Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 511: Who offends? I didn't discuss with you

Madam Bo was soaked all over, standing wet in front of the pool, staring at Ruan Su.

The water drop fell down her clothes and wet the ground under her feet.

It cannot be said that it is not embarrassed.

She gritted her teeth with anger, her chest was constantly rising and falling, and her palms were tightly grasped, "Ruan Su, you are looking for death!"

Ruan Su smiled sarcastically, "Let me see what's inside, how about it?"

"Do you dare to open it!" Madam Bo was so angry that she rushed towards Ruan Su, with the dripping dripping water, she immediately splashed many onlookers on the guests.

Everyone hid behind.

Ruan Su lifted his eyelids, raised his hand abruptly to meet Madam Bo's fist, and knocked Madam Bo into the air with a palm!


Madam Bo immediately flew out in a parabola, and fell heavily into the pool again.

Shatter! Splash bigger than the first time!

Madam Bo flopped twice in the pool. When she climbed out again, she knelt down on the ground, coughing and coughing over the water she had accidentally drunk, and saw a slender woman standing by the pool. The woman looked at her coldly.

Smiling like a demon from hell, "I remember I said, don't come over and trouble my man again."

Ruan Su raised his foot and stepped on Madam Bo's hand, "You have to look for a demon without having long eyes, then don't blame me for not respecting the old and loving the young."

What Bo Xingzhi couldn't do, she didn't mind doing it for him.

"Do you know who I am?" Madam Bo's hand was trampled by Ruan Su, and she stared at Ruan Su with a pale face, and she was shocked in her heart.

When did Ruan Su's martial arts improve again? It was even stronger than when the two of them fought each other last time!


A sharp sting came from her palm.

She wanted to break free, but she couldn't break free.

At this moment, dozens of black-clothed men suddenly rushed in from the door, and they all rushed towards Ruan Su fiercely.

Bo Fengshan took the opportunity to walk to Madam Bo and pulled her up, "Madam, how are you?"

Madam Bo stood up with shaking hands, shrank into Bo Fengshan's arms, staring bitterly at Ruan Su who was tangling with the man in black.

At this moment, Bo Xingzhi also joined the battle.

Qiao Yibai broke his wrist and made a creak, "I haven't moved my muscles for a long time."

With that, he jumped up and kicked the two men in black closest to Ruan Su directly.

Chen Mingxing looked at him with a look of interest, is this guy still so good at kung fu?

But within three or two minutes, the group of Bo Fengshan's subordinates who had worked so hard to train were knocked to the ground, and they kept wailing.

Miserable, embarrassed!


Qiao Yibai tutted twice, "Oh, is there anyone else going on? This is too weak, right?"

"What a disappointment!"

He hasn't gotten hooked yet!

Bo Fengshan's face was very ugly.

Staring at Bo Xingzhi coldly, "It's the opposite, isn't it?"

The security guard and the manager in the hotel didn't dare to step forward for a moment when they saw that there was such a big noise here.

They all huddled there and looked at it secretly.

I was afraid of harming the pond fish.

Yu Huaisheng and others were shocked by this scene!

Ruan Su's martial arts is simply superb, Bo Xingzhi's power is simply shocking!

Yu Wenna was fortunate that she was not beaten to death by Ruan Su on the plane. It was a miracle.

She let out a long breath and shrank behind Yu Huaisheng.

Small lives matter.

"Dad, I am no longer the original Bo Xingzhi, I hope you can understand." After Bo Xingzhi finished speaking, he took Ruan Su's hand, "Let's go."

As soon as they turned around, Qiao Yibai and others followed them all leaving.

Bofeng Mountain's yin-bird eyes stared at Bo Xingzhi's back like a poisonous snake, and he didn't take it back for a long time.

After getting in the car one after another, they went their separate ways.

The Xie family took a car.

After Mrs. Xie got in the car, she still had emotions on her face.

"Xiaosu is too good. If it weren't for Xiaosu and Azhi, we wouldn't have so many people at our banquet."

"You will be working in the capital from now on, and we have to clean up the small courtyard in Jiangcheng, and the chances of returning to Jiangcheng will not be many."

Mrs. Xie sighed.

Xie Jinyan nodded, "Yanyan has been very busy at the Piano Association recently. There are activities in the association. It is very hard to always fly from Jiangcheng to the capital. It is better for our family to move over."

"Good point."

At this moment, Mrs. Xie's cell phone rang.

She looked down and picked it up.

Chi Xiaoxian's voice came from inside, "Auntie, are you in the capital? Have you seen Uncle Xie?"

Mrs. Xie said softly, "Yes, you have been promoted. Uncle Xie is now the secretary of the capital. Come and play after you have a holiday."

After hearing this, Chi Xiaoxian immediately said very excitedly, "Really? I'm going to have winter vacation in a few days, can I go?"

"Of course! I don't need a pair of chopsticks at home." Madam Xie didn't think too much, and continued, "When you have a holiday, tell me that Beijing is quite cold. This is the north, and the weather is no better than Jiangcheng."

"I will bring more clothes, as long as Uncle Xie is safe." Chi Xiaoxian said goodbye to Mrs. Xie and hung up the phone.

"Mom, who?" Xie Jinyan frowned. Hearing Mrs. Xie's familiar tone when answering the phone, his family usually doesn't have any close relatives.

"Do you remember? It's who, the kid in the disaster area, called Chi Xiaoxian, didn't she come to Jiangcheng to go to college after being funded? You have been working on your dad's affairs in Beijing during this time, and she often goes home on weekends. Speak with me to relieve boredom." Madam Xie said emotionally, "This child is gentle and kind, very good."

Xie Jinyan always felt that something was wrong, and this Chi Xiaoxian didn't seem to be what she showed at all.

Li Zhuoyan heard Mrs. Xie's words and glanced at Xie Jinyan without a trace. The girl Chi Xiaoxian was very impressed, and she was not a fuel-efficient lamp at all.

Xie Jinyan just wanted to ask a few more questions. Suddenly, the car suddenly braked. Due to inertia, all of them couldn't control their bodies leaning forward and almost hit the back of the seat.

"What happened?" Xie Jinyan looked at the front strangely.

The driver yelled in panic, "Two black cars have been squeezing me!" He almost hit the railing.

At this moment, another harsh brake sound rang.

The two black cars stopped in front of their cars at the same time, and seven or eight men in black walked down from the cars.

Xie Yuan squinted his eyes, "These people are not good at coming."

"Dad, did you offend anyone?" Xie Jinyan frowned.

"I just got out of jail, how could I offend people?" Xie Yuan's face was silent, "It is estimated that I have taken the position of secretary. Some people are anxious and unhappy."

The men banged towards the car they were sitting in holding steel pipes.

The front of the car was immediately squashed.

"Get out of the car! Xie Yuan! What are you going to be a turtle!"

"Isn't it a big deal to be a secretary?"


The driver locked the door, but those people started smashing the door frantically!

Li Zhuoyan and Madam Xie hugged each other in fright, staring at the villains outside with pale faces.

Xie Jinyan held the phone and dialed 110 directly.

"I have already called the police, if you know you better go by yourself."

With a click.

The car door was smashed open.

Several men stretched out their hands ferociously and dragged the driver out.

Xie Yuan said coldly, "You don't need to do it, I will go out by myself, but my wife and children, please let them go."

"Come at me if you have anything. My wife and children are innocent."

As he spoke, he opened the door on his side and got out of the car without being humble or arrogant.

Seeing him getting off the car, Mrs. Xie screamed, "Old Xie!"

"Dad!" Xie Jinyan also pushed the door and got out of the car immediately, not forgetting to tell Mrs. Xie and Li Zhuoyan, "Don't get out of the car!"

As soon as he got out of the car, a man suddenly took out a gun, and his black muzzle was facing him, "Don't move, or I will blow your dad's head with one shot!"

As the man's words fell, he shot Xie Jinyan at the foot, and a hole was immediately punched in the ground, spattering a lot of dirt.

Xie Jinyan's heart sank, standing still and raising his hands, not daring to move again.

These frenzied people even have guns.

In the car, his mobile phone fell on the seat, and the voice of the police came from inside, "Hey, do you need any help?"

Li Zhuoyan picked up the phone gently, and said in a low voice, "We...we met the robbers, they have guns..."

"Excuse me, where are you?" Li Zhuoyan looked around. Although she was in the capital during this period, she was not familiar with the capital. She usually went to the hotel or the prison.

She didn't even know where it was.

She was impatient, and suddenly thought that the phone had a location, she immediately turned it on, "We are on XX Road and XX Street, just around here. It's very remote and there are no people here."

"Okay, we will send the police over immediately. We must stop the robbers in time."

Madam Xie's nervous palms were sweaty, and she looked at Li Zhuoyan with a pale face. She was afraid that the robbers would hear it, and kept staring at the robbers' movements.

When the alarm was over, she seemed to be collapsed all over.

At this time, Xie Yuan outside the car had been pressed to the ground by several robbers, punching and kicking.

After all, he just came out of prison, his body is far less strong than before, and he is getting older again.

How can you stand being beaten so badly by these young adults?

Xie Jinyan saw his eyes red, "Let go of my dad! Hit me if you want to fight!"

He said that he was about to rush towards Xie Yuan, "What's the point of hitting you? It's him!"

The robber held the gun directly to Xie Jinyan's head, "Xie Shao, I advise you to be familiar."

Xie Yuan convulsed with pain, and his fist fell on him like a merciless raindrop.

The blood continued to flow out along his mouth and nose. He looked at Xie Jinyan, "Go...Go!"


Suddenly, there was a sharp shout!

Then a group of uniformed men suddenly rushed from behind and surrounded the robbers.

At 8 o’clock in the evening on the 2.9, I read a lot of red envelopes at Migu~~~Baby, remember to receive it when you arrive.

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