Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 466: Things changed suddenly! Urgent situation! problem occurs



Su Xing fell from the chair to the floor with a big mouth open and shocked.

The fall made him grin with pain all over his body.


"Are you possessed by a ghost?"

"Group leader Gu, what's your situation?"

Su Xing's expression was terrifying as though he had seen a ghost.

"Can you eat what you made? Did you deliberately poison it? Waiting for Miss Ruan in this dish?"

Gu Sixue glared at Su Xing with a bit of irritation and anger, and then at the other six colleagues who stared at her in terror.

She stomped depressed, "How could I harm Miss Ruan? What are you talking about? I...I know how to cook. I can't compare to a chef, but I won't be poisoned!"

As she said, she first picked up the chopsticks and quickly picked a piece of fried mushrooms and put it in her mouth.

"If this is poisonous, be the first to poison me."

Ruan Su interrupted her outraged, "I'll try it."

The woman’s cold voice was like summer spring water, Ding Dong Ding Dong came into Gu Sixue’s ears, her beautiful face was moved, "Miss Ruan, why are you so good to me? You are so kind to me. …"

She leaned toward Ruan Su, her big charming eyes staring straight at Ruan Su's porcelain-white face, "Is it delicious?"

Ruan Su nodded, "The taste is not bad."

Gu Sixue looked surprised, "Really?"


"Great, then I will cook for you every day, OK? I can learn many kinds of dishes. Which cuisine do you like? Hunan? Sichuan? Or Hangzhou?"

Gu Sixue was full of interest in cooking frantically.

Bo Xingzhi: "..."

He frowned, feeling very upset about Gu Sixue's posture of sweet giving as if he were in love.

The man's face was stern and stern, and his voice was as if contaminated with ice slag. "Leader Gu, the computer technology department is very idle?"

As soon as Gu Sixue's face became stiff, she felt an icy breath rushing toward the door.

She... could not help but tremble.

As soon as his eyes touched Bo Xingzhi's cold gaze, he immediately fled and moved away.

The mood of wanting to get close to Ruan Su frantically—BIU's moment, like a frustrated ball, becomes shriveled and shriveled.

"Ruan...Miss Ruan..."

She looked at Ruan Su pitifully, looking aggrieved like a little friend who had suffered a hundred thousand points of injury.

"I... I'd better stay away from you, otherwise, the young master will be angry. I don't want to make the young master angry, it's all my fault..."

She just missed it...

Bo Xingzhi's face suddenly stiffened. Did he encounter green tea?

And the object of Green Tea's complaint is still his daughter-in-law, not himself?

This... situation is too weird, right?

Then, he saw his big brother Xiaojiao's wife, with a domineering look on her face, holding a piece of fried mushrooms and sending it to Gu Sixue's lips, "You haven't tasted the food you have cooked so hard, haven't you?"

Gu Sixue's eyes flashed with moving dizziness, "Thank you..."

Oh woo woo-it's so warm, it's too warm.

Miss Ruan actually fed her food by herself.

Woo woo-

No matter how hard it is, it is worth it to be stared at by the young master!


at this time!

Suddenly, a familiar sound of consternation came from the door of the restaurant.

Ruan Su raised his eyes and saw Bo Wenyu rushing towards her with his schoolbag on his back and his round eyes.

"Sister-in-law! How can you feed her vegetables? You have never fed me!" Bo Wenyu looked at her heartbroken, as if Ruan Su was a heartbreaker.

She put down her schoolbag angrily, and then watched that there was no place next to Ruan Su. She forcibly pulled a chair and clamped it to Ruan Su's side.

Gu Sixue was squeezed away abruptly.

"I don't care, you have to feed me too."

She finally took a rest on Sunday and came back from the film school. What happened?

I saw the scene of my sister-in-law doting on other women.

Her whole body is not good.

Why are there more and more people competing with her?

In the past, Jiang Cheng, second brother, and Jiang Chengliu and Li Zhuoyan were fighting for favor, but now another one came out?

"You...who are you?"

Gu Sixue stared at Bo Wenyu in a bit of astonishment. Why did a little girl suddenly ran over? It looks pretty good.

"Who are you? I tell you, this is my sister-in-law. I kiss her." Bo Wenyu stretched out his arm and put his arm around Ruan Su's hand.

When Gu Sixue heard it, she immediately understood that she was the young master's younger sister.

What about my sister?

She is going to swear to be Miss Ruan's best best friend.

She put her hands on her hips, "Ha! Sister-in-law? I heard that she divorced the young master, so she is just your former sister-in-law."

"This style of painting... why is it so wrong?" Su Xing whispered to Song Yan next to him.

"Yeah... I look at the young master's face so dark that it can drip ink."

After the two said, they quietly looked at Bo Xingzhi's face.

I saw that the man's handsome and innocent face looked cold and abnormal, and his whole body was filled with a stream of anger, which showed his extremely unhappy mood at this time.

"Get out!"

The man's low and cold voice echoed over the dining room, and his lips were filled with a cold smile without any warmth, and then a pair of long and narrow eyes locked the woman who was sitting on the two little girls' pets, "Tell me, immediately! Right now! Remarry!"

He can't wait for a minute.

Can't wait for half a minute.

"This is how you propose to marry?"

"That's how you proposed to marry me?"

The two girls frowned at Bo Xingzhi almost at the same time.

That tone was full of Chi Guoguo's disgust.

Bo Wenyu and Gu Sixue, who were still arguing just now, looked at Bo Xingzhi at the same time.

"Where is the flower candle diamond ring?"

"How about the balloon ribbon kneeling on one knee?"

Bo Xingzhi closed his eyes and gritted his back molars, "Arrangement, all arrangements! Su Xing, Song Yan! Give me the two of them!"


Suddenly, a silver bell-like laughter sounded.

Bo Xing stopped for a moment, and for the first time the handsome face, which was always calm and expressionless, showed a slightly shocked look for the first time.

He stared at Ruan Su in a daze. The woman had curled eyebrows and smiled very clearly, without any burden, smiling...especially relaxed and happy.

She is always cold and rarely laughs so easily without burden.

It seems that her heart is always burdened with extremely heavy responsibilities, and her shoulders are always burdened with heavy and heavy burdens.

"My wife, you have such a beautiful smile." Bo Xing couldn't help but blurt out.

She is as delicate and beautiful as the rising sun.

Provoked a throb in his heart.

The **** Adam's apple kept sliding up and down.

Nostalgia and pampering flashed in the eyes.

Ruan Su just thinks that the scene of the two girls acting together is very interesting.

The way Bo Xingzhi eats their jealousy is also quite interesting.

She couldn't help laughing.

This picture...

It's really rare to see.

Captain Ba is jealous, and the naive patient and two girls care about.

"Okay, everyone has a good meal." Ruan Su glanced at the two girls, "Wenyu, are you still used to the film school?"

Bo Wenyu nodded. Ever since she took the college entrance examination in the summer and was admitted to the film school, she has been living in the school.

The film academy is in the capital again, so she doesn't go back to Jiangcheng often. After the LXX World Competition ended, she was a guest performer that day and went back to school.

But Bo Xingzhi gave her the address here. No, she ran back as soon as the weekend arrived.

"Sister-in-law, my classmates are so beautiful and handsome!" Bo Wenyu replied with a grin, "Our teacher is also funny and humorous, and we still have a lot of classes."

As soon as she opened her chat box, she talked about her campus life endlessly.

"You and your classmates are my fans... I am especially embarrassed."

"Wow, I came back today... or came back with a mission." Bo Wenyu rubbed his hands and quickly took a lot of books from his schoolbag.

Put it in front of Ruan Su, and put a pen into her hand.

"What is this?" Gu Sixue looked at her puzzled.

"Oh, don't you know? My sister-in-law is very ridiculous, Master Su's signature, who doesn't want one?" Bo Wenyu looked at Ruan Su in favor, "When I was in theaters last year, who did not know young people? you?"

There may be some older people who don't know, but almost all young people know Ruan Su's name.

Ruan Su was a little bit dumbfounded, "Don't do this kind of thing in the future."

However, she did not decline, and directly signed her name.

Bo Wenyu happily put away these books.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Bo Xingzhi's dark and handsome face again. Her face froze, "Big Brother, what are you doing with a black face again?"

Bo Xingzhi just felt that...there was too much resistance on the way to chasing his wife.

Dare to love that there are still a group of young girls in the school coveting his daughter-in-law?

Just then, Song Yan's cell phone rang.

He picked it up, his face suddenly changed, "What did you say?"

Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyebrows and looked at him, "What happened?"

Song Yan said eagerly, "Master, our new energy development was originally exported to the Middle East, including some remote regions and countries. But Qingling just called back and said that something happened in the Middle East."

A meal and lunch broke up unhappily.

Bo Xingzhi took Song Yan, Gu Sixue and others hurriedly to leave and call an emergency meeting.

At this moment, Ruan Su also received a message.

"okay, I get it."

She looked at the address sent by the other party.

The same is the Middle East...

The Middle East... is really a place with a high incidence of accidents.

The night was full, and the stars in the sky shone.

Ruan Su was sitting at the desk in the bedroom, with a silver-white laptop in front of her.

Her ten fingers fluttered quickly on the keyboard.

It wasn't until late at night that Bo Xing stopped coming back. As soon as the man entered the door, he said, "I'll do it after you come back. I'm going to the Middle East tomorrow. Are you with me?"

Ruan Su closed the laptop, his cold eyes flickered, "It just so happens that I want to go to the Middle East."

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