Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 306: Pooh! Bitch! See how I clean up you!

The staff dormitory of Lacrosse Restaurant.

The seventeenth and eighteenth floors of the restaurant are staff dormitories and rest areas, and each employee has an exclusive room.

And in one of the rooms.

A man was reluctantly applying medicine to his injured calf.

The wound has been ulcerated and inflamed, because it was not treated in time at that time, it has deteriorated very badly recently.

The man gritted his teeth and poured hydrogen peroxide onto the wound, immediately!

Layers of white foam gurgled.

He took out a dagger, roasted it on the fire a few times, and dug into his wound without changing his face.

In fact, one knife after another abruptly dug out the fester of his wound.

There was no anesthetic wound, and the pain was so cold that he was sweating all over, but he didn't seem to feel it, as if it was digging someone else's leg.

He acted swiftly and quickly treated the wound, and then took some healing medicines, and finally wrapped the wound with clean gauze.

He just let out a long sigh of relief.

He was sweaty all over, sweat on his forehead, and the cold sweat on his back wet his shirt.

He grabbed the tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead, then sat up and lowered his trouser legs.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Chef Hua, the head chef of the back kitchen invites you over."

It was his apprentice Xiao Zhou. The Chinese struggled to get up from the bed and put away all the gauze and alcohol.

This pretended that his legs did not have any injuries, endured the piercing pain, and walked steadily towards the door.

He opened the door of the room and saw an eighteen or nine-year-old boy standing at the door. The boy was not tall and had a childish face, showing the youthful vigor.

Seeing the Chinese open the door, Xiao Zhou grinned, "What are you doing in there? Why did it take so long to open the door?"

The eyes of the Chinese were innocent and innocent, "Xiao Zhou, I... I seem to be sick, my head is very hot, am I going to die?"

When Xiao Zhou heard this, his face changed, and he quickly stood on tiptoe and raised his hand to touch the Chinese forehead, "It's hot! I'll call you Doctor Wang."

Dr. Wang is a specially-appointed doctor of the Lacrosse Hotel. Usually the hotel staff have a headache and are looking for him.

When the Chinese saw Xiao Zhou's figure leaving, their eyes dimmed.

His leg injury has been hurt for a long time, and I hope that Dr. Wang will not see it.

After the leg injury, he insisted on continuing to work so that no one could see that he had a gunshot wound.

How can anyone know the taboo of gunshot wounds?

But... his current wound is too serious. If he continues to work and does not heal the injury well, he is afraid that this leg will be scrapped.

Now that he has a fever again, it seems that he can only rest for a few days.

A few minutes later, Xiao Zhou took Dr. Wang into his room.

Dr. Wang is a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a good-looking eyebrow. He was dragged by Xiao Zhou, and said out of breath, "Xiao Zhou, I am old. If you drag me again, I will fall."

"Dr. Wang, our chef Hua is usually physically good, and he has never been sick. He suddenly fell ill, can I not worry?" Xiao Zhou's tone was full of eager concern.

He dragged Dr. Wang to stand in front of the Chinese. He was also very tired. He took a breath and said, "Chef Hua, how are you? Dr. Wang is here."

The blue eyes of the Chinese flickered, and the people in the Lacrosse Hotel cared about him, they weren't fake.

He is not an iron man, and he is not without feelings... How can he get it done...

His nose was slightly sour, and he said slowly, "Doctor Wang, I seem to have a fever..."

Dr. Wang took out an infrared thermometer and measured it for him, squinted his eyes, and said, "It's not too low, 39.2."

He looked at the tongue coating of the Chinese again, "It seems that the digestion has not been very good recently."

He looked at the blond man lying on the bed, "Are there any other discomforts in your place?"

The Chinese shook his head, "No more."

"Young people, you can’t make enough money, so take more rest. Don’t be a workaholic every day. Who in our hotel knows, you haven’t asked for a day off for so many years. Okay, I’ll give you a sick leave slip, you Take a week off."

Dr. Wang couldn't help but say a few more words, brushed a few strokes, wrote a prescription, and wrote a leave note to Xiao Zhou, "Go and get it from the manager. By the way, go to the outside pharmacy to buy the medicine. "

"Hao Le!" Xiao Zhou took the two slips and went out. Doctor Wang tidied up and left.

Only the Chinese were left in the room, and his big palm flicked out a thin necklace from under the pillow and held it up in front of him.

Those blue eyes like the sea stared deeply at the necklace.

As if looking at his lover as affectionate.

Seven days... He only has seven days.

After these seven days of rest, he must complete the tasks assigned to him by the organization.

If it is not completed, he will leave this world.

There was pain in his heart, and it was so painful that he could barely breathe.

He can't... he doesn't dare... he shouldn't...

He slowly closed his eyes.

The injury on his leg was aching, and he had to rest for a week...He was about to make a choice.


Early in the morning, Ruan Su went to the studio.

She went straight to the crew and saw Bo Wenyu and Jiang Xinfeng who were filming the finale.

The two boys and girls stood together, pleasing to the eye, and making people feel a little more happy.

Ruan Su hooked his lips and walked quietly, without disturbing the two people who were immersed in the performance.

Instead, he moved a small stool and took out his mobile phone to place an order for the milk tea milk nearby.

Twenty minutes later.

The scene finally ended.

Ruan Su heard Yan Yidao exclaimed excitedly, "Ka! It's over perfectly!"

There was a burst of cheers on the set.

Jiang Xinfeng was also happy and couldn't help opening his arms, firmly holding the girl in front of him into his arms, and even holding her in a circle.

Bo Wenyu paled with fright, "Oh, you let me down~! I'm so scared!"

Ruan Su seemed to be infected by the cheerful atmosphere, and laughed.

She has always liked the lively atmosphere and lively people.

"Milk tea is here!" I don't know who called.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the staff of the milk tea shop walking over with cups of milk tea.

Yan Yidao and others found Ruan Su sitting in the corner.

"Miss Ruan. Are you here?"

Ruan Su smiled, got up from the small stool, and walked to a few people.

"Is it officially finished?"

"Today is finished." Yan Yidao nodded, "The rest is trivial work such as editing and publicity."

"Okay, everyone has worked so hard. Take a cup of milk tea and rest. Tonight, Lacrosse has a green banquet! I have a treat!" Ruan Susu waved his hand, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of indescribable domineering.

"Oh, nice!"

"I like Miss Ruan's treat!"

"Thank you Miss Ruan for the milk tea."

Ruan Su listened to these staff and actors, blowing rainbow farts one by one, with a beautiful curve on the corners of his lips. "You're welcome."

Bo Wenyu and Jiang Xinfeng have been working together for a few months during this period, and they have long established a tacit understanding.

Especially Bo Wenyu is now an agent with him.

She is considered Jiang Xinfeng's younger sister.

The two walked up to Ruan Su together, and Bo Wenyu wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Sister-in-law, you are here."

"Sister Su, how did I play that part just now?" Jiang Xinfeng's eyes were bright.

"Very good, very vigorous. Looking back, let the banquet director tune a few more dramas, your acting skills are estimated to be even better." Ruan Su said, "Go to the hotel to pack up and go home. Don't live again. It’s in the studio. Your brother and your agent want you to make a Kung Fu movie. The training camp has already prepared it for you."

"Huh? Huh? Kung fu movie? I'm..."

Top idol, how can I be in a timepiece...become that kind of muscular man?

It's terrible to think about it!

Jiang Xinfeng cried a face, feeling that he was so abused and abused.

He is obviously an entertainer of Bo's Entertainment, why should his brother Jiang Xinyu intervene?

"Sister-in-law, what about me? Have you made any plans for me?" Bo Wenyu felt his little head come closer.

"I'm not your agent, you ask your agent about this!" Ruan Su patted her head, "Hurry up and pack things, let's go home."

"Sister-in-law...Did you come to pick me up in person?" Bo Wenyu was moved in an instant, and his two black and white eyes flickered, just like the kindergarten children who only expected their parents to pick them up.

"Who else can you pick up if you don't? Your eldest brother and your second elder brother are both at work." Ruan Su looked inexplicable, and what was the point of getting touched by Bo Wenyu.

Jiang Xinfeng was a little bit jealous and envious, and really wanted to immediately become a member of the Bo family...In this way, he could be taken care of by Sister Su in this way. In that case, he would be happy for several days.

Therefore, everyone at this time did not know that Dingliu Jiang Xinfeng had a strong idea budding in his heart, that is! Must be the man in the Bo family account book!

Bo Wenyu didn't know yet, he had already been spotted by some top idol!

Now the whole world knows that Ruan Su is Mrs. Bo. What's more, these people in the crew of the gossip center of the entertainment circle, no wonder Ruan Su is generous, no wonder the investment is several hundred million.

No wonder Bo Xingzhi was so different to her in the past.

I see!

Everyone suddenly realized.

A large group of people started to close work, move props to move props, close clothes to collect costumes... a large group of people began to close work.

As for the crew next door, "Angels and Demons" had already changed director and starring at this time.

Final shooting is also in progress.

This drama was invested and filmed by Mrs. Fu and Huo Shi. Nowadays, it is finished at the same time as Ruan Su's drama, and Mrs. Fu is also here.

It happened that Yuanjia was on a narrow road, the door of the film and television city, Ruan Su was going to go out, and Mrs. Fu was going to come in.

Madam Fu saw Ruan Su's beautiful and bright face, with a cold expression on her face, and took a sneer on the ground.

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