Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 347: The higher you rise, the harder you fall!

Ruan Fangfang secretly suppressed the pride in his heart, still keeping a gentle smile on his face, and slowly walked to Hu Yijun's face, "It's really an honor for King Hu to be able to come."

Hu Yijun wore a black suit. Although he was a man in his forties, he didn't have the same old attitude that a middle-aged man should have.

On the contrary, his spirit is shining, elegant and noble, and the image of Uncle Yuppies is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Relying on his acting skills and countless female fans, he has harvested the three-material actor, who in everyone's mind is the old drama bone, the image is tall and big.

Usually there is no black material, so he appeared here and immediately attracted the crazy photos of the media.

"It's really King Hu."

"Emperor Hu has come to attend Miss Ruan Fangfang's birthday party. This is really..."

"I am envious! Take a quick shot, and be sure to post on Weibo."

"We have to send it out before others can publish it."

He Qiuqiu was sour in his heart, and his tone couldn't help but a hint of sourness, "Fangfang, Huo Shao really spoiled you, and invited you to come over."

Ruan Fangfang smiled reservedly, "Qiuqiu, why don't we take a photo with King Hu together."

This was exactly what He Qiuqiu had in her heart, and she immediately opened her eyes and smiled and stood beside Hu Yijun.

Hu Yijun also enjoys this feeling of being sought after. After all, he is an old man who has been in the show business for many years, so he generally would not refuse such a request for a group photo.

This way, he seems to be approachable, he doesn't play a big name at all, and he will get a good reputation. Why not do it?

What's more, even though He Qiuqiu and Ruan Fangfang say that they are not very outstanding, they are a bit worse than those glamorous female stars.

But among ordinary people, it's a good-looking one.

After taking the group photo, Hu Yijun motioned to the assistant behind him. The assistant immediately stepped forward and handed a very delicate packaging bag to Ruan Fangfang.

"Beautiful and generous Miss Ruan, happy birthday."

Ruan Fangfang looked at the LOGO on the packaging bag, a certain luxury brand, no matter what it is inside, will not be cheap.

Her excited lips couldn't help but tremble, but she suppressed the excitement and took the bag very politely, "Emperor Hu, you are too polite. Come here, and give you any gifts."

"No thanks. You are a good friend of Huo Shao, and that is also my good friend." Hu Yijun said very affectionately.

Huo Jiliang and the Fu Group like to invest in movies and television, and this Ruan Fangfang has a good relationship with Huo Jiliang.

It would be great if I could help with investment or something in the future.

He naturally wanted to sell this face to Huo Jiliang.

Especially now that he is getting older, he needs more capital support if he wants to change careers as a director.

Hu Yijun inadvertently raised his head and saw Ruan Su standing opposite.

The woman is tall and slender, with a delicate face and three-dimensional features. A pair of apricot eyes are shining, and she seems to be shining in the sun.

Such a look, such a temperament.

Even if it is put in the entertainment circle, it is also a top eye-catching look.

Hu Yijun felt that the woman was a bit familiar, "That one seems to be..."

"She... Ruan Subai!" He Qiuqiu took over, "She and Fangfang are sisters, but their character is not very good. I don't know what methods were used to marry Bo Xingzhi. Now it is the famous Bo Xingzhi. Mrs."

Hu Yijun suddenly realized, no wonder he saw the woman familiar, it turned out to be Ruan Su!

This name can be said to be like Lei Guaner.

Who in the mixed entertainment industry hasn't heard of it? Although this woman is not in the entertainment industry, she is constantly on the hot search, and she also invests in movies, and the movie scores are not bad, and the box office is very high.

Such a woman...

Before Hu Yijun had time to think, he heard Ruan Fangfang's pretentiously gentle voice, "Emperor Hu, I heard Huo Shao say that you brought two friends with you?"

Hu Yijun smiled, but did not speak yet.

At this moment, a car arrived at the entrance of Dongjak Terrace.

I saw two handsome and invincible men stepped out of the car. They were not other people, but Hu Yijun’s twins with the company. This pair of pairs can be said to be thriving.

The other two are not brothers, but they look a little similar, and they form a twin group.

It's similar to the twin group of female artists in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the past two years.

If Jiang Xinfeng is the top stream of the individual, then the twins are the top stream in the combination.

The fan base is huge, and many girls are their fans.

He Qiuqiu and Ruan Fangfang are no exception. Who doesn't like the handsome little fresh meat?

The two were so excited that they didn't cover their faces and screamed excitedly.

Especially Fu Ran in the pair, that dance was a must, especially the moment when he opened his clothes to reveal his abdominal muscles, he was fascinated by the hearts of thousands of young girls.

And the other one, Rong Xiao, was a shy big boy with a very cute smile. He was so cute and adorable.

The two of them are like the double heroes in the idol drama, so handsome that makes people's hearts beat faster.

They walked side by side in front of Hu Yijun, "Brother Hu."

"This is Miss Ruan." Hu Yi introduced both.

"Happy birthday." The two handsome guys said in unison, and then offered a gift to Ruan Fangfang.

Without any surprises, it is still the packaging bag of big-name luxury goods.

Ruan Fangfang felt that he was going to float away.

The two handsome guys looked at Ruan Fangfang, who was dressed very grandly in front of him, and they were very eye-catching in the crowd.

I couldn't help showing a charming smile, and Ruan Fangfang felt even more happy when he saw it, and his eyes were moved, "Thank you for coming to my birthday party."

As she said, she looked at Hu Yijun again, "Emperor Hu, you are so kind to me."

Hu Yijun's eyes were filled with kindness, "If I get married, you can be my daughter at your age. Don't be so polite, I don't have a daughter at all, be my goddaughter?"

"Fuck, goddaughter?" Ruan Fangfang said incoherently a little excited.

There is a godfather of the actor, after that... won't she also be able to enter the entertainment circle smoothly? If there is a movie king paving the way.

Hu Yijun went on to say, "I hit it off with you and I like you very much. I might be a bit abrupt to say this, maybe you need to discuss it with Huo Shao."

" I want it, I want it." Ruan Fangfang said very excited and moved, "Emperor Hu, how can I be."

"You're so amazing?" Hu Yijun said with a smile and petting, raising his hand and touching Ruan Fangfang's hair.

Ruan Fangfang blushed and said shyly, "God father."

He Qiuqiu's face turned green with sourness, and he looked at this scene with an extremely ugly expression.

It's just that Ruan Su Tiantian is so pushy, why is Ruan Fangfang so pushy now?

Got a godfather of the actor?

Li Meixing hurriedly exchanged greetings with Hu Yijun, thinking that her daughter was likable.

The famous movie emperor has recognized as a goddaughter, and even more feels that the future of his daughter is bright.

Now that the Ye Family neglects them, it is Ye Family's loss!

At this time, another car stopped at the door, and Mrs. Fu and Fu Yinli got out of the car.

Mrs. Fu wore a dark green cheongsam, and the design of the collar button made her extremely elegant and luxurious.

The cheongsam is embroidered with big and big peonies, matched with the dark green background, it is very noble.

In particular, there is a red agate necklace on the neck, which is matched with the dark green, which is very eye-catching.

The reporter immediately began to commotion again, "Wow! Madam Fu and Shao Fu!"

"Unexpectedly, Mrs. Fu will also come."

"This Miss Ruan Fangfang has a lot of face!"

"Yes, yes!"

These reporters were discussing, they saw Li Meixing and Ruan Fangfang walking over to greet Mrs. Fu, "Mrs. Fu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Ms. Li, you are too polite." Madam Fu looked down on the mother and daughter with a heart-felt, but Huo Jiliang didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd.

Her Fu family and Huo family are ants on the same boat, she dare not come.

"Mrs. Fu." Ruan Fangfang also smiled sweetly. "Fu Shao."

Fu Yinli looked cold and nodded lightly in response.

Mrs. Fu handed over the gift, "A little bit, happy birthday."

A few people were chatting, and they saw another car coming, and an elegant middle-aged woman got off the car, the woman dressed in an elegant atmosphere.

When everyone saw the person's appearance clearly, they couldn't help but whisper, "Oh my God! It turned out to be Miss Yafang, the female president of the famous international cosmetics brand!"

That's Yafang!

Established the Yafang Group with one hand. Its cosmetics sell well both at home and abroad, and it has also won numerous awards in the industry, making it one of the international luxury brands.

This female president is over fifty years old, but she is very well maintained, and she has not left a trace of many years.

This is... This is Ms. Yafang!

A character that is rarely seen in ordinary times.

Even Hu Yijun and the others showed a pandering smile on Yafang's face, lowering their posture and hurriedly greeting.

Compared with Ruan Fangfang and Li Meixing's lively side, Ruan Su's side is as quiet as a chicken.

Keep watching Ruan Fangfang show all kinds of limelight, all kinds of success.

Take a photo with this for a while, and take a photo with that for a while.

Jiang Chengwu naturally knew that the guests Ruan Fangfang invited were very noble. He touched his nose, "Miss Ruan, do we have any other guests? If not..."

Let's go to the box, don't stand here...

The beautiful and dazzling woman's cold voice faintly rang, "Oh, someone. Wait a moment."

At this moment, He Qiuqiu came over and said to Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, our family Fangfang is the protagonist today. I don’t know what you mean by running here. But...if you want to have dinner with us, we can. Add a pair of chopsticks."

She felt sour at the sight of Ruan Fangfang's so many high-profile guests. But she couldn't say anything. Now she can only stimulate Ruan Su a few words to vent.

When she said this, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Because Ruan Su is so outstanding and eye-catching.

No fancy clothes or heavy makeup.

She just stood there so simply, but her aura overwhelmed everything.

One more chapter at noon~~~

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