Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 514: She must have stole someone! Punish the pig cage

Ouyang Xing raised her head and glanced at the man who had snatched his bucket. The man was very sturdy, he looked like a farmer, his face was dark, his hands were full of calluses, and he looked at the white-skinned woman in front of him with concern.

Even if she is pregnant with Liujia, she is still much more fluid than the women in the village. She has very white skin and only a high belly. If you look from the back, the waist is still very thin. Only when you look at the front, you will find that she is pregnant. NS.

Such a woman is particularly eye-catching in their small mountain village.

Wang Meng is thirty-eight years old, but he has not yet married a wife.

In the early years, the family was poor and his parents were in poor health, until he sent away a pair of parents and truly became lonely.

These people rely on the river in the village. They make a living by fishing. They are also diligent and have a small boat.

But this age has been delayed. Everyone in the village who should have a family has a family. How can there be an unmarried woman his age?

So this Ouyang Xing fell into their village half a year ago. After knowing that her child's father was gone, he was tempted.

In addition, Ouyang Xing is also beautiful and very good-looking.

He wants to be with her even more.

He usually helps Ouyang Xing by chopping firewood, fish, noodles and oil.

Many people by the river looked at them, Ouyang Xing was a little embarrassed.

She stretched out her hand to grab the bucket in Wang Meng's hand again, "Brother Wang, you don't need to help me, I can do it myself."

"You are pregnant now, how can you bring water? I just want to go back on the way, let's go."

Wang Meng left without mentioning the bucket of water.

The draught in their village is drawn from the river, or picked.

The river is so clear that it can be eaten even if it is boiled.

Although the conditions are much worse than living in the city, Ouyang Xing has never been peaceful before.

The people in this village are very simple, working at sunrise and resting at sunset.

Except for more gossip, it's not bad.

She rarely made irresponsible remarks with those village women, she often stayed alone in her cabin, doing needlework.

The baby is about to be born. She bought some fabrics and made small clothes and thin quilts for the baby. This is the blood of her and Huo Jiliang.

She felt sad when she thought that the child born in Huo's family would follow her to lead a simple life in this backward village when she was born.

But... the Huo family eats people and doesn't spit out bones. The property Huo Jiliang transferred to her was all transferred away by Huo Cong at that time.

Fortunately, she took her private money when she escaped. She has been in Huo for so many years, and Huo Jiliang has not treated her wrongly. Anyway, she also saved some small money, enough to make her and her children live in this small village worry-free.

It's just that she can't reveal her wealth.

The heart is separated from the belly, she escaped from Huo's house at the beginning, and lived outside, specializing in a remote place outside.

In the end, she was so tired that she fainted at the entrance of the village, but the aunt next door brought her back and let her live in the empty wooden cabin at home.

Therefore, she is usually frugal, and her standard of living remains the same as that of the villagers.

I was afraid that if I acted strangely, the village could not tolerate her.

But she also knew that many men in this village coveted her. If it weren't for her pregnancy, she had a big belly...

She knew that Wang Meng was a good person, but her heart had long died on Huo Jiliang.

Whenever it was late at night, when she thought of Huo Jiliang, her heart ached unbearably.

I don't know how he is now, and the death sentence will be suspended for one year...The one-year deadline will soon come.

Wang Meng carried the bucket and sent her home, "Xingzi, if you have anything in the future, you must call me, you know?"

"Thank you, Brother Wang." Ouyang Xing said with a smile, "I have some fruit that I bought at the market the day before yesterday. You can eat it."

"You're pregnant, eat more fruit, I won't eat it." Wang Meng smiled honestly, "I went out to fish this morning and saved a few large lobsters for you. I will go back and get them."

"No need..." Ouyang Xing didn't want to owe others favor, Wang Meng usually took care of her. But Wang Meng ignored her at all, turned around and left.

After a while, the man sent a few large lobsters, "This kind of lobster meat is tender and nutritious. Our village is poor and can’t compare to the city. There are chickens, ducks and fish everywhere. You can make up your body and your children will grow up. It has to be strong."

Ouyang Xing evasive, but a village woman in her 30s just passed the door, stretched her head over, and said sourly, "Apricot, don't you want it for nothing? If I want it soon."

"Sister Li, Brother Wang is not easy to fish, and it must have taken a lot of effort to catch shrimp. If I directly enjoy the fruits of his labor, it would be too much." Ouyang Xing said, she took it out of her pocket. Two hundred yuan, "Brother Wang, this is considered to be my purchase from you."

Wang Meng was anxious when he heard it, "What to buy? The people in our village have been born by this river since they were young. These lobsters are all from snacks to big ones, the most common thing? What do you get?"

With that said, he turned around angrily and left.

Isn't this humiliating!

"Hey--" Ouyang Xing wanted to catch up with him, but she was so tall that she couldn't catch up with her big belly.

"Really, it's just two lobsters. Can you just accept it?" Sister Li curled her lips again, thinking that Ouyang Xing could really pretend. She rolled her eyes and remembered something like, "Yes, have you heard that? Our village is about to be demolished, let's move out!"

Sister Li likes gossip most often, and there is a lot of gossip. She smiled and said to Ouyang Xing, "You are really pitiful. You have not been in our village for long, and you will have no place to live."

Ouyang Xing was taken aback, "Sister Li, what do you mean?"

"I heard that there was a big boss in the city who wanted to buy this place to build a resort! He said it was because there was a hot spring in the mountain behind our village, which was going to be developed. I just don’t know how much money it would give us, if I gave it. If you have less money, it’s not worth it."

"After all, we all live by fishing. For a lifetime of livelihood, if you give us some money, how will we live in the future?"

Li Sister-in-law said a few times, "I just pity you, the child is about to give birth, what if there is no place to live by then?"

Ouyang Xing's heart was suffocated, but after all she had experienced a lot of wind and waves, she just smiled and said, "I'll look for it again when I look back."

Li Sister-in-law, what kind of pretense?

She turned her head and left.

Ouyang Xing sighed and looked at the two lobsters wriggling on the ground in the yard. The lobster tongs were tied, and they couldn't escape, they could only wriggle.

She picked up the lobster and planned to steam it after cleaning.

As the night slowly fell, she locked the door of the small courtyard and lay down directly on the bed.

She lay on the bed and watched the movement of her tummy. She couldn't help but raise her hand to caress the baby, "Baby...mother is not capable, so she can only hide in this small village. Only in this way can our mothers be safe."

"It's a pity... we will have no place to live again soon."

She sighed, with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Crack!" A sound.

Ouyang Xing sat up fiercely, she listened, and after listening for a while, she noticed that there was no movement.

Just when she suspected that she had heard it wrong, suddenly the door of her room rang.

Someone was pushing her door vigorously.

She was taken aback, "Who?"

Obviously the door to her yard was locked...

Her heart was tight and she stared nervously at the thin door panel.

The door panel made a poor crunching sound, and a somewhat drunken voice came from outside the door, "Kyozi, open the door! Brother want to talk to you!"

Ouyang Xing turned pale when she heard the strange voice, "I have nothing to chat with you, let's go!"

"Open the door! Dangling in the village every day to seduce people, why? Now what chastity archway is being established!"

"Your man is dead, aren't you lonely? Don't you want someone to warm your bed with an arm around you at night?"

"Brother tells you the taste of enjoyment, isn't it?"

Listening to the man's nasty words, Ouyang Xing was nervous and frightened. She was not a fool. Why this man wanted to know without guessing.

She looked around the room and wanted to find a weapon for self-defense, just now!

The door slammed! Kicked away by a man.

A man who was drunk and dizzy, barked in.

"Lee Wen?"

Ouyang Xing gritted her teeth with anger. This man is not someone else. It is Li Wen, the man who laughed at her sister-in-law Li during the day. She seldom talks to this man. This man actually...

She grabbed the mop and defended herself, "Get out! Don't be wild in my house!"

"Ouyang Xing, stop talking nonsense, let me have a taste of your taste, brother!"

As the man said, he leaped at her with a wretched smile.

Ouyang Xing mopped the man and wanted to run outside, but as soon as she stepped out of the door, before she had time to call for help, the man covered her mouth and dragged her into the house.

at this time! With a bang, the door of her yard was kicked open, and Li Sister-in-law broke in with a few village women.

"Damn it! I knew I couldn't keep this bitch! What else would she do besides seduce men?"

"Since she came to our village, my man doesn't want to work anymore, and I don't want to return home."

"Why is she so cheap? Keep her belly up and seduce men!"

Before Ouyang Xing could react, she was slapped with a few village women with her sister-in-law Li.

Li Wen saw that his mother-in-law was coming, so he didn't dare to do anything else, and quickly let go of Ouyang Xing.

"Wife, she seduced me. She asked me to come to her at night during the day."

Ouyang Xing's face was beaten and swollen, there were still a few scratches, and she stared at Li Wen with a disheveled hair, "Shameless, you obviously want to bully me!"

"My man is not that kind of person at all, you seduce him!" Li Sister-in-law yelled.

Several village women were also angry with the enemy, "Dip the pig cage! Dip her in the pig cage!"

"Go! What do you keep this kind of woman? She said that the man died, and the ghost knew if she stole someone and was pregnant with wild species!"

The next chapter is Xiaosu~~~~~

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