Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 341: Slap your face hard! Want to frame? Tender!

Her face is extremely ugly, "The deputy director usually treats me and everyone the same in the crew. Everyone is a very good colleague relationship."

The assistant director was also anxious when he heard that, "Mrs. Bo, how could I lie to Xianxian? We worked together for so long."

Ruan Su sneered, "Associate director, you wanted Wang Xianxian to participate in the dinner to raise investment, but Wang Xianxian refused you. You have always held a grudge."

"Mrs. Bo, you are famous, but you can't wrong me like this? Do you have any evidence?" The deputy director looked anxious and looked at Wang Xianxian, "Xianxian, how do I treat you? You know best. Yes, don't believe his provocation."

"What character is the deputy director, I know better than you! Since he said that Bo Wenyu stole my ring, it must be Bo Wenyu stole it!" Wang Xianxian looked at Bo Wenyu with contempt, "She is not worthy at all. Staying in the entertainment industry is even less worthy of winning prizes."

"Yes! Suggest to block her!"

"The whole entertainment circle banned her!"

Bo Wen's tone flushed, and her parents didn't care about her.

But the eldest brother and sister-in-law treat her very well, and they have never been stingy about pocket money or anything.

Including Bo Wenhao, they all spoiled her.

She is now planning to enter the entertainment circle, so she is a little poor, because she vowed not to spend a penny of Bo's.

However, she is not going to steal it!

Many people around her were all scornful and pointing at her.

As if she really was the one who stole the ring.

At this time, on Weibo, she had just won a double award, and when she was cheered by fans, the scandal broke out.

In an instant, all the firepower of those netizens concentrated on her.

Under her Weibo, there was a lot of scolding.

Especially Zhou Jingzi and Wang Xianxian's fans, including Yu Wan's fans, swarmed and scolded her like crazy.


"Unexpectedly unspoken rules!"

"The prize from sleep is disgusting."

"This kind of person is damaging young people, and Xue Zang should be blocked!"

"Oh, her brother is Mr. Bo, can you hide it?"

"Can you be a little sensible, she is the sister of Bo Zong and Ruan Su, she needs to sleep with her?"

"Don't put a few photos out, you just believe it. I support Bo Wenyu!"

"She has such a strong background, she needs to get prizes by sleeping? Her performance in the movie is obvious to all."

Fans are frantically anti-black, and all kinds of backlashes with those black fans.

Zhou Jingzi also appeared on Weibo, but her face changed slightly when she saw the intimate photos of Bo Wenyu and the judges on the hot search on Weibo.

But soon, she regained the look of watching the excitement.

At this moment, she heard Ruan Suqing's cold voice, "Associate director, if my sister didn't steal Wang Xianxian's ring, how do you plan to compensate my sister?"

The deputy director sneered, "Mrs. Bo, what I saw with my own eyes, can there be fakes? She is a thief and wants compensation? What's the joke."

Ruan Su's red lips twitched slightly, "This is what you said."

Wang Xianxian was inexplicably frustrated looking at her calm appearance. Could it be that... Bo Wenyu really didn't steal it?

Otherwise, why is Ruan Su so calm?

No, it must be their calmness pretended by the aunt.

"Mrs. Bo, if Bo Wenyu really steals, I hope you can promise everyone present to let Bo Wenyu quit the entertainment circle.

! "

"Okay!" Ruan Su is still very calm.

I don't know why, Wang Xianxian became more guilty, especially when she felt Ruan Su's calm gaze, she became more guilty.

Everyone heard Ruan Su's voice faintly sounded, "Bo Wenyu only brought a small bag today. You can check her bag. She is wearing a dress. There is no way to hide a ring on her body."

While speaking, she motioned to Bo Wenyu to open the bag, and Bo Wenyu quickly opened it.

There is only a mobile phone, a lipstick, and a box of BB cream in the bag, empty.

Wang Xianxian grabbed Bo Wenyu's bag with a green face, and slammed all the contents of the bag to the ground.

Yu Wan stood in the crowd with an ugly face. She didn't expect Wang Xianxian to move so fast that she directly stabbed the black material that had a good relationship with the judges on Weibo.

Weibo is now overwhelmingly covered in black material.

If she can't clean it...I am afraid that she will really quit the entertainment circle.

Yu Wan looked at Ruan Su's cold and calm look. She was upset for a while. If she provokes Ruan Su, Bo Wenyu is over, does it mean that she is also over?

She really regretted it.

But it doesn't help.

Things are like snowballs, getting bigger and bigger.

Roll until she has no control.

Compared to her being so anxious and uncomfortable, Zhou Jingzi was much calmer, her eyes fixed on Bo Wenyu and Wang Xianxian.

Her agent excitedly scrambled for her arm, "That's great, you can get out of the entertainment circle immediately! Let her win prizes with you! Deserve it!"

The deputy director of the ring secretly took advantage of Bo Wenyu's attention and put it in Bo Wenyu's bag.

Zhou Jingzi curled up red lips and stared at Bo Wenyu triumphantly.

From now on, Bo Wenyu would never have the opportunity to compete with him. The best supporting actress this time was obviously his own, but Bo Wenyu was snatched away by him!

How could she swallow this breath.

She stared fiercely at those things on the ground, but... she instantly widened her eyes.


Really do not have!


There is nothing on the ground, only personal belongings in plain language.

No ring!

How could it not?

Zhou Jingzi's heart couldn't stop the cold.

impossible! How can it be?

When Deputy Director Mingming and Bo Wenyu were passing by the toilet door, he put the ring in Bo Wenyu's bag.

It can't be wrong.

Zhou Jingzi rushed over like crazy, and went to look through the bag of Bo Wenyu in person, turned it over, no.

Still did not see the ring.

The agent also followed the past and began to search, but there was nothing.

The ring seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

The two of them didn't realize that they were going crazy looking for the ring here, which attracted the attention of many people.

Ruan Su's lips raised a sneer and looked at them, "Miss Zhou? You two are like this. It is not Miss Wang who lost the ring, but you two."

Zhou Jingzi's expression instantly changed as soon as she said her words.

She suddenly realized that she was too excited, too stupid.

Slowing her mind for a while, she smiled and said, "Didn't I want to wash off the suspicion for Miss Bo? Since there is no such thing, it means that Miss Bo did not steal it."

Wang Xianxian also looked at her strangely, that he and Zhou Jingzi usually have nothing to do with each other. Why is this woman suddenly rushing out?

That's... it's weird.

Others also looked at Zhou Jingzi incredible.

Just when Zhou Jingzi was embarrassed and depressed, and was flustered in her heart, suddenly she didn't know who hit Zhou Jingzi's Ji Jing.

The agent's brain was blank, and he swooped on Zhou Jingzi.

The two plopped!

Fell to the ground.

Immediately, there was a crash.

Zhou Jingzi wore a suit. She recently took the female attack route, so... everyone saw a very shiny ring rolling out of her suit pocket.

Wang Xianxian looked at the ring that was turning around, quickly walked over, knelt down and picked it up.

Staring at Zhou Jingzi in disbelief, "Why is the ring in your pocket?"

Zhou Jingzi stared at the ring pale and pale, she was shocked!

The ring was obviously put in Bo Wenyu's bag by the deputy director. How could it run into her pocket now?

The agent trembled with anger and pointed at the assistant director and cursed, "Is it you? Did you deliberately stuff the ring into the pocket of our house? Did you deliberately?"

There have always been many dirty things in the entertainment industry. The agent did not expect that Zhou Jingzi and the deputy director had both done hair, and the deputy director did not help Zhou Jingzi.

Zhou Jingzi reacted, almost mad, "Why are you so sick? You can't handle Wang Xianxian yourself, why are you here to blame me?"

The deputy director didn't expect that Zhou Jingzi and her agent were so disgusting that they turned his face on the spot with him.

He was so angry that he cursed regardless, "Do you still dare to scold me? It's you obviously. He thought he had done hair with me once, so he could tell me."

He couldn't help but exclaimed to everyone, "Everyone is optimistic, it is this woman who instructed me to steal Wang Xianxian's ring and then blame Bo Wenyu. She is jealous of Bo Wenyu and won the prize!"

"There are also those photos, those black photos of Bo Wenyu, all of which were photos of Zhou Jingzi and the judges making hair together. She asked someone to PS to become Bo Wenyu's face. The original face of those photos is Zhou Jingzi."

"She knew that Yu Wan was afraid of Bo Wenyu grabbing her position in Bos Entertainment, so she deliberately asked someone to reveal it to Yu Wan. So those photos must be Yu Wan being used as a gunman by her and sent to Weibo!"

Everyone heard the words.

It suddenly dawned on me.

Dare to love everything is done by this woman Zhou Jingzi?

This woman is too cruel.

"Those photos of making hair with the judges were also secretly taken by Zhou Jingzi looking for paparazzi, in order to turn around and threaten the judges to give her resources. You are so blind that you are looking for femme fatale women like her to make hair."

The deputy director continued to curse, "I just recorded a small video by her, and had to help her! Now since she is kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

"It is this woman who really should be blocked!"

The judges were all green, and there were a lot of unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, but like this...the red fruit was opened and poked out in front of everyone.

This is the first time!

Zhou Jingzi looked flustered. All her secrets were stabbed by the deputy director. What can she do in the future?

"No. No! The deputy director is slandering me! I don't! I really don't!"

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