Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 491: Her face was smashed, she was too ridiculous! !

As soon as she said such words, some of the women present showed sympathy on the faces, while some felt empathetic.

As long as these women live here, being women is the original sin.

Men will never understand, let alone understand, the depth and cruelty of the pain they inflict on them.

And those men look disapproving, women are worthless, aren't they just a tool to pass on from generation to generation, thinking that they are really sweet and delicious?

The president's face was blue and white.

It was always very ugly, and when his daughter exposed him in public, he was very angry.

I feel ashamed.

There was anger on his face, and the anger in his eyes could hardly be concealed. He wanted to slap Ji Youyou to death.

How could he have given birth to such a daughter who is not a thing, it is nothing more than a broom star, even dare to humiliate him and question him.

Why is she?

He couldn't bear it, and shouted sternly, "You get out of me!"

Ji Youyou sneered, "You are the only thing left to yell at me. But I have an invitation letter, and I can leave without you letting me go. And, what I represent today is not just myself to participate in this. banquet."

"You...what do you mean by this?" The president had no light on his face and was uncomfortable.

Li Xiuhua couldn't help saying, "Youyou, no matter how many contradictions your dad and you have, you can't stop him from coming to Taiwan or give him face in public. He is the president and is in charge of the Middle East. When will you be more sensible? "

When Ji Tianliang heard it, he immediately helped him, "Dad is usually good to you, don't be too tight, don't know what to do. If you say that you are here for the banquet, you can take part in your banquet, and don't do things here."

Looking at the superb cheeks of the three members of this family, Ji Youyou was so sick that he opened the door to Nausea, and he got home disgusting.

"Mr. Jiang, Shao Bo, I made you laugh." Ji Tianliang looked at Bo Xingzhi and Jiang Xinyu again. The polite and restrained look and the disgusting look when facing Ji Youyou are simply different.

The president took a deep breath and decided to ignore Ji Youyou and wait until the banquet was over before cleaning her up.

Now he has more important things. He forced an enthusiastic smile and said to Jiang Xinyu, "Mr. Jiang, Minister Chu should have already discussed the contract with you. I wonder how Jiang always decides?"

Jiang Xinyu said indifferently, "Mr. President, Minister Chu did talk to me in detail, but... there are some details that need to be consulted with our chairman. As long as she is okay, I will be fine."

"Chairman? That's okay, that's okay. It's okay to ask more about the chairman's opinion." The president nodded, "Then I don't know when the chairman can reply?"

Jiang Xinyu lowered his eyebrows and smiled. He was already handsome and sunny. With such a smile, he looked more handsome. Although he couldn't compare to the enchanting and prosperous beauty of Bo Xingzhi, he was indeed a handsome guy, and he was immediately attracted. Not many women's sights.

"Don't wait too long, she can reply you now."

"Now?" The president looked at him a little puzzled, and then quickly reacted. "You want to call her now?"

"No, she's here too." Jiang Xinyu said casually.

The president looked shocked, and his anger and anger when facing Ji Youyou just now was wiped out.

There are surprises in his eyes, and there is a slight complaint in his tone, "Mr. Jiang, you are too interesting, right? The chairman is at this banquet? Why don't you tell me in advance? I... I'm not too rude!"

Not only was he rude, but also tore a banquet with his daughter to let the chairman watch a joke.

I don't know if the chairman will have a very bad impression of him.

The president suddenly felt a little uneasy.

He subconsciously scanned all the people present and asked Jiang Xinyu cautiously, "Excuse me, President Jiang, who is..."

Before he finished speaking, he immediately got stuck in his throat... he couldn't speak anymore.

As if he was stuffed with a large ball of cotton, his whole body was thunderous and thunderous!

The eyeballs almost fell out.

Not only him, but everyone present stared at Jiang Xinyu in shock.

The air stagnated for a moment.

Everyone is holding their breath, eyes are not blinking, lest you miss the most important scene~!

"Hello, Chairman." Jiang Xinyu said respectfully, with a very respectful expression, not as if she was cheating. .

Ruan Su glanced at him lazily, his beautiful eyebrows dazzling.

She was originally fair skin, but now she is even more beautiful as a fairy under the light, and her porcelain-white skin exudes a faint lustre, which is overwhelming the audience!

Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded.

Suspect that his ears were wrong.

How can it be?

The chairman of Baisui Pharmaceutical? It turned out to be this beautiful woman?

Did you make a mistake?

The president only felt the burning pain on his face, so painful that he could not wait to disappear where he was, wishing to take back all the words he had said before.

Ruan Su turned out to be the chairman of Baisui Pharmaceutical?

How can it be!

Chu Huailang also widened his eyes in shock. Before the president recovered his senses, he opened his mouth quickly and made a sharp knife in the president's chest.

"She is also the deputy director of the Sixth Division...Bo Xingzhi's wife."

There was a thunder in the ground!

The president's face was blown up by the explosion.

Bo Xingzhi's wife... He thought this woman was just a vase brought out by Bo Xingzhi, just for fun.

The deputy director of the Sixth Division... the president almost fainted with his eyes rolled.

What's all this?

He just felt that his face hurt more.

After Chu Huailang finished speaking, as if he finally said something extraordinary, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He has never been able to tell the President Ruan Su's identity, and now he finally talked about it.

No matter how critical or eloquent the president was when facing his subordinates, at this quarter of an hour, he was speechless and could not utter a word.

The complexion was green for a while, white for a while, and red for a while... it was so beautiful.

He watched Ruan Su's red lips curled up, his voice was cold and lazy, "I heard that Mr. President has seen our Athena Women and Children Protection Association unhappy for a long time. We are constantly suppressed in every aspect of our affairs. Now I’m right here, and you can talk to me in person if you have any comments or suggestions."

Athena Association for the Protection of Women and Children...

The president was dizzy by Ruan Su's words. Why did she talk about the association again?

What and what are these? Isn't this woman the chairman of Centennial Medicine? Why is it related to that association again?

Not knowing why, a bad premonition suddenly arose in the President's heart.

I've heard it a long time ago... The president of the Conservation Association is very mysterious.

Is it the woman in front of me?

Isn't it?

The president almost didn't get vomited to death by a mouthful of old blood.

It must not be, it is not... It's impossible for her to stretch her hand so long to the Middle East.

"President, my dad has always been stubborn. He doesn't want our women's status to be improved. You don't have to talk nonsense with him."

At this moment, Ji Youyou spoke to Ruan Su softly, with contempt for the president in his tone.

The president's brain is blank.

President... President...

She turned out to be the president of the conservation association.

"No...impossible!" The president's eye sockets were filled with blood, and his eyes were full of red blood. He couldn't accept the reality in front of him.

How can a woman be the chairman? How can a woman be the deputy chief in six places? How can a woman reach out to their Middle East, and what kind of protection association has she created?

How could there be such a powerful woman?

Something must be wrong, this woman must be pretending to be deliberately.

The president has no way to accept this reality.

He looks down on women, he thinks women are a tool, how can women be compared with men? On ability, on wisdom, on physical strength...

Do not! impossible!

Just when he was dizzy and reluctant to accept this reality, he saw Ruan Su not far away, smiling very elegantly and domineeringly. She waved her hand, "My dear members, have you come to meet the president?"


Many women at the banquet stood up one after another.

Then he said to the president in unison, "I have seen the president, I have seen the president!"

The President raised his head and stared at these women with shocked eyes. Some of them were the wives of his own officials, some were the wives of the bosses of major groups... There were even reporters at the scene, and some were waiters at the banquet...

They infiltrated the entire banquet hall. They turned out to be members of Athena?

How can it be? When did Athena begin to grow to this level?

He stepped back in shock, staring at this scene in disbelief.

" could it be possible?"

At this moment, three female chefs in the uniforms of the back chef also rushed over after hearing the news, and said respectfully to Ruan Su, "I have met the president and the president. We may be late, but we will never be absent."

Ruan Su applauded them and nodded, and then looked at the president, "The power of women may be late, but they will never be absent. I hope Mr. President, remember what I said today."

The president looked at her pale, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

His heart beat violently, almost popping out of his throat.

After a long time, he made the vague and ethereal voice that he wanted to find a seam to get into the ground, " comments. How could there be any comments? In the future...we must vigorously protect women and children, and we must not let them go. These vulnerable groups are harmed in any way."

He didn't know what he said, he seemed to have his soul sucked away... unconsciously said something he didn't understand.

Ruan Su's voice was sonorous and powerful, and it hit his heart fiercely!

"I hope Mr. President will remember what you said today, and everyone present... are witnesses!"

Xiao Su Ba is not domineering?

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