Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 487: Where does this face go? It hurts!

"Half of these medicines must be used for women's treatment. What kind of contract is this? If it is not signed, the medicines will not be supplied! We also ask all loud hospitals to promote female doctors and nurses, otherwise they will not accept the supply. Female patients are also required to be fair and just. Timely treatment. Male patients cannot be treated first..."

"This...Hundred-year-old medicine is too lenient? How do we use the medicine when we buy it? Are there any female doctors and nurses in our hospital? What matters to them?"

"This...this is simply..."

Chu Huailang stared at this contract in shock, "If we sign this contract, women here in our medical system can't occupy half of the sky?"

"I heard that the chairman of Baisui Pharmaceutical is a woman..." the president pondered for a while before he said, "The medicines produced by Baisui Pharmaceutical not only have good curative effects, but also the prices are much more reasonable compared to pharmaceutical companies in other countries, and... …They also made conditions, you look back."

Only then did Chu Huailang continue to look down. After watching for a while, he was shocked again, "If they agree and execute according to their requirements, the price of medicine will be further reduced by 2%?"

They import centenarian medicines, the value of which is not worth one million and two million, but at least hundreds of millions of dollars. If the price is reduced by 2%, then they will save a lot of money. .

But this condition...for their current situation, it makes them a bit embarrassed.

Men are superior to women, a place controlled by patriarchy...

Let women come forward...

"What is the purpose of Baisui Medicine's request? What good will it do for them?" The president frowned and was puzzled.

How did he think that this was nothing good for Baisui Medicine.

Chu Huailang always felt that since these people from six places came to the Middle East, everything has been inexplicably weird.

But he couldn't tell what was weird.

"Mr. President, do we agree or not?"

Chu Huailang also felt that he didn't understand what the other party meant, but he saved money! In the face of interests...

He wanted to know how the president would choose.

"Yes. Naturally yes." The president said blankly. "But...this contract has to be added for a period of two years."

"Okay, I'll talk to Jiang Xinyu right away." Chu Huailang picked up the file as he said, but he didn't leave.

Instead, he hesitated to look at the president. The president looked at him with a displeased expression, and his tone was very solemn, "Minister Chu, I always thought you were a sensible person, but unfortunately, there is someone in your family who makes you worry. Brother. What? Are you pleading for him?"

When Chu Huailang heard the president's words, his heart suddenly drowned.

It's over... It's really over.

Before he could speak, the president blocked all his words.

He turned pale and bit his scalp, saying, "Yes, what the president taught is that Huaiyuan should be punished if he makes a mistake. Everyone is equal before the law..."

The president was very satisfied with his answer, "Go on, Bo Xingzhi is an extraordinary person, and you should be cautious. Jiang Xinyu is so just this time... It's beyond my expectation that these two things are left to you."

"Yes..." Chu Huailang left after responding.

The President did not take back his rights, nor did he let him stop managing new energy sources.

On the contrary, he also handed over the import of medicines to him.

Although Chu Huailang felt uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and worried about Chu Huaiyuan.

But now...somewhat comfortable, as long as he is still valued by the president, one day he will be able to save Huaiyuan.


Inside the hotel.

Jiang Xinyu looked out the window with a little worry, he took a long breath, looked back, and looked at the woman who was sitting on the sofa playing with a mobile phone.

He was still a little nervous, "Boss, will they agree?"

If you don't agree, isn't this cooperation ruined? The company has been working overtime to produce medicines recently. If their order is cancelled...

Will backlog inventory.

"It must be. Our medicine is so cheap and the effect is good, why not?" Ruan Su looked at Jiang Xinyu inexplicably, as if he was asking nonsense.

While answering him, she was talking in the WeChat group.

"Secret and great"

An Lin: Tsk tusk, what's your situation with Feiyu? The little scum you know dare to do things under our banner? Also leaked the panda bye bye?

Flying fish directly asked a bitter emoticon.

Feiyu: I don't know he is so stupid. We both graduated from the same school. Hey-the heart is separated by the belly. I warned him seriously. I personally plead guilty to Zero Negative Jing for this matter.

Zero: No need to plead guilty, just open a few more cases, or help me get the case settled. Like Xie Yuan's case? How are you looking up now?

She has been busy with matters in the Middle East recently, and An Lin and the others have been working on Xie Yuan's case.

Feiyu: There are eyebrows, Xie Yuan really was wronged.

That seems to have found evidence.

Ruan Su felt a little more comfortable.

Zero: When I go back, I was on a business trip recently.

Flying fish: On a business trip? Brother, where did you go on a business trip? The last time I went to find you, I came across a silly B thing that pretended to be you, but it made me sick and bad.

Then, he began to talk about how he met the disgusting woman in Huo Jiliang's box, how disgusting and nauseous that woman was...

An Lin: I wipe, anyone dare to pretend to be our zero? Are you sick? who is it?

Feiyu: It seems to be someone named Ruan Fangfang? It seems to be the name.

Flying fish raised a mouth like this, and then everyone in the group was blown out in an instant.

Everyone began to scold Ruan Fangfang enthusiastically.

Ruan Su couldn't help but frown when he saw it. Ruan Fangfang also pretended to be her?

There is still such a play?

It's really speechless.

In the end, Feiyu made a summary: Ha ha-who doesn't know that our family Ling is a handsome young boy, she is an ugly girl and pretends to be disgusting to me.

Ruan Su: "..."

An Lin: "..."

He vaguely remembered that when the Lacrosse Building caught fire last time, he went to rescue him, and Ruan Su called him and said that he needed help.

He remembers clearly that Ruan Su is a girl.

Although he also rushed to the scene later, he didn't see Ruan Su... just like this he missed it.

Ruan Su lazily typed on the phone, "No need to pay attention to the woman Ruan Fangfang, everyone pays attention to Xie Yuan's case, and the woman Ouyang Xing can't let it go. She must have Huo Jiliang's evidence in her hand."

"Don't worry." An Lin replied.

Ruan Su just withdrew.

Then she heard the sound of familiar footsteps from outside the door, she raised her apricot eyes and looked towards the door, and she saw the man pushing the door and entering, her slender figure greeted her eyes.

Song Yan also stepped in behind him, holding two gift boxes in his hand.

The packaging is very beautiful and gorgeous, Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips and came to her, his gaze fell on Jiang Xinyu again, "President Jiang always walks with him, wherever my wife goes."

Jiang Xinyu sensitively felt the strong sourness in the man's words, and couldn't help but curl his lips, "Why is this air so sour!"

"Don't hide!" Ruan Su lightly scolded.

Jiang Xinyu snorted depressed, "I don't want to eat dog food, so I decided to go back to the room."

Bo Xingzhi sat next to Ruan Su, then motioned to Song Yan to bring the gift box over.

Ruan Su looked at the gift box and didn't quite understand, "What is this?"

"For you." The man's voice was low and elegant.

What gift to give for no reason?

But Ruan Su still opened the gift box, and saw one of them contained a beautiful evening dress. The lavender color showed the complexion, and the style was very simple and advanced. There was also a pair of silver high heels with good matching.

This man ran out for a long time just to buy this?

"The dress?"

"Beautiful Miss Ruan, can I have the honor to invite you to the evening reception at the Presidential Palace?" Bo Xingzhi stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture.

Ruan Su laughed, raised his hand and patted his big palm, "The president's reception hosted by the banquet?"

"Yes." Bo Xingzhi nodded, "The Liu family of the Chu family and the Wu family have suffered losses this time. The significance of the president's reception is self-evident."

Ruan Su nodded and opened another box, and found that it was a set of valuable purple diamond jewelry, not only a necklace, but also matching earrings.

The color of the diamond shone brightly under the light, extremely dazzling.

This is a set of jewelry that no woman can resist.


Ruan Su was shocked when he saw this jewelry.


This is a limited edition jewellery of brand X that she designed by herself, and only ten sets are sold in the world.

At that time, it was snatched wildly by many noble ladies, but they couldn't get it.

She didn't expect this man to **** a set of jewelry she designed by herself, and then give it to her as a designer herself.

It feels... kind of strange.

" want it, I just leave you a set...why do you want to grab it?" Ruan Su took a long time to relax, his eyes still filled with shock that could not be concealed.

"It's more meaningful to grab the jewelry designed by my wife." The corners of Bo Xingzhi's thin lips outline the extreme beauty, and the ink pupils are all pets, "Let you leave me a set, it will lose its meaning. ."

He took out the jewelry and put it on for Ruan Su personally. Her skin is white, her eyebrows are like stars, and her eyebrows are as distant as mountains. Wearing this purple diamond necklace makes her skin more elegant and elegant.

"The name of this set of jewelry is called Qingyu, because the shape of the diamond is made into a feather shape." Ruan Su said softly, "Wearing the jewelry of my own design, there is a somewhat different feeling, very strange."

"Very beautiful." Bo Xing lowered his eyes, pressed a kiss on her forehead, and then glanced at Song Yan.

Song Yan had already turned a blind eye to him sprinkling dog food anytime and anywhere, and immediately slapped his hands.

Immediately afterwards, a few men and women stepped in, looking at the big makeup case they were carrying, Ruan Su knew that this was the styling team invited by Bo Xingzhi.

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