Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 460: You don’t have to look for secrets and greatness, I...

Gu Sixue's face froze. She originally wanted to refresh her sense of existence in front of Bo Xingzhi by constantly showing her concern for Engineer Liu.

After all... She overturned her car several times during the recent period.

It's because of Ruan Su almost every time.

She didn't expect that everything she did now was wrong, and caring about her colleagues had become wrong.

She felt sad for a while, but she still kept a decent smile on her face, but her tone was stiff, "Master, I...I feel sorry for Engineer Liu. He has no children and no marriage all his life. This body is again. No, it’s really for the sake of us all six..."

"I know how much engineer Liu's contribution is." Bo Xingzhi said lightly.

It's just that he doesn't like Gu Sixue's constant chattering crooked in his ears.

He was in a very good mood at first, so he could only stay with his wife well.

Well, engineer Liu is sick, and Gu Sixue is still here.

Gu Sixue finally stopped squeaking, and quietly stepped aside.

The whole world is purified.

Thin Xingzhi's ears also got a moment of rest.

After half an hour, the doctor finally stepped out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, how is the patient?"

Bo Xingzhi stepped on his slender legs and came to the doctor, his voice full of magnetism with a trace of concern.

"The patient is overworked, and because of long-term experiments, the body has been exposed to intense radiation and erosion, so he has headaches for many years. Once this headache occurs, it will cause him to have a splitting headache, so he will pass out in pain. "

The doctor sighed, "The patient's physical condition requires more rest."

"I see." Bo Xing nodded, "When will he wake up?"

"Probably tomorrow morning, I will be hospitalized for observation for two days. Not only do I have to take a good rest these two days, but I will also have a good rest in the future. Don't work too hard. Even staying here for a few days will treat the symptoms rather than the root cause."

The doctor sighed heavily and turned away.

But the thin heart sank bit by bit.

Engineer Liu is indispensable in the development of new energy for automobiles, and he has also made great contributions and sacrifices to this cause.

Especially in national power projects, the surplus value of electricity is extremely high, and it is extremely in need of transformation.

If his body reaches the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, it will be a huge loss to the six places and even the entire new energy source.

Bo Xingzhi had a headache.

Song Yan walked up to him quietly and whispered, "Master...or, let's let Miss Ruan come over and see? Maybe she can save Engineer Liu's damaged body?"

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Song Yan calmly, "I just meant it. There are two people here to accompany Engineer Liu. Let's go back to the sixth place."

When Gu Sixue heard Song Yan's words, she couldn't help but answered, "What can Ruan Su do? She got her pulse in front of Mr. Yan Nie last time, or did she send medicine or something, is she really good at medical skills?"

Bo Xingzhi glanced at her and felt that this woman was getting more and more stupid and noisy.

She didn't mention it, but he had forgotten about Yan Nie.

Yan Nie listened to Ruilan No. 133 given by Ruan Su, and didn't know if his body got better.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help taking out his mobile phone, and while walking towards the elevator with Song Yan, he dialed Yan Nie's number.

It was Yan Nie’s little apprentice who answered, "Hey, who are you?"

"It's me." Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but speak after he reported his family. "Where is your master?"

"My master has taken a rest, is there anything going on?" Yandao was very curious about why Bo Xingzhi called so late.

"How is his health?"

"Since I took the medicine given by Miss Ruan, my complexion has improved a lot." He said that when he mentioned this, my mood has improved a lot. Any questions tomorrow?"

" have to ask her yourself." Bo Xingzhi couldn't make decisions for Ruan Su's affairs, because that would be too disrespectful to her.

"Okay, I will contact Miss Ruan again tomorrow morning."

After hanging up the phone, Bo Xingzhi made up his mind even more, and must take a look at Engineer Liu from Sugang Ruan.


Ruan Su had just returned to six places before returning to the single villa where Bo Xingzhi lived, when he received a call from the man.

"gone back already?"

"Well, just got off the car. How is your place?" Ruan Su lazily stepped on the moonlight, his slender figure slowly walking in the courtyard.

"I'll go back soon." Bo Xingzhi's voice was slightly cool, "Wait for me."

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Su went straight back to the villa and then entered the room.

I've been busy all day, very tired.

She changed her clothes and went into the bathroom to turn on the shower to take a hot shower.

When Bo Xingzhi came in, he heard the splash of water in the bathroom.

The man raised his eyebrows calmly, his slender fingers slowly began to unbutton his collar shirt.

Ruan Su was taking a shower when the bathroom door was suddenly opened from outside.

Looking towards the door with her cold eyes, she saw the perfect figure of the man's inverted triangle, as well as the chest of the fruit, with distinct muscles evenly distributed on the perfect skeleton.

Especially the attractive mermaid line, all showing the perfect figure of this man.

Ruan Su was suffocated by the irritation of this **** scene, and a hot wave of air hit his cheeks.

It was so hot that her cheeks became hot, "What are you doing in here?"

"Isn't it my job to wait for my wife to take a bath?" Bo Xing pulled his lips quietly.

This man has become more and more proficient in his hooliganism. Before she could react, the man deceived her, grasping her hand and pressing her into her arms, and she backed down subconsciously.

The body touched the cold tile.

The warm water from the shower scoured the two of them.

Bo Xingzhi's deep black eyes locked her white face tightly, those slightly pursed red lips, and watery eyes, for him at this time, all were seduce.

As his handsome face drew closer, the two breathed each other.

The atmosphere became more ambiguous.

Finally, I don’t know who kissed whom first...


The morning sun shines on the soft big bed, and the sleeping woman slowly opens her eyes like a cold star, and her long eyelashes fan like a crow feather.

The fair and delicate skin glowed with a misty luster in the morning light. She slowly raised her jade arm and gently covered her eyes.

When I moved a little, I felt sore and weak.

Last night, it was too cruel.

Tossing so close to the sky, the two men fell into a deep sleep.

Ruan Su was a little depressed.

The man's physical strength is a little too good.

While thinking about it, the bedroom door was pushed open, and she saw Bo Xingzhi holding a tray with two delicate and delicious side dishes and a steaming porridge on it.

Walking with long slender legs against the sky, he walked towards the bed.

"Woke up?"

The man's magnetic voice sounded, Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "En."

She slowly sat up holding Bobi and was about to get out of bed, but the man suddenly put down the tray in his hand and strode towards her.

The next second, her whole body suddenly vacated, and she found herself being beaten and hugged by the man.

She whispered, and a pair of jade arms took the initiative to wrap around the man's neck. "What are you doing?"

"Hold you to wash up!" The man took it for granted.

Ruan Su: "..."

She hasn't been so delicate yet.

However, Bo Xingzhi had already hurried to the bathroom, and she found that her toothpaste had been carefully squeezed by the man.

After his feet hit the ground, the man hugged her waist from behind, "Wife, can I discuss something with you?"


Ruan Su returned to him vaguely while brushing his teeth.

Bo Xingzhi told her about engineer Liu.

Ruan Su has washed his face and is applying skin care products.

After hearing what Bo Xingzhi said, her dark eyes flashed, "After he is discharged from the hospital and returned to six places, I will take a look. Give me a copy of his medical record."

So... is this promised?

There was a smile in the corner of Bo Xingzhi's eyes, "I trouble you so much, don't you bother?"

"Isn't your business my business? Especially for this kind of pillar, it is not easy to cultivate one. Although we are getting older, if there is an accident, it is also a loss to the six places and a loss to the country."

Ruan Su is not the kind of person who doesn't understand any reason.

She suddenly realized a question, "You seem to seldom bother me, and you don't have many impressions. Why? Are you uncomfortable to trouble me?"

Bo Xingzhi was choked by her question.

"My wife has only changed seventy-two, and the vests are too much to lose. I'll trouble you again, I'm afraid you will be tired."

"It's as if you don't have a vest. Lawyer Bo." Ruan Su curled his lips. "How is the investigation of my brother-in-law's affairs?"

"I found some eyebrows, come and have a look." Bo Xingzhi has recently ordered his subordinates to investigate Xie Yuan's case.

Although the President has sent people to re-investigate, they are not at ease, and it is safer to do it themselves.

Ruan Su took the information handed over by Bo Xingzhi, and read it for a while, "I don't understand the things on the case. You can see which ones are beneficial to him."

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there is not much evidence for his innocence." Bo Xingzhi said solemnly, "The most powerful and direct proof is still needed."

"I have asked Song Yan to contact the hidden and great organization, and hope they can help tune out something."

Ruan Su heard this, the expression on her face was a little weird, she thought for a while and said, "You don't need to look for secrets and be great, I..."

It's just that before she finished speaking, Bo Xingzhi's cell phone rang, and he picked it up, "Song Yan, you said. Did you get in touch? What did they say?"

"They answered? Okay." Bo Xingzhi hung up the phone and looked at Ruan Su again. "My wife, what did you just want to say?"

Ruan Su: "..."

Happy New Year~~~~

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