead couldn't help but bulge, and his hands clenched into fists.


The tails of his eyes were red, and the aura all over his body seemed to have a thick black aura enveloping him.


He hit the wall with a fist like crazy!

The manic appearance is frightening!

Bo Wenyu was taken aback by his madness. Seeing the blood on the back of the man's hand, she jumped out of the bed and braced her weak body to hold Bo Wenyu, "Brother! Brother! Calm down."

This is the first time she has seen Bo Xing stop going crazy.

She never knew that her brother... would be like this?

"Go!" Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes were blood red at this time, and he pushed Bo Wenyu away. At this moment, he heard movement in the room.

The man in black guarding the door rushed in immediately.

Bo Xingzhi fought with them like crazy.

The man has good physical fitness and extremely high martial arts.

Dozens of people in black besieged himself together, but he was defeated.

His eyes were scarlet, and all the people in front of him looked like those traffickers from more than ten years ago. They were all...They were all trying to abduct his sister and him!

All of them! They are all **** traffickers, they all deserve to die!

He rushed out of the room and walked up to several doctors who were discussing some academic issues with a serious face.


He rushed towards a tall man with long legs and went crazy, grabbed a doctor by the collar, lifted him high, and was about to fall to the ground!


The thin doctor was thrown to the ground by him. The doctor was usually weak, so he fainted on the spot when he fell like this.

When the other doctors saw this, they immediately reacted and ran away.

A chief doctor called, "Bo, what happened?"

However, the man who was immersed in the crazy vision could not hear what he said.

The man's voice seemed to come from hell, and he pressed the chief physician to the wall and stuck his neck, "Go to hell! Go to hell! You all deserve to die!"

The chief physician was trapped by him with too much air, but with little air, his face was flushed, and he was about to be choked to death by him!


A neat and slender woman rushed towards her, her two white palms pressed tightly on the thin palms.

"Bo Xingzhi, you be more sober!"

Ruan Su looked at Bo Xingzhi anxiously. No matter what, this man was so powerful that she couldn't shake it at all.

Mu Zhu, the chief physician, was about to be strangled to death.

If he kills here, what will he do in the future?

Ruan Su's eyes were red, and every time she saw him sick, her heart was like a knife.

She glanced at Bo Wenhao who was not far away, and winked at the young man.

The man immersed in madness did not notice at all.

At this moment, Bo Wenhao moved!

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