Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 397: Take human life as grass! shocking!

"Northern Suburbs?" Ruan Sula opened the door and got into the car. Bo Xingzhi immediately started the car and left the garage.

In the deep night, a black Bentley galloped on the highway at midnight.

And behind the car are several black cars following them.

Ruan Su sat in the car, staring coldly at the location on the phone.

That is the address from Song Yan.

"According to Song Yan's investigation, the transaction location is in the old factory in the northern suburbs. Huo Jiliang is obviously using the ship to carry out illegal activities of smuggling people."

"And these characters are likely to be resold by Huo Jiliang and go to the Middle East to work as coolies. What we need to do is to take the stolen goods from them as soon as the two parties succeed in the transaction."

"And... if this operation fails, it is likely that we will be in danger. So we must act fast."

Ruan Su discussed the details of the action with Bo Xingzhi, while contacting everyone in the secret and great.

By the way, he also sent a notice to Xie Jinyan and asked Mayor Xie to notify the police station.

She did everything in one go, and arranged them in an orderly manner.

She had always wanted to catch Huo Jiliang's handle. In the case she took, the other party wanted Huo Jiliang's criminal evidence.

It is a pity that she has been busy with various things and has not been able to close the case up to now.

And Huo Jiliang had bounced long enough.

She dragged the thin notebook computer directly from the back seat, and opened it quickly.

As the handsome man was driving, he heard the little woman next to him crackling with her hands on the keyboard.

I only saw rows of letters and rows of codes flashing past the computer.


Still a computer expert?

Ruan Su was on the phone while typing on the keyboard while wearing a Bluetooth headset on his ear.

"Wen Hao, are you in the Huo Group building?"

"Sister-in-law, yes. I'm right here." Bo Wenhao and Jiang Chengliu stepped on the floor cautiously, both wearing black clothes walking in the empty ruins.

Since it was burned, few people have come in here.

"Go to the floor where Ouyang Xing is located and see if there are any traces left. They probably thought they were all burned to ashes. Therefore, we must go in and look for them." Ruan Su whispered.

"Yes, I know." Bo Wenhao hung up the phone, and the two of them continued to walk gently toward the floor of the Ouyang Xing Charity Foundation with Jiang Chengliu.

The elevator was burned down long ago, and they climbed a safe passage.

Just after I got on the first floor, I heard a familiar voice behind me, "You two didn't sleep at home in the middle of the night. What are you doing here?"

Jiang Chengliu's heart jumped for half a beat. He turned his head violently and saw a tall and burly figure.

He whispered, "Brother? Why are you here?"

Jiang Chengwu walked over and stared at the two teenagers in front of him with displeased eyes, "This is Huo Jiliang's site, even if it has been burned to ruins, it belongs to him. Are you two running here to find death?"

"No... You misunderstood us." Bo Wenhao explained quickly.

Five minutes later, Jiang Chengwu frowned, "You said, Miss Ruan asked you to find something?"

"Yes." Jiang Chengliu's head was like a chicken pecking at rice, "Brother, Sister Su is training the two of us now! So, don't have any more opinions."

He scratched his head in embarrassment, "Of course, if you want to be with us, you can."

Jiang Chengwu didn't say a word, but his actions explained everything.

"Let's go, go to the fifth floor."

The three came to the fifth floor together and began a carpet search.

However, after searching around, I have searched almost every office, and still haven't found any useful clues.

"Are they really burnt down?" Bo Wenhao muttered dejectedly.

"At that time, the fire was raging, Ouyang Xing and Huo Jiliang probably didn't have time to take those things away." Jiang Chengwu shook his head, "We continued to look for them. And then they didn't appear here either. They were either burned or here. , There are only these two possibilities."


The three continued to search.

On the other side at this time, the Bentley car and the row of black cars behind had already driven into the dense forest, heading towards the old factory in Huo Jiliang in the northern suburbs.

Near the factory, the car stopped and then hid it.

Taking advantage of the darkness, a group of people began to sneak into this forest.

"Everyone will act according to orders, and don't reveal their identity." Bo Xingzhi said in a low voice, "Any questions?"

"No." All the black-clothed subordinates looked at him expressionlessly.

"Very good, wait for the moment."

The cold wind in the dark night is chilling.

Somewhere in the forest, the voice of Xi Xisuo Suo sounded from time to time in the grass.

It was Bo Xingzhi and a group of people walking here, under the dark shadows of the trees, the figures moved.

Almost all of them are dressed in black.

At this time, Song Yan was guarding outside the factory building, and saw three figures rushing out of the forest. All three figures were dressed in black, wearing black hats, and hiding their entire faces in the hats.

Judging from the height and body shape, these three people are all men.

"Who?" The guard immediately raised the spear in his hand vigilantly.

The three men walked over unhurriedly, and then uttered the code directly before entering the factory building.

Song Yan saw that after the three men entered, a familiar tall figure also walked out from the depths of the factory building.

"Huo Shao."

As soon as he saw someone coming, a man headed by the three slowly spoke, his voice low and colder in the night.

Huo Jiliang's thin lips slightly hooked, and his tall and straight body was fully illuminated in the dim light. He was dressed in black, and his feminine and cold expression looked particularly shocking.

"Chief Wilson, it's surprising that you actually came to lead the people this time."

"My name doesn't have to be called out, I don't want to be discovered on the land of your H Empire." Wilson frowned, and the cold aura on his body would never lose to Huo Jiliang in front of him.

"Thirty, all the goods you want are here." Huo Jiliang's cold eyes stared at Wilson, and his sharp eyes flashed.

"Then open the box, I want to inspect the goods!" As the current leader of the Mafia, Wilson immediately spoke, and the other two men behind him stepped forward, preparing to open the box.

But Huo Jiliang stopped him, "There is a refrigeration device in each of these boxes, and the temperature is extremely low. My person must come and unpack the box in person. Wait a minute."

After he finished speaking, his men immediately came over, took away the special tool, and opened the box.


When the box was opened, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

I saw that the entire box was covered with large patches of frost.

A lot of cold air is constantly gushing out.

The man who opened the box couldn't help but sneezed. He touched his nose and pushed the black man who was shoved in the box. The black man closed his eyes and curled up inside the box, on his hair, on his nose, on his clothes, and on his body. It was covered with a layer of frost.

He seemed to have merged with the cold air, and the cold air was still pouring out. After opening the box, it seemed that the air in the entire factory was cold.

"Dogday, why don't you get up?"

The man directly grabbed the black man in the box and dragged it out. As a result...

But he found that the black man was covered with ice, and he was connected to the refrigerator in the box.

Wilson frowned and glanced at the temperature of the refrigeration equipment in the box, which was minus 27 degrees.

"The temperature is so low, are you still alive?"

Obviously, this person has no vital signs. He should have been...frozen to death?

"How is it possible?" Huo Jiliang frowned, and immediately ordered everyone, "Quickly, open all the boxes!"

Following his order.

Those of his men began to open the boxes one by one.

The temperature inside each box is extremely low, the night is already very cold, and now it is winter again.

Coupled with the fact that so many boxes containing refrigeration devices were opened everywhere, the whole plant was as cold as the North Pole.

It was so cold that everyone present shivered.

"how so?"

Huo Jiliang growled irritably, "You idiots! The temperature is adjusted so low, do you deliberately prevent them from living?"

In dozens of boxes, there was not a single mouthful.

The deaths of the people in each box were varied, and each of them was extremely miserable.

One can imagine what kind of fear and pain they experienced before they died.

They had good wishes for a foreign country, but in the end they died tragically on the road.

Huo Jiliang glared at the stupid subordinates angrily. These people are all dead. What about his money? He spent so much energy and financial resources to transport these people here.

Resold to the Mafia, it's all right now.

No money, no one!

nothing left!

The group of men shivered with fear by Huo Jiliang's anger. "Huo Shao, we don't know..."

"We checked while we were on the ship..."

"A bunch of rice buckets!" Huo Jiliang kicked the man closest to him, and the man was kicked to the ground, grinning in pain.

"Huo Shao, I really doubt your ability to do things." Wilson looked at the shocking scene at the scene and couldn't help shrugging.

Their Mafia was originally engaged in a blood licking business, and it has become more alive and dead.

This number of people is nothing novel in his eyes.

"Mr. Wilson, don't worry, I will get another boat back." Huo Jiliang took a deep breath, suppressing the monstrous fire in his heart, and said to Wilson, "I don't want to terminate our cooperation. Give it a chance. Okay?"

"Huo Shao, you Huo Shi was burned some time ago, and now these goods are dead, how can you let me continue to believe you?" Wilson sneered, "I hope Huo Shao can show some sincerity."

They in the factory were deliberating secretly, but Song Yan outside the window was deeply shocked by the scene inside!

These people... just take their lives as a waste.

The camera in his hand can hardly be held firmly!

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