Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 538: A face that smells darker than shit

Li Zhuoyan who gave you the courage to beat me, Tang Wanrou stared at her coldly.

"Given Mrs. Tang's status in the piano world, isn't it easy to want to **** her?" Wang Mei leaned into Tang Wanrou's ear and whispered a few words in a low voice.

After Tang Wanrou listened, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, "You are right. As long as my mother takes action, this matter will definitely be done. This time, let her pass the qualifiers successfully. I don't believe she can still do that in the finals. lucky."

"The God of Fortune cannot favor her forever." Wang Mei also laughed.

The two tacitly walked past Li Zhuoyan, and then stood at the entrance to the stage.

It was Tang Wanrou's turn to take the stage soon.

The qualifiers are the simplest. Almost 80% of the players will enter the qualifying rounds.

Tang Wanrou casually played a previously selected tune and directly received the promotion card.

Wang Mei's skills are also good, and he also advanced smoothly.

There were fewer players in the backstage, and soon...only Li Zhuoyan was left, she was the last one to take the stage.

She walked to the piano with graceful steps, bowed slightly to the judges, and then sat down on the stool.

She looked at the familiar black and white keyboard in front of her.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to recall the tune in his mind.

Ding Dong——

When the first note was pressed by Li Zhuoyan, then a series of notes radiated from the piano like clouds and flowing water.

Familiar music has spread to everyone's ears.

The ethereal and ethereal sound of music step by step brought the people at the scene into the ocean of music.

Beethoven is a great musician. He has created a lot of mesmerizing tunes with his unique talent.

Almost everyone stared at the pure face of the **** the stage with wide-eyed eyes.

This tune made everyone listen to me intoxicated.

One song ends.

Li Zhuoyan slowly opened her eyes, then stood up gracefully, and bowed slightly to the judges and the audience.

When the judges held up the promotion sign, she couldn't help but flash light from the corners of her eyes.

She smiled slightly, took the sign, thanked the judges softly, and then turned and left.

The judges of the qualifiers will not make any comments.

The host took the stage at this time, "Thank you to all the audience, the contestants, and the judges and teachers, for your hard work today. The promotion contest will be held in three days. Maybe the contestants can prepare more fully. I announce this qualifier. Finished perfectly."

There was a tide of applause.

At this time, Tang Wanrou and Wang Mei had already returned to the hotel. Looking at the promotion list posted on the organizer’s public platform, when Li Zhuoyan was there, Tang Wanrou mocked, "What about the promotion? Wait until the composition competition. , She must not even pass the qualifiers. It is much more difficult than the piano competition."

"You're right, let's watch her jokes when the time comes. Don't worry, I will buy a wave of drafts to promote her the grand occasion of the competition!" Wang Mei deliberately emphasized her words, highlighting the "grand event". The meaning of the two words.

Tang Wanrou smiled and took Wang Mei's hand, "Wang Mei, don't worry, I will never forget you in the future. You are so kind to me."

Wang Mei patted the back of her hand and said playfully, "What do you and I do so clearly? We are good friends!"

Tang Wanrou secretly despised in her heart, who is a good friend with you, a commoner, you only deserve to be a licking dog by my side, if it weren't for my mother to be the president, would you play with me?

Although Wang Mei flattered Tang Wanrou on her face, she was not convinced in her heart. The piano talent was obviously not as strong as me. If you hadn't had a powerful mother, would you be the proud girl of heaven? I'm just weaker than you in the background.

The strong smell of plastic sisters permeated between the two.

But no one broke it.

These years, who hasn't had any careful thoughts of his own?


After getting the promotion sign, Li Zhuoyan was relieved, but she knew she had more important matches.

She must not take it lightly in the composition competition.

"We performed well today. Let's go out to eat together tonight." Ruan Su's beautiful eyes were faintly gleaming, "How about some local delicacies?"

Xie Jinyan nodded immediately, "Okay!"

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows. Compared with eating outside food, he couldn't compare to Ruan Su's homemade stir-fry. It's a pity... She is so busy that she doesn't have time to go to the kitchen.

That's why he missed the old days so much... Now that he wants to come, he really was in the blessing and didn't know the blessing.

The cuisine of Vienna originates from the fusion of the diets of various ethnic groups.

After absorbing various cooking methods, local characteristics such as Viennese fried steak, finely boiled beef, grilled ribs and grilled pork knuckle have been formed.

In addition, various desserts in Vienna are also extremely attractive, such as hollow cakes, emperor cakes and the famous chocolate cake Sacher cakes and other sweet desserts with full fragrance.

Not only that, the coffee in Vienna is also diverse in style, and there are hundreds of Austrian beers that enrich the selection of drinks in Vienna.

In addition, their most famous white wine and apricot shochu are also great drinks.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi went to a very high-end local restaurant together.

Ordered a few local specialties, and then added appetizers and soups.

The serving speed was very fast, and the waiter did not wait long before serving all the dishes they ordered.

Looking at these local specialties that are full of color and fragrance, Ruan Su smiled slightly, "Everyone have a taste to see how it tastes."

After all, a few men and women stepped into the restaurant. It was Mrs. Tang who chose this restaurant with several members of the Piano Association.

"Mom, I heard that this restaurant is very famous in the local area." Tang Wanrou took Mrs. Tang's arm, "This decoration is so romantic!"

"It's pretty good." Mrs. Tang nodded, "Everyone performed well today. You are welcome. Just order whatever you want. I'll treat you."

"Thank you, President."

"President, you are so kind."

Several people sat at a large table. As soon as they were seated, Tang Wanrou looked around the restaurant, only to see Ruan Su and others by the window.

Her face suddenly changed, "It's really off your appetite, bumping into them wherever you go?"

Madam Tang also followed Tang Wanrou's sight when she heard the words. After seeing them, she smiled contemptuously, and said to Ruan Su, "Master Su, President Bo, what a coincidence."

Ruan Su gave her a blank expression, "It is indeed a coincidence."

"Master Su is very capable, and Li Zhuoyan can be arranged after the registration is closed." Madam Tang is so sick that she can't pick it up when she thinks about this, Ruan Su is really doing her right everything.

"No way, who made me the successor of the president of the Global Piano Association? Mrs. Tang has a lot of power, and my power... seems even more so!" Ruan Su rarely came out with this identity. Her piano teacher Jin Chihe is the current piano teacher. The president of the Global Piano Association, participates in a piano competition, even the organizers of the Graylie competition have to give face.

Upon hearing Ruan Su's words, Mrs. Tang's eyes filled with a deep sense of hatred and humiliation.

She is indeed the president of the Beijing Piano Association, which is indeed not as good as Ruan Su, the president of the Global Piano Association.

Global... When she applied to become a member of the Global Piano Association, she was nearly forty years old, and Ruan Su...but in her early twenties, she was already the successor to the president of the association.

She also wanted to make Tang Wanrou apply to join the Global Piano Association after the competition is over. It will be a kind of honor at that time. Such a young person is a member of the Global Piano Association. Send a wave of drafts to Tang Wanrou. .


Ruan Su is here to stimulate and humiliate their mother and daughter.

This is clearly Chi Guoguo's insult!

Madame Tang's chest was filled with anger, but she took a deep breath and held it back.

She is not an impulsive young man, she has her status, and she smiles furiously, "Master Su is young and promising, incomparable, incomparable..."

"What's the point of doing it if you know you can't do it?" Ruan Su took a sip of white wine from his glass, "Mrs. Tang, I advise you to do what you said, and if you don't, don't compare."

Madame Tang's eyes were red, and her anger rushed straight into her mind, this bitch! Even if you talk to her like this, don't compare it if you know it can't be compared!

This is too annoying!

Why can't she compare? Why can't her daughter compare to Li Zhuoyan's bitch?

Obviously, a **** who was taken in by the Xie family of unknown origin and origin is better than her daughter's orthodox Miss Tang family?

How old is Lee Zhuo Yeon?

"Ruan Su, don't think that you have a good teacher, you are triumphant. When I look back, I will worship a teacher, and I will definitely not be worse than you." Tang Wanrou couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help standing up and saying angrily.

"Then I'll wait and see, Miss Tang, you have to find a good teacher to slap me in the face!" Ruan Su gave a low smile and stopped looking at the Tang mother and daughter.

"You wait for me!" Tang Wanrou exhaled angrily.

The dishes in the restaurant have been prepared long ago, but the atmosphere at their table has always been tense, and the waiter has not dared to come over for a long time.

Now it seems that the fire is turned off, so I hurried over to serve the food, and ran away after it was served.

But no one at their table is in the mood to taste the local cuisine of Vienna.

The faces of the Tang family's mother and daughter were stinking as black as Mo.

Who dares to eat something with a smile?

Isn't that looking for death?

On the other hand, Ruan Su and the others at this table, the atmosphere is a harmonious and happy atmosphere.

Li Zhuoyan is pretty, Xie Jinyan is handsome, Song Yan is heroic, Bo Xingzhi is handsome, and Ruan Su is beautiful and unparalleled.

A few people just sit there, it's very pleasing to the eye.

Especially from time to time, there will be laughter like a girl's silver bell, which is even more enviable.

Wang Mei and the others are like sitting on pins and needles. They are not eating, nor are they not eating. In short, it is very uncomfortable.

Who wants to face that stinking black face?

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