Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 322: Blood is thicker than water! I want her to be a daughter-in-law!

Even though I can't see my fingers here, Li Meixing is still very hardened, "What are you afraid of? Isn't it just a dark room? Look at you!"

Ruan Fangfang cried out, "Mom...I'm so hungry."

She hardly ate anything at the birthday banquet, and now her belly is empty, and it is dark and cold here.

I don't know what time it is, what would she be like if she was here for half a few days?

She might not be able to see her face that had just been given a face-lifting needle and a shuiguang needle.

She managed to take care of her skin that can be broken by a bomb. Is she going to stay in this dark place for a few days, and it will all be ruined?

She doesn't want...

Her tears kept falling, "Mom, when will grandma be willing to let us out?"

"What grandma! That's a cruel old witch!" Li Meixing yelled viciously, "You are so good to that **** Ruan Su! Obviously we are her relatives."

Ruan Fangfang wiped her tears and sat up from Li Meixing's arms, "Grandma was blinded by Ruan Su for a while, so she will let us out if she thinks of how well we are usually."

"Heh--" Li Meixing sneered, Ruan Fangfang in the dark didn't even know that her expression was extremely vicious at this time, "We are also people from the Count's Mansion anyway, and there is a blood relationship that pressures her, and she has to let it go!"

Ruan Fangfang was taken aback, " do I think you hate grandma?"

Li Meixing quickly denied, "No."

After a while she said again, "When you are tired, you will sleep in your mother's arms for a while. There is only one relative of your mother in this world. Hey, our mothers are also struggling, and we depend on each other all day long."

"Mom..." Ruan Fangfang was even more uncomfortable by Li Meixing, and couldn't help crying again.


It was late at night.

Mrs. Ye's yard.

Ruan Su was invited to the living room, and she calmly looked at the surrounding decorations, which turned out to be antique Chinese decorations.

Rather than the very trendy Rococo style or Gothic style decoration in Country M.

In this villa, it seems to have passed through suddenly, the dark red Luohan bed, and the dark red coffee table sofa.

Atmosphere and quaint.

Even the fan that Arhat throws randomly on the bed is the ancient ball fan.

She waited for a while, and Mrs. Ye slowly walked out with the help of Wu Ma.

Sitting on Luohan's bed, she glanced at Ruan Su tiredly, "Sit down, Miss Ruan."

"I'm really sorry to bother Mrs. Ye so late. It's really because Ruan Su's affairs are imminent, so I have to look for Mr. Luo."

"Mr. Luo?" Mrs. Ye was startled, and then she remembered who it was, "You mean Luo Zhongyang? It's for Mr. Bo?"

She heard that Bo Xing had a mental illness, and she looked handsome, but she was not.

"Yes, Mr. Luo has no fixed place. Even the closest person doesn't know the contact information. I heard that he has a very good relationship with you, so I specifically asked Mrs. Ye for help."

Ruan Su spoke extremely sincerely.

"Bo Xingzhi’s illness cannot be delayed, and his frequency of illness is higher than before. Whether it is the Bo Group or Southern Star Airlines, he needs his care and support. If he falls, how many employees will lose their jobs and family as a result. It's hard to move an inch. So... he, the man at the helm, can't make any business trips."

After she said that, Mrs. Ye sighed, "Whether it is for your mother’s face or the Shengfeng Group’s face, I will help you. Lao Luo has been rough throughout his life, and these years have not been enough. He is lingering, he no longer sees doctors anymore. But...I'd better give it a try. I'll give you the opportunity to see if you can grasp it."

She glanced at Wu Ma, and Wu Ma immediately knew how to get an address book.

Ruan Su couldn't help but start to see the old address book like a small notebook.

"It's this number, just remember it. It's up to you whether he can treat Mr. Bo or not. He is not a stubborn character anymore, have to be mentally prepared."

Mrs. Ye pointed to one of the phone numbers and said, "Miss Ruan, this is how people live. It is impossible for everyone to have smooth sailing, and it is impossible for everyone to be lucky. My old lady has lived at such an old age, and everything is clear. ."

Ruan Su laughed, with a bright and moving smile, "The old lady said that, but I didn't read a word when I looked at you."

"Oh? What word?"


Mrs. Ye sighed. She knew what Ruan Su was talking about, family affection... this is something she has given up all her life.

Ruan Su wrote down the number and stood up, "Thank you, old lady, if the Ye family needs my Ruan Su in the future, I will definitely spare no effort to help."

"You little girl, don't owe favors, don't you? You are not owed favors, you are trading your own embroidery." Everyone is smart.

As soon as Ruan Su said this, Mrs. Ye immediately understood what it meant.

"Okay, I'm tired, you can go back."

She also stood up and waved at Ruan Su.

Ruan Su nodded, "Thank you."

The straight back disappeared into this quiet house.

Mrs. Ye did not rest as she said, but stood still, staring at the direction she was leaving.

After a while, Mother Wu reminded, "It's late at night."

"Hey, it would be great if this child was my granddaughter. Unfortunately, I am not so lucky. You say... whose family is this child? It is really blessed to have such a child in the family."

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but think of the two sulky things in the darkroom.

She shook, what did she want them to do? angry!

"If the old lady likes it, you can recognize it as a granddaughter. Otherwise... I look at our young master... won't you still be your child then?"

Wu Ma's eyes are not blind, but Ye Weili's defense of Ruan Su at the birthday banquet, she sees in her eyes.

The young master of their family has been around for so many years, and every day he walks the path of abstinence from falling in love. Mrs. Ye was so anxious that she was going to go round and round, and she didn't go to meet each other or talk about love.

Just guarding a piano, this is about to enter the air force to train again.

After joining the army, I am afraid it will be more difficult to meet a suitable little girl.

"Look at her and Bo Xingzhi's deep affection, looking for Lao Luo again, and Bo Xingzhi is cleaning up Li Mei for her... Hey! What are you talking about? Bo Xingzhi hit us at the Ye family. Face, I was only angry with Li Meixing. I couldn't be angry with Ruan Su and his children."

Mrs. Ye sighed, her disappointment in her person, the desire and love for Ruan Su... it drowned her like a tide, and she could barely breathe.

My chest is choking.

"If I had known that I found a mother and daughter like this... I... why bother..."

"The old lady don't say that, no matter what the flesh and blood of your closest relatives are, they are blood thicker than water. No matter how good Ruan Su is, she is also an outsider." Wu Ma hurriedly comforted Mrs. Ye, "Besides, I didn't hear about Bo Zong and her. It's a hidden marriage. It seems that there was a divorce before. Would you like me to find someone to check to see if they are divorced or married?"

"You're right, check it out. If she's single... it's pretty good if she's tired of being divorced."

Mrs. Ye felt better at this, "Go faster."


After leaving the door, Ma Wu grabbed the slave-like face she had just now, showing a sneer, and immediately disappeared into the night.


Ye Yanli's villa.

The blue on the forehead of the handsome man seemed to be gloomy and fell slightly on his forehead, without the spirit of the birthday banquet.

The villa he lives in is located in the deepest part of the entire earl's house, where it is the quietest and most luxurious.

Because he likes to play the piano, he likes Jingjing very much.

But at night, Ruan Su's smile flashed in front of his eyes.

He got a piece of Li Meixing’s hair in the hotel room where Li Meixing lived with him, but after sending it to the paternity test center, he waited for a few days.

The appraisal center told him that the hair was invalid because there were no hair follicles on it.

Blood is the best evidence, but it is a pity that he has some difficulty in getting Li Meixing's blood.

He always felt that Li Meixing and Ruan Fangfang were incompatible with the earl's mansion.

He has a natural liking for Ruan Su. What is the reason for this liking?

He really wanted to know.

The man sighed and turned on the computer.

Recently, he plans to entrust the mysterious organization of "secret and great" to help him find out why his sister went missing.

However, he placed orders several times and was returned "secretly and great".

He was a little bit distressed, and once again landed on the "secret and great" customer ordering platform.

He bought this platform at a high price.

As usual, he carried out a series of operations to place an order.

Finally, in terms of remuneration, he chose two million.

The first time he chose 500,000, he was returned, and the second one million was returned.

For the third time, 1.5 million was returned.

Is it because he has little money?

This time he directly filled in two million.

Not long after he placed the order, he received a call with a hidden phone number.

"Hello." A man's voice that was hoarse like a broken gong came from inside, "Do you want to investigate the disappearance of Miss Ye's? That case is too old to be investigated."

"I can add more money." Ye Yanli was startled before realizing the identity of the other party.

This is a secret and great person contacting him!

"Sir, sometimes it may not be possible to add money. Let me ask my brother first, if they are willing to answer, we will check." The man finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Ye Yanli looked at the darkened mobile phone screen. What happened decades ago... is really hard to check. It is because it is not easy to find out that he thought of looking for the mysterious organization "secret and great".

I heard that this organization can do anything difficult.

Can they really find out things that the earl's mansion can't find out?

At this time, Ruan Su’s mobile phone was not often rioting and moving, but began to send messages one by one.

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