Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 365: Slander her and humiliate her

"Wife... sleep for a while."

The man's hoarse and magnetic voice came, and Ruan Su's ears were hot.

If it were before, the Mei silkworm in her body would definitely be ready to move.

But now, she found that since the last time she was rescued by Bo Xingzhi's painstaking effort, she seemed to have never had a seizure of the silkworm.

Moreover, she hadn't felt the surging of Meican for a long time.

This feeling...a bit weirdly calm.

But there are so many things she has experienced, so she has no time to think about the problem of the silkworm in her body.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered Meican, and she realized that she hadn't had an attack for too long.


After waiting for a while and not waiting for the thin line of the woman's response, she slowly opened her deep ink eyes and saw the little woman sitting there not knowing what she was in a daze.

He raised his eyebrows, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh, I didn't think about anything." Ruan Su recovered in an instant, and glanced at the sunlight outside the window, "The rain stopped and the sun came out."

"There will always be a rainbow after the wind and rain." Bo Xingzhi sat up, and his exhausted body finally eased after a rest.

Next second.

Before Ruan Su could react, he just felt like the sky was spinning.

The man pressed her under him.

There was a beating flame in those narrow eyes.

Ruan Su blushed, "Don't... there is no soundproofing here, not at home..."

"Then..." Bo Xingzhi smiled beautifully and enchantingly, "You mean to wait until home?"

Ruan Su blushed even more, "Get up! Hurry up! People are busy outside, so what if we hide in a tent?"

Bo Xingzhi looked at the delicate side of her rare little woman, couldn't help but laugh, his chest trembling slightly.

Showing his happy mood.

He likes her contrast, in front of people is a powerful queen, in front of him is a cute little woman.

The man's thin lips slightly pressed against Ruan Su's forehead, and at this moment, Song Yan's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Master, are you awake?"

Bo Xingzhi's face stiffened, and he said a little annoyed, "I woke up."

"Then I will bring breakfast in." When the words fell, Song Yan pushed the door in.

The breakfast in the disaster area is very simple, millet porridge, a few side dishes, and two steamed buns.

After putting the food, Song Yan went out.

Ruan Su washed up at will, and then sat down at the simple small table. The morning sun came in through the window and just hit her.

The exquisite outline, the moist apricot eyes, and the red lips are as tender as petals, but they are inexplicably alluring.

Bo Xingzhi washed his face and walked over, there was a moment of tenderness in his deep cold eyes.

He sat in front of Ruan Su and lifted his thin lips slightly, took a bun and took a bite.

"The disaster area is full of rough tea and light rice."

Ruan Su's heart skipped a beat, and a trace of enthusiasm rose in her eyes. She blinked her apricot and raised her eyebrows, "I'm here for disaster relief, not for enjoyment."

Bo Xingzhi smiled and raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "It's so good, I'll take you to a big meal when I return to Jiangcheng."

Ruan Su didn't know how, he always felt that his tone was like coaxing a child.

She picked up a piece of tofu and put it in a thin bowl, "This vegetable tofu is not bad."

The meals made by Mr. Grand Master are home-cooked dishes, thick tea and light rice, but the taste is excellent. There is no decline in the level of changes in food materials due to changes in the environment.

Bo Xingzhi didn't like to eat tofu very much. He looked at the tofu that was fried golden brown, exuding an attractive luster in the sun.

But it can't seduce his taste buds.

Ruan Su looked at Bo Xing and stopped eating, she raised her eyebrows and put a piece of tofu in, "open her mouth."

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyes and glanced at Ruan Su, holding the tofu in his mouth.

The deep eyes narrowed slightly, which was different from what he had imagined. The tofu was soft and tender, and did not have the greasy beany smell.

It tastes good.

Ruan Su's red lips twitched slightly, "Doesn't it taste good?"

The chefs of LaCrosse are not vegetarian.

Bo Xing stopped nodding, and there was an indescribable expectation in his eyes.

It looks like a cat waiting to be fed.

This made Ruan Suqing couldn't help but think of the black cat she had raised before.

Lazily waiting for her **** shovel officer to feed.

Ruan Su had to pick another piece of tofu, and the corners of his lips were helpless, "Eat another piece."

Bo Xingzhi suddenly grabbed her hand, Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

The man's voice was dark and sultry, "Sit down with me."

Ruan Su took a look and found that...Bo Xingzhi was referring to his legs.

She was a little uncomfortable, "Don't make trouble."

Thin Xingzhi knew that she was disobedient, and pulled the awkward little woman to her thigh with a big palm, and then one of her hands firmly clasped her waist and fixed her to her legs.

Suddenly, the man leaned over and lowered his head to hold the piece of tofu on her chopsticks.

He quickly and wildly pinched Ruan Su's chin and leaned over.

Ruan Su's eyes widened, and he felt the piece of tofu slip into his mouth. The tofu with a soft aroma broke in with the man's breath.

She raised her head involuntarily...

After a while, he let go of her.

Bo Xingzhi looked at the beautiful red face of the little woman soft in his arms, his eyes were deep, and his slender fingertips gently rubbed her red lips, "Is it delicious?"

Ruan Su's ears echoed the man's sultry voice, and the white neck and even the pink ears were all red.

She narrowed her eyes, then glared at Bo Xing again.

"Early in the morning you... don't make trouble."

She replied dryly.

Thin Xingzhi's big palm buckled her slender waist, and her thick eyebrows were raised lightly. "This is fun."

Ruan Su jumped from his lap, his cold face with a hint of coquettishness, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were dyed crimson, like flowers blooming in the morning sun.

Let Bo Xingzhi wish to take her apart immediately.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, his voice hoarse, "Don't run away."

Ruan Su raised his hand and tapped his forehead, "Be sober, this is the disaster area."

At this moment, Mrs. Xie's voice came from outside the door, "Azhi, Xiaosu?"

"Sister, come in." Ruan Su immediately responded and sat on the small stool next to him.

Then there was the sound of the tent being opened. She turned to look and saw Madam Xie wearing a black cotton jacket and black pants walking over.

"It's cold here, I brought you a small stove."

Mrs. Xie put the small stove in her hand into the tent. Then I looked at Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, with concern on their faces, "I heard that you didn't come back at four o'clock last night. It's going to be dawn before you arrive here, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"We are young and in good spirits." Ruan Su smiled and looked at her a little surprised, "Why are you here? It's dangerous here."

"You are all here, can I not come? Yanyan is also here." Madam Xie sighed, "I am fidgeting at home alone, so I might as well do some chores here and do a little bit of help."

"Brother-in-law is tired recently." Ruan Su began to eat again, "have you eaten?"

"I have eaten, I have to go to the medical center to take a look, Yanyan has been there these days to carry the patient number, the little girl is very tired." Madam Xie saw that the two of them were not injured, and they were all safe and sound. A stone finally fell to the ground.

With that, she went out.

At this time, in the medical center, Li Zhuoyan was lifting a patient from the rescue truck together with a few village women.

This patient is a fat man, she has little strength, but luckily there are many people.

But when she was carried to the medical center, she was still out of breath.

Chi Xiaoxian glanced at Li Zhuoyan who was working hard, and there was a cold flash in his eyes. You can work hard right here, and I will stay by Mr. Xie's side.

After dropping the textbook in her hand, she sneaked out of the medical center and walked towards the tent where Xie Jinyan was.

Xie Jinyan couldn't help himself. After breakfast, he was about to go out to see if he needed help.

As a result, as soon as he opened the tent, he saw Chi Xiaoxian standing at his door.

The man looked indifferent, "Is something wrong?"

Chi Xiaoxian blinked his eyes pitifully, as if mist filled his eyes, "Mr. Xie, I know I'm just a girl in a village, but...Miss Li shouldn't bully me like that?"

"Oh?" Xie Jinyan raised her eyebrows and looked at her, "Why did Yanyan bully you?"

"She said... I'm a village girl, I don't deserve to come and take care of Mr. Xie, let me roll as far as possible." Chi Xiaoxian raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, looking very sad and sad.

She bit her lip, and said stubbornly and proudly, "Mr. Xie, I'm here to thank you. I'll get out now."

"Really?" Xie Jin Yanjun's face was indifferent, and he couldn't see any emotions.

Chi Xiaoxian saw that Xie Jinyan didn't scold her.

Hiddenly in his heart, he continued to slander Li Zhuoyan.

"I used to help in the medical center with her. I lifted the patient so that my hands were so sore and tired. She also thought that I did not lift the patient well, and said that I did not lift the patient properly, which added confusion to everyone." Chi Xiaoxian said. The more wronged.

"Mr. Xie, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have told you this..."

"If you know if you should say it, just shut your mouth." Xie Jinyan couldn't listen anymore, and irritability flashed through his eyes. But I don't know why, his head hurts more and more, he raised his hand to hold his forehead.

I only felt humming in his ears, Chi Xiaoxian's voice was like a fly in his ears, making him want to go crazy.

"Mr. Xie, what's the matter with you?" Chi Xiaoxian noticed that Xie Jinyan's expression was a little wrong. She stepped forward and looked up at Xie Jinyan in admiration.

How could this man be so good-looking, with a good family background, and his manners so elegant and noble.

It was completely different from the smelly boys in the villages and towns she usually came into contact with.

Xie Jinyan only felt that what was in front of him seemed to be dizzy and swaying... He opened his eyes mistily and looked at the girl in front of him.

He murmured unconsciously, "Yeonyan..."

Suddenly, his whole body fell towards Chi Xiaoxian. Chi Xiaoxian was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately hugged him, "Mr. Xie..."

Li Zhuoyan just came out of the medical center, and when she looked up, she saw...

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