Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 470: The stakes are huge! Will you lose or win?

Hearing Ruan Su's voice, both Chu Huailang and Liu Changshan's expressions changed.

"It's all entertainment, why should the deputy director..." Chu Huailang spoke slowly, but his eyes were fixed on the indifferent Bo Xingyuan.

"So... Minister Chu, do you mean you can't afford to lose?"

Ruan Su's lips are hooked, red lips are gorgeous, beautiful and moving, but they are pressing hard, even if you want to refuse, you can't tolerate your refusal.

She glanced over the group of Middle Eastern officials who looked like old treacherous and slippery officials.

Then his gaze turned to the thin line that had been as steady as Mount Tai.

The man still looks arrogant and majestic.

The strong momentum makes people shudder.

There was still a vague silence between the stern eyebrows.

Only when his eyes were on Ruan Su, there was a faint flash of petting.

She... seems to be a luminous body, even among this group of powerful men, she is shining and shining, which can not be ignored.

A sharp look flashed across Chu Huailang's eyes. This woman had just hit them in the face of the people in the Middle East, and now she even dared to open her mouth and directly take the small island as a bet.

And they succeeded in making people like them have to take the bet.

Can't afford to lose... Where do they put their face? If you don't bet, you really can't afford to lose.

Lost in direct momentum.

Ruan Su walked to the conference table, and Bai Yingrun's bare hands picked up the pile of playing cards and shuffled the cards lazily, "What? Minister Chu hasn't considered it yet? You took out this playing card and said to play it. You also brought it up. Now..."

Her dark eyes were cold, but there was a trace of disdain.

Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes flashed, his eyes turned to her beautiful and eye-catching face, thin lips slightly hooked.

Hearing Ruan Su's pressing voice, Chu Huailang said politely, "The deputy director seems to be very elegant."

At this moment, a black-clothed man hurriedly stepped into the conference room and leaned into Liu Changshan's ear, not knowing what was said.

Liu Changshan waved at him when he heard the words, after the black man stepped back.

He walked to Chu Huailang's side again and said in a low voice.

Chu Huailang raised his handsome eyebrows, with a faint smile on his face, and said to Ruan Su, "Since the deputy director wants to play, let's play with you."

As his voice landed, a tall figure stepped into the meeting room.

A glimmer of pride flashed in Liu Changshan's eyes. Just now he saw Ruan Su wanted to bet on the island, he immediately sent someone to find the famous gambling king Shenglan in the Middle East.

Shenglan is an invincible player in the Middle East.

As long as there is this man, are you afraid that this woman will win?


He was secretly proud that this time the matter was done, he might be able to please Chu Huailang.

Naturally, Chu Huailang had also seen Sheng Lan, he nodded towards Sheng Lan, as long as there was Sheng Lan, he would definitely win.

It's just a woman, even if you can play cards, so what?

Have you ever played the king of gambling?

Thinking of this, he smiled extremely calmly and confidently, "Deputy Chief, this is our gambling king Shenglan, please!"

When Song Yan and Bo Xingzhi heard that this tall man was the king of gambling, their expressions changed slightly at the same time.

"I heard that the deputy director wants to bet on Xiaodao. We are betting on Xiaodao. I don't know what the deputy director's bet is? If the deputy director loses..." Shenglan didn't forget his mission.

Ruan Su looked at Sheng Lan, and after looking at him up and down, she couldn't help laughing out loud, "I never lose."

Very arrogant as soon as you speak!

Sheng Lan is the star holding the moon in the Middle East, and his hands have never lost.

Called by a woman now?

He suppressed the disdain and anger in his heart, "But no matter whether we win or lose, we all need to bet. The deputy director does not have a bet, how do we play?"

"Well, if I lose, I shot a few shots just now, how about you give me back a few shots?" Ruan Su Jiaoyan's face exuded strong confidence.

Her words came out.

Everyone present was stunned.

She fired four shots just now!

If all four shots hit her...

Is she desperate?

Bo Xingzhi frowned, his low and cold voice with a hint of panic, "I'm not allowed!"

How can she do this?

Ruan Su raised an eyebrow and glanced at him, "It's just four shots, what are you afraid of?"

"If she loses, all of your new energy will be contracted for free by six places." Bo Xingzhi's big palm fiercely clasped Ruan Su's bare hand, his voice suppressed an unspeakable feeling.

Ruan Su was startled, this man...

You bet such a big treasure?

New energy is the latest and most valuable new technology developed by six places. He actually used it as a bet?

"I don't allow you to take any harm." The man stared down at her delicate face.

"I won't lose..." Ruan Su said dazedly.

"Even if one in a thousand or one in ten thousand is possible, I don't allow you to take risks." Bo Xingzhi's big palm holding her small hand suddenly tightened, "It's just a bet, nothing can compare to you."

Ruan Su felt warm in his heart and looked at Sheng Lan. "How would you like to play?"

The others stared at Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su in shock.

The ambiguity and love flowing between the two suddenly made Chu Huailang and others have a new understanding of Ruan Su.

A woman who can make Bo Xingzhe look at her with admiration and take it must be an extraordinary woman.

What on earth is she...?

"Compare the size." Shenglan glanced at the cards on the table, "The simplest way to play."

Ruan Su raised his eyes, his exquisite features were unforgettable.

Especially the cold temperament of her body is particularly compatible with the aura of Bo Xingzhi.

Her slender fingertips held a playing card and she was charming and charming, and her pair of dark pupils exuded a vague and seductive light under the light.

"Are you sure you want to play than size?"

Chu Huailang and others didn't quite understand what she meant.

Ruan Suman said casually, "There is a kind of person in this world called a genius, understand?"

It was the first time that Chu Huailang heard of someone claiming to be a genius.

His expression became extremely weird in an instant.

He glanced at Ruan Su and then at Sheng Lan, always feeling that this woman was weird.

But he didn't know whether to believe her or not.

After all, there are still very few people who claim to be geniuses.

He was suspicious, and heard Sheng Lan sneer, "The deputy chief really likes to joke."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, since you don't believe it, let's start."

Ruan Su nodded. Instead of shuffling the cards, she glanced at Chu Huailang, "Shuffle the cards."

Chu Huailang: "..."

Is this telling him?

Ask him to shuffle the cards for her by the most senior minister in the Middle East? When her shuffle kid?

However, what made him even more speechless was that he actually went to wash it, and when he reacted... he had already washed it.

This... is really inexplicable!

Why should he obey this woman's orders?

Seeing Chu Huailang couldn't help shuffling Ruan Su as the younger brother, Song Yan almost laughed.

He couldn't help moving his lips secretly, and said silently: Miss Ruan, Niubi!

Bo Xingzhi, who had been sitting next to Ruan Su, folded his slender legs lazily, and a faint smile flashed across his handsome face.

His wife, that must be a genius.

The others stared at her with wide-eyed eyes.

It's like seeing a monster.

Usually Chu Huailang is in the hearts of people like them, that is called a superior... that is called an unattainable.

Except for the president, that must be Chu Huailang!

Even the vice president had to be polite when he met Chu Huailang.


This woman actually told him to shuffle the cards? But he still washed it obediently?

Is there a mistake!

Chu Huailang almost couldn't hold his handsome face right now, he was really depressed.

Why should he listen to this woman's orders? At that time, he didn't know why, seeing the powerful aura radiating from that woman's body, he couldn't help but want to surrender?


He is the Minister of the Military Supplies Department!

Under one person, above ten thousand!


He is really losing face.

He was regretting secretly when he heard Ruan Suqing's cold voice sounding again, "You're welcome! Whoever has the big hand will win. How about two wins in three games?"

Sheng Lan sat in the seat and nodded faintly.

"For the sake of fairness, please ask Minister Chu to issue the card!" Ruan Su told Chu Huailang again very unceremoniously.

Chu Huailang decided not to become a licensing brother this time. He cleared his throat and was about to refuse. He heard Ruan Su say, "Minister Chu is also qualified to issue licenses here. After all, Minister Chu has the most official position."


Chu Huailang's face turned green. If he doesn't post... then it means that his official is not big enough?

Do you dare to deal with cards or is it because of other officials? So he is qualified?


He couldn't refute it.

I had to obediently picked up the stack of shuffled cards, and began to deal with Ruan Su and Sheng Lan.

Song Yan could hardly endure the knotting of his intestines.

He really wanted to laugh.

Miss Ruan is too fierce!

This is so fierce as a batch.

Bo Xingzhi's deep and pitch-black eyes flickered like obsidian. He stared at Ruan Su closely, only to feel that her whole body was exuding a strange brilliance, so dazzling.

After the five cards were dealt, Sheng Lan began to bow his head to turn over his own cards.

He looked at his cards, opened them one by one, and gradually heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

However... as soon as he looked up, he saw the corners of the lips of the woman sitting opposite him slightly.

I don't know why, looking at the woman's bright black eyes and the corners of the bright red lips, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Please show your card."

Chu Huailang dutifully played the role of the licensing brother.

Shenglan directly showed the card.

Seeing his four identical cards and adding a single, Liu Changshan and others felt a little more comfortable.

They don't believe that Ruan Su can have a straight flush the first time he is dealt.

How can there be such good luck.

"Tiezhi, pretty good." Ruan Su nodded.

Liu Changshan thought her cards were not good, and couldn't help but grinned, his eyes flashing provocatively and proudly, "Deputy Chief, it's time for you to show your card."

Tiezhi is four cards of the same face, plus a single, it is called Tiezhi.

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