Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 312: The truth back then! Expose him! Birthday feast!

"Yan Yidao, you are just rubbish! Your woman's taste is really sweet!" Pei Fangzong shouted loudly, his face was hideous, and his eyes were full of hatred for Yan Yidao. "Have you had a bad time for so many years? Hahaha!"

"Yan Yidao, why did you push me everywhere when you were in school? Even your graduation work was written so well! Why did you write so well? Isn't it just for me to copy it? I'm famous Now! You are rubbish! You are disgusted and scolded by everyone!"

"And me! The woman holding your arms, I can be as happy as I want!"

Yan Yidao was so excited by the man that his eyes were red, he rushed up and raised his fist, hitting Pei Fangzong's face fiercely. "Scum! The law will sanction you! You wait for me!"

Pei Fangzong wiped the blood that overflowed from the corners of his lips, and his face felt a firm pain, "Yan Yidao, why are you hitting me, hitting someone is illegal, do you know that!"

"So you go to jail!" Yan Yidao stared at him with a ferocious expression, with violent anger rising in his chest. "You made my banquet torn apart, my wife was scattered, Pei Fangzong, I curse you to **** for life and life!"

He clenched his hands into fists, and the anger accumulated over the years was no longer able to control, and his fists fell like raindrops.

He thought! She betrayed herself and abandoned her son.

Unexpectedly, she was strengthened by this scum, and she was fucked!

She was threatened by this scum for so many years and took fruitful photos.

He thought that she betrayed her and stole his script. It turned out that it was Pei Fangzong alone who killed their happy family of three.

The root of everything comes from Pei Fangzong.

It was this scum that ruined his family, ruined his wife, and ruined his future! Ruined everything about him!

Pei Fangzong couldn't help wailing, "Ah! Get out of here! Hit people, help~!"

Seeing this, Jiang Xinfeng hurriedly pulled Yan Yidao, with anxious expression on his face, "Director Yan, you will die like this! If you die, you will also go to jail."

"I've been hit, and you've vented your anger, don't hit it again!"

If Yan Yidao was punished by the police for this, it would be too much for the loss.

For such a rubbish, it's really not worth it.

"He ruined my life, he ruined my wife, he ruined everything about me!"

Yan Yidao blushed, he stared at a pair of blood-red eyes, his eyes filled with deep despair.


A big old man couldn't help crying.

"If it weren't for Miss Ruan...If it wasn't for Miss Ruan who found me and wanted to avenge me, how could I see the end of this scumbag!"

"If it weren't for Miss Ruan, I might really live in a shanty town in my life, and my son would have no future..."

Yan Yidao finally couldn't help his emotional breakdown. He squatted on the ground, crying like a child.

Madam Pei stood in place, looking at him with red eyes, and finally... Tears also slipped down her eyes.

What can she pay for so many years of suffering?

At this moment, the police came upon hearing the news and pulled Pei Fangzong, who was covered in blood on the ground, up, "Trash, take away!"

Pei Fangzong had been beaten to death, he barely opened his eyes and hugged the policeman and shouted, "Comrade policeman, take me away, take me away quickly! He is going to kill me!"

"The crime you committed will be counted in the bureau!" the policeman said coldly, and he glanced at Madam Pei again, "Madam, please come back to the bureau and make a transcript."

Then he glanced at Yan Yi and said, "And you, let's go!"

Jiang Xinfeng quickly followed without worry.

He must be by the side of Yan Yidao.

At this time, the Internet is boiling.

There were passers-by in the hospital, and this scene was filmed.

Including the topic of Pei Fangzong's domestic violence Mrs. Pei, who had already been overwhelmed on Weibo before, and the topic of hitting him at a banquet.

There was also a video of Yan Yidao and Pei Fangzong’s dialogue and fighting, all of which were blown up on Weibo.

"Oh my God! Pei Fangzong is really a scum."

"The truth back then turned out to be like this?"

"Did you call someone when you heard the banquet guide crying? My goddess!"

"My goddess is so beautiful and kind, she actually helped him expose the scum."

"Birds! Pei Fangzong, what happened back then turned out to be like this!"

I have been anxiously waiting for Bo Wenyu at home. After seeing the heart-wrenching little video, he forwarded it directly and added the text, "The character of the banquet can withstand the test of time, and the scum is only worthy of hell!"

After the movie was released, she gained a large number of fans, especially the little assistant she played was deaf and dumb for a while, and she acted extremely realistically.

Many fans even said that they were so moved that they cried.

She reposted it like this and immediately drove many fans.

Fans also love Wu and Wu, and they all rightly accused Pei Fangzong, the hypocrite.

Including Pei Fangzong's plagiarism of Yanyidao in the past, it was also picked up.

The moment the truth was revealed, everyone began to sympathize with Yan Yidao and hated Pei Fangzong.

But they have forgotten that they were also part of the violence back then.

They stood blindly and blindly on the opposite side of the banquet and the Tao, helping them to abuse them.

The keyboard guys are always hiding behind the Internet, constantly swearing and humiliating.

Standing at the door of the police station.

Yan Yidao calmly said to the boy next to him, "Heart, let's go."

As soon as he opened his legs, a familiar voice came from behind him, "Yi Dao..."

It's Mrs. Pei.

He became stiff, but he did not turn his head to look at her. After a while, Yan Yidao said, "Madam, you and Mr. Pei are not divorced, so please call me Mr. Yan."

After speaking, he strode away without looking back.

Jiang Xinfeng glanced at the pale and frail Madam Pei helplessly. She was also a poor woman.


A sigh, but it can only float in the wind.


In a hospital in country M.

In the 1303VIP ward on the thirteenth floor, the sun shines brightly through the glass windows onto the large hospital beds.

There was a handsome man lying quietly on the hospital bed.

The man’s long eyelashes cover his narrow eyes, straight nose, thin and sexual lips, and a hospital gown that fits loosely on his body, making people want to wonder how he opened his eyes. So handsome and charming.

And beside his bed, there was a sleeping woman lying on her back. The woman was beautiful and beautiful, with long black hair flowing on her back like splashing ink.

The black green under the woman's eyes shows her recent sleep state.



The man on the hospital bed groaned softly, and immediately awakened the woman lying on the bed.

She opened her eyes, raised her eyebrows, and looked at the man who slowly opened her eyes on the hospital bed, "Are you awake?"

Bo Xingzhi's brain just woke up a little dull and distressed.

After a while, he looked at Ruan Su like a dream, his voice was hoarse, "Wife, where is this?"

He looked at the unfamiliar environment around him, somewhat puzzled.

How come you wake up and change your way?

Ruan Su's black eyes stared at him for a while, and found that the man's eyes had receded from the evil nephew a while ago, but after the coldness of the previous one.

She tentatively said, "Bo Xingzhi? Are you recovering?"

Bo Xingyuan rubbed the swollen temples that had been in a coma after a long period of sleep, "what's the recovery..."

His voice froze suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Ruan Su, his face turned pale and said, "You mean, he came out of mine?"

After the split personality comes out, he will briefly disappear the memory of that personality appeared.

No matter what that personality did, he didn't know.

"En." Ruan Su nodded, "You have a fever. This is the hospital in Country M. We will go home after the fever subsides."

,fever? Why should I come to M country for treatment of fever?

Bo Xingzhi couldn't figure it out, the more he thought about it, the more painful he got.

The more it hurts, the more he wants to know what that personality has done.

What he worries most is... whether that personality has done anything drastic to Ruan Su!

"Don't think too much." Ruan Su sensitively noticed his changes and quickly calmed down, "You are sick, you have a very serious mental illness. So you need a good doctor to help you treat, and Inclaus introduced a doctor. , I will visit him in the past two days, and he will definitely help you heal."

What is she saying? She is going to a doctor to treat him?


The thin heart beat fiercely.

What does she mean? How important does she think about his affairs? Also came to Country M specifically?

"Wife..." Bo Xing stopped talking and stopped, as if he had a thousand words to say.

"Okay, don't say anything." Ruan Su stood up, poured him a glass of water, and delivered it to him, "You drink some water first."

The warm water glided over the dry throat, Bo Xingzhi felt a little more comfortable.

I saw Ruan Su opening the insulation box again, "Drink some porridge. You have been in a coma for two days and two nights, and you can't eat without food."

"I want to eat what you made..." Bo Xingzhi looked at her affectionately, moving from the bottom of his heart like soap bubbles, constantly blowing out. "This is what I did." Ruan Su knew that this man was so naive no matter whether he was sick or not, no matter how old he was!

Even a bowl of porridge must be special!

Hear her.

Thin Xingzhi's handsome face was joyful to the naked eye.

"Thank you."

He had a great appetite just hearing her say that she did it.

Ruan Su had nothing to do with him, so he poured him a bowl and delivered it to him, "Drink."

At this time, Song Yan returned to the hospital with an invitation card. He knocked on the door of the ward and saw Ruan Su and Bo Xing stop this warm scene.

My heart became soft in an instant, "Master, you finally woke up, do you know..."

Before he finished speaking, Ruan Su gave him a hint, "Special Assistant Song, what about the daily necessities I asked you to buy?"

Song Yan was taken aback, and quickly said, "Oh, in the car, I rushed up and forgot to take it."

Ruan Su got up and walked out with him, "Let's go get it together."

Song Yan immediately understood, and when he walked out of the ward, he handed an invitation to Ruan Su, "This is an invitation for the birthday banquet of Mrs. Ye from the earl’s mansion, Miss Ruan, why don’t you let me tell the young master?"

Today on Teacher’s Day, I wish all teachers a happy holiday~~~ If any reader is a teacher baby, I also wish you a happy~~~ Meme~~ So... today add another chapter, hehehe~~~

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