Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 401: Looks exactly like him

He felt death so clearly for the first time!

So close, terribly close!

Can't hide, he froze there, and he realized with horror that he couldn't avoid it at all.

This is strength!

This is powerful!

He seemed to admit his fate, slowly closing his eyes.

Isn't it just death?

It doesn't matter if you die in the hands of a strong man!

Facing death, it is false to say not to be afraid.

But he was thinking of a thought, he can no longer be loyal to the ZZ organization! Can't accompany Su Luo anymore! Without him, Yinyue would definitely suppress Su Luo!

The sharp blade brings the wind like lightning.

Ringing in the ears of the short man, Ruan Su's eyes were murderous, and this blow could definitely kill the opponent.

The icy night wind was bleak, and the fierce dagger passed by the gust of wind, turning strongly.

With a sound of "Flop!", the dagger cut the short man's throat and thumped!

The man fell to the ground, his eyes widened!

At this time, the thin line was tangled with Gaza, and the man's palm wind suddenly lifted Gaza's hood.

Exposed a handsome face.

In an instant, a palm was about to smash the thin line of Gaza's chest, his dark pupils shrank violently, and his shocked face was filled with astonishment.

He palms the wind too fast, seeing that he is about to slap Gaza's chest with a palm, and suddenly force.

Bo Xingzhi abruptly pulled the strength of his palm back, suddenly lifted his left foot, and kicked Gaza out!


After being kicked by Bo Xingzhe, Gaza slammed his whole body to the ground, and there was a burst of pain in his chest, which made him "pounce" and spit out blood.

He gasped quickly, his eyes filled with surprise.

He stretched out his hand to cover his chest that was sore when he was kicked by Bo Xingzhi, and looked at Bo Xingzhi not far ahead with doubts in his eyes.

In the dark night, the tall and tall figure stood there coldly. Gaza couldn't see the man's look, but he was surprised to feel that the man's scorching gaze was staring at him, making him feel a bit of horror. horrible.

The silent atmosphere permeated here, and the stiff and uncomfortable atmosphere made Gaza feel uncomfortable.

Ruan Su frowned, "Why don't you kill..."

While she was talking, she raised her eyes to see the handsome face in Gaza, and she was also taken aback.

Shock and surprise instantly appeared in her beautiful bright apricot eyes, and she couldn't help but mutter.

"How can this be?"

That face in Gaza... is very similar to Bo Xingzhi, almost exactly the same! The same eyebrows, the same long and narrow eyes.

Except... Gaza has a long scar on his left cheek, lying across his handsome face.

It looks a bit fierce, but it doesn't hurt his beauty.

If there is no such scar... his face, put together with the thin line, can definitely be fake.

Bo Xingzhi did not speak, nor did Ruan Su.

At this moment, there was another rush of footsteps.


Bo Xing stopped grabbing Ruan Su's hand, and the two figures turned and left quickly, leaving no words behind, and the two figures quickly sank into the night.

Gaza stared blankly at the backs of the two of them leaving, and did not return to their senses for a long time.

The two of them... why are they so surprised when they see his face?

Why didn't they kill him?

Questions linger in Gaza's mind.

He turned to leave, thin lips pressed tightly, Jun Rong didn't have any expression, and his cold eyes were terrifying.

However, his hand dropped to his side was tightly clenched into a fist, and the obvious shaking proved that the man's mood was not calm at all at this time.

How can it be?

How can it be?

He kept questioning from the bottom of his heart, and his dark eyes became deeper and darker.

Damn it, why is there a man who looks almost exactly like him in this world?

Not only looks, but also height and age are very similar.

He could not digest this shocking news at all.

He slammed his fist at the tree closest to him.

His heart contracted suddenly, and the strong and irregular beating seemed to burst out of the chamber at any time, almost suffocating him.

"Damn it!"

He snarled and slammed his fist down again.

The capricious movements were like crazy, and he vented his emotions fiercely.

Ruan Su has been following him all the time, looking at his crazy appearance, she slammed her waist and hugged him, "Bo Xingzhi! Bo Xingzhi! Calm down! You just look the same, you two definitely have nothing to do with each other. ."

Bo Xingzhi looked at the tree that was tortured by his fists. He took a deep breath and forced his emotions to calm down. look the same, how could he be influenced by that assassin's mood.

He can't collapse, his illness is healed, and he can't fall into the mood of collapse again.

He kept inhaling deeply, turning his back against the tree, his heart gradually calming down.

The thoughts in his mind also became clear.

He spoke with a hoarse and deep voice, "You are right, this must be the bait for the other party to tease me out."

He lowered his eyes, he should have guessed.

With so many forces flocking here, how could the Bo Fengshan couple not know?

And this... the so-called killer who looks the same as him, maybe it was sent by the Bo Fengshan couple. In the past so many years, they have always liked to manipulate his emotions and make him collapse...

Now that his illness is cured by Mr. Luo, how can they give up?

He frowned, suddenly seeming to wonder.

Why did that newly joined force send this assassin? He looks so much like himself...

The thoughts in his brain circled quickly, and he sighed softly, hugging Ruan Su in his arms tightly.

"Wife...I shouldn't be so easily provoked by emotions."

He raised his head and scanned the dense forest with cold eyes.

He clenched his fist tightly, and now he began to suspect that Bo Fengshan and his wife were here.

He strongly forced himself to calm down and couldn't...can't...he couldn't fall into that negative and violent mood anymore.

When he was expelled, there was almost nothing left in his brother.

Among the so-called qualified heirs in the family, there are few who look particularly like themselves.

He took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

"Wife, let's go."

His eyes were extremely deep.

Ruan Su nodded, her thin white fingers clasped the man's big palm, her fingers interlocked, and she silently conveyed warmth to him. "Bo Xingzhi, you are not the biological child of the Bo family, so have you thought about finding your biological parents?"

This is what Ruan Su cares most about.

Bo Xingzhi didn't speak. After a while, he said, "I was the one who was expelled and abandoned by the family, so...if they don't want me, why should I go back?"



Ruan Su's eyes suddenly shrank, and she didn't expect that Bo Xingzhi would be expelled and abandoned by the family...

She once imagined that he was an orphan, or a child lost by the family, she never thought that Bo Xingzhi's life experience would be like this.


Should he come from a famous family?

Who is so blind? Putting Bo Xingzhi on such a good child, he didn't want to expel him...

In many cases, the so-called famous family, the so-called wealthy family, the exterior is beautiful, and the inside has long been rotten.

Ruan Su sneered silently, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and branded a kiss on the man's thin **** lips, her forehead pressed against his, "Bo Xingzhi, here I am..."

She grabbed the man's hand and pressed it to her heart, "It's your home."

Her eyes were particularly bright in the night, and they were horribly bright.

Bo Xing's heart swelled, and Nuan Nuan stared at her swellingly.

He reached out and stroked the woman's smooth face and soft cheeks.

The delicate touch shocked his heart severely.

His lips pressed tightly, and his dark pupils sank.

If it wasn't for time and place, he really wanted to press her into his arms and break her into the stomach!

But he resisted.

He bit her with thin lips, with an inexplicable and sultry pampering.

"There are so many people here, let's go!"

The tall and indifferent figure of the man makes people feel anxious inexplicably. Ruan Su nodded in pain, "Go!"

The night is getting darker and darker, and the cold wind in the night is getting darker and colder.

The icy night wind blew across my ears.

Like a ghost from **** stroking his face.

People can't help but feel cold and painful.

In a dense part of the forest, a group of uniformed men in black were standing together neatly.

And in front of them, there was a tall man.

The tall man's figure is impressive.

The cold breath makes you want to give in.

"Master Pluto, Gaza has not returned." A man stepped forward and whispered in the man's ear.

"Take someone to find." Underworld God's low and cold voice carried an inexplicable gloomy voice.

Obviously, he was very unhappy with the news.


At this time, another man came over again, looking at Pluto with complicated eyes, "Silver Moon is not far away, Master Pluto... we are an organization after all."

"Haha--" Underworld sneered, "His Yinyue is nothing but rubbish, what about an organization? I will complete the task that he can't complete, can't it?"

Underworld God's handsome and cold expression was particularly shocking, and there was madness deep in his eyes.

Yinyue robbed him of the limelight everywhere in the organization and robbed him of credit.

This time... he must kill Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

As if feeling the strong emotions of the Underworld God, no one dared to say anything again.

Underworld and Yinyue are the right arms of the ZZ organization.

They are the two most powerful assistants of the leader of the organization, except for the leader, they are the two most powerful.

At this time, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were flying quickly through the dense forest.

The previous Jian Qiqi and Song Yan left with the others.

The two broke off and screened.

The chasing soldiers behind him still chased after him, as if they never knew they were tired.

I don't know which power it is, with an unstoppable aura of failing to reach the goal.

"Bang bang bang!" With countless gunshots, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi dodge in a neat posture.

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