Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 325: Fate, play the fate of others! Arrogant!

She penetrated quickly and well, and the sweat slid down her cheeks that were flushed from the heat, and finally fell into the paddy field.

Ruan Su was immersed in labor, and he felt sensitively as if two eyes were staring at her?

She frowned and raised her head, and looked around, only to find that there was no one.

Is it because she feels wrong?

She suddenly felt a sting on her leg.

She hurried to the edge of the field, only to see a disgusting locust hanging from her calf.

This locust has to eat swollen.

Once they are pulled off, they will immediately bleed on the calf.

Ruan Su was disgusted.

This thing cannot be pulled out forcibly, because the more you pull, the tighter it sucks.

Once the locust is pulled off, the suction basin will remain in the wound, which can easily cause infection and fester.

"damn it!"

Ruan Su simply picked up a brick, and was about to pat lightly on the locust.

As a result, a shadow was suddenly covered on the top of her head, and she subconsciously raised her eyes and saw the condescending thin lines.

He knelt down, not knowing where he got a board.

Gently pat on the ephedra.

After a few taps, the locust released the sucker and fell off to the ground by itself.

The man threw it in the sun again.

Ruan Su stared blankly at his big palms that used to fly planes, pressed them to her wounds, and squeezed the blood out of her wounds with force with his fingers.

After squeezing it out, she took out some alcohol to disinfect her wound.

After the disinfection was over, he took out Yunnan Baiyao to help her sprinkle some bleeding.

The completion of this series of actions is like going with the clouds and flowing water.

"Does it hurt?" The man's mellow voice sounded like red wine on his head, and Ruan Su reacted, "It doesn't hurt. Why are you here?"

"No, how could I know that you love me so much, even if you are doing farm work."

"No, how could I know that you were so tired that you were soaked and bitten by a locust."

Bo Xingzhi looked at her with a touch of emotion, she was originally such a woman, talented, delicate and beautiful.

She is obviously so lofty, the female chairman of Centennial Pharmaceuticals, and the beauty judge of the Global Piano Competition...

But he ran here for him, doing farm work under the big sun here.

She was so tired that she was sweating, and her face flushed red. At this time, she was embarrassed.

But in his eyes, she was still so beautiful, almost maddeningly beautiful.

He couldn't bear it anymore and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"I'm like this... It's really not worth what you do to me."

"Cough--cough--" Ruan Su was caught off guard against hitting the man's hard chest, and the man strangled her with his hands, almost trying to melt her into the blood.

She couldn't help but cough violently, "Let go-let me go!"

Strangled again, she would suffocate.

Bo Xingzhi quickly let go of her, the excitement just now was finally relieved because of her violent cough.

He looked at Ruan Su nervously, his voice was full of panic, "How are you? Is the wound hurting again?"

Ruan Su: "..."

He has always been domineering and strong, but now he is panicking about her little wound?

This is too...

"Don't hug me so tightly, you will strangle me." Ruan Su said silently, "The leech can't be broken, its body will regenerate. It must be dried! Sun death!"

"Let's go back." Bo Xingyuan picked her up, "In the future...I will protect you. You don't have to do this kind of thing for me."

There were waves of warm current in my heart, and there were many feelings that made him indescribable.

How did it come to today?

A villager who was working nearby saw a tall man with a touch of pampering on his unusually handsome face.

Holding a charming and charming woman in her arms, she walked towards a black luxury car.

In the sunlight, the two looked so good that they could shine.

As soon as Ruan Su was put in the car, the man's thick chest came over, and the slender body was tightly pressed against her body, and the scorching breath sprayed on her face.

Before Ruan Su could react, Bo Xingzhi's thin lips blocked up.

He wanted to do it as early as he saw her busy in the field.

The desire to integrate her into his body made him feel painful. He is somewhat unable to hold on to himself.

This little woman always has a way to give him endless surprises and give him infinite strength.

Caught off guard, Ruan Su was firmly fixed by the man.

The wild and fiery temperature rise in the air suddenly added a touch of ambiguous atmosphere.

"Don't allow you to disregard yourself and pay for me." An extremely domineering voice sounded on Ruan Su's lips, but he didn't move away at all.

She was still biting wildly with a trace of punishment, but she seemed to be eager for everything.

"Hmm--" Ruan Su blushed, but he couldn't make a sound with extreme difficulty. Two little hands pressed against the man's sturdy chest, no matter how he pushed the man, he couldn't move.

She was suffocating to death.

"Have you heard? No." This time, Bo Xingzhi let go of her, with his forehead pressed against her, a pair of black glaze radiating from the ink eyes, as if the spirits that can absorb the soul, deeply and her eyes. Look at each other.

The man exudes an absolute domineering aura from all over his body.

Ruan Su panted and sucked in fresh air to warm up her lungs that were almost deprived of oxygen.

Only the sound of ambiguous gasping was heard in the air, and then the ambiguous atmosphere rose steadily.

"Wife, no! Did you hear that? Only allow me to sacrifice for you, not allow you to sacrifice for me, answer me!"

The man's big palm squeezed the woman's chin, and the thin line that could not get a response could not help repeating it again, and he was about to get a satisfactory answer.

"What are you going crazy?" Ruan Su growled in an angry eyes.

The man ran over and almost strangled her to death, and now he played the role of the overbearing president Xiaojiao's wife.

Why is she so tired? Not for him! He was also aggressively not letting her do this.

"I want you to be well." The big palm holding her chin lifted up a bit.

The man's deep eyes looked into her eyes, that handsome face had a hint of forbearance, and his thin lips spit out these words in a low voice.

He couldn't see any way she was hurt, even if she was bitten by a locust!

He just wants her to be good!

Ruan Su blinked his eyes, this man was...analyzing his heart?

At this moment, the man's big hand holding the woman's chin lifted again.

Revealing her fair and tender neck, the man suddenly opened his mouth and leaned over to bite off her fair and tender skin.

"His—pain—" Ruan Su couldn't help whispering because of a pain in his neck. As soon as he raised his head, he couldn't help but smash his face with a fist.

I tried to push him away with my hands!

"Wife, you are mine, and I will hurt if you are hurt."

Ruan Su heard a man's vague but domineering voice.

She suddenly discovered that this man who was about 1.8 meters tall was a naive ghost at all. This naive ghost is not as good as the splintered Evil Ning personality! At least that personality won't bite her, right?

"Yes, I'll listen to you, you just let go. What you say is what you say." Ruan Su said quickly, begging the man to let go of her poor neck.

As soon as he spoke, the teeth clenching his neck loosened immediately.

Bo Xingzhi supported her body and stared at her seriously, "Really?"

This naughty little woman has to think of a way to be obedient.

"Of course it's true." Ruan Su quickly nodded, covering his sore neck and said. Fortunately, he didn't bite and bleed. Otherwise, how would she see people?

Maybe people thought she and Bo Xingzhi had been through a fierce... war.

Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes waved slightly. There was a trace of satisfaction in his expression, and the heat in his heart was poured out by her words.

The stern face also eased a lot, "Be good, obedient."

I really want to give her all my life, all to her.

Such an obedient look is really cute.

Want to kiss!

obedient? Ruan Su was a little angry, with a slight twist on his delicate face. This nasty and hateful man.

"let go."

Bo Xing stopped and swept his eyes sharply, only to see Ruan Su still covering his neck, a trace of annoyance flashed across his eyes, and then he wanted to take a look at her neck.

Ruan Su stared at him alertly, "What are you doing?"

Will you continue to bite him again? He wants to dare to bite again, she kicks his lifeblood with one kick!

What bite!

It's not a young man who just fell in love at the age of seventeen or eight, sucking strawberries out of his neck all day long.

Are you old enough to bite?

Seeing Ruan Su's vigilance, Bo Xingyuan twisted his eyebrows with dissatisfaction, "My wife, let go."

Ruan Su curled his lips and let go.

Slender fingers gently rubbed the dark red tooth marks.

The regret in the man's eyes overflowed from the bottom of his eyes again, without much thought.

Jun's face fell down, and his hot lips touched the dark red tooth marks little by little, carefully, with a hint of inexplicable gentleness, reaching his soul!

Ruan Su's body trembled suddenly, and a damp and hot sensation came from her neck, causing her small face to burn like fire.

The whole person is even more rigid and motionless in the seat.

Let Bo Xingzhi bury the head in her neck, smoothing out the pain on the tooth marks little by little.

Is this a vampire?

This is not the first time Bo Xingzhi bit her...

Ruan Su could almost clearly hear his heartbeat in the quiet space.

Finally, after I don’t know how long, Bo Xingzhi raised his head, he found the woman in front of him in a daze, her beautiful and moving eyes staring at him directly, and the red lips that he had gotten red and swollen like a rose slightly opened, alluring. pole.

The man's heart swayed, his strong arm stretched out, and he leaned over and pecked at her red lips again.

Seeing this, Song Yan squatted to the field very wittily and started smoking again.

When he felt that he was about to dry up, the window of the car was finally slowly rolled down, revealing the man's so handsome face, "Get in the car."

Song Yan quickly stood up and patted the dust on his ass.

Ouch, I can finally go back.

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