Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 540: The general election begins, who will be the winner!

After breakfast, Ruan Su and the others walked towards the venue for the composition competition.

Madam Tang watched them leave, and said disdainfully, "Let's go to the composition hall too, I want to see how she passed this level today."

With an expression of good looks on her face, Tang Wanrou also spoke gently and softly to Wang Mei and the others behind him, "Anyway, there is nothing to do. Why don't we go see our colleague Li Zhuoyan and cheer for her."

Speaking is better than singing.

But everyone knew that this was going to see Li Zhuoyan's joke as a group.

So a group of people also walked towards the composition competition venue.

As soon as I entered, I saw Li Zhuoyan queuing up to go backstage.

Today, she wore a water-red dress, which looked delicate and pretty, very spring and summer.

It is winter in Beijing, but it is summer in Vienna due to climate differences.

So everyone was dressed very thinly, especially the girls, all dressed up in splendid fashion, and saw Li Zhuoyan put on a water-red dress costume.

It was definitely different from the dull look she wore when she ate in the restaurant just now. The girl with thin make-up on her face looks more delicate with her facial features, her skin can be broken by blows, and her small face is very charming.

Wang Mei leaned into Tang Wanrou's ear and whispered, "Look, she's like that, she pretends to be a pure white flower. She is deliberately dressed up so pure, besides being able to deceive Master Xie, who else can she deceive?"

Tang Wanrou curled her lips, "But men just eat this, like this kind of pure and clean white flowers on the surface, and feel like they want to take care of them. It makes them masculine!"

She just couldn't understand Li Zhuoyan, especially her innocent face, it made people irritable to look at.

The qualifiers started soon, and one after another contestants stepped onto the stage to play their own compositions. This kind of composition was originally intended to be original and requires a certain level of competence to participate in the competition.

Therefore, because of the imperceptibly elevated requirement, there are not many people participating in the competition. Compared with the scene where there are long lines of contestants such as piano and violin, there are only more than 20 composing contestants.

And most of them are eliminated, because none of these songs can be seen by the judges.

There are too many classic tunes in the world, and some of the contestants who take part in the competition are self-reliant and talented, but the tunes they make are very immature.

Seeing how many had been eliminated, Tang Wanrou felt more comfortable in her heart, "It seems that Li Zhuoyan will end up just like them. I'm really sorry for her."

Obviously there was no match yet, but she directly believed that Li Zhuoyan would lose.

Mrs. Tang looked at the contestant who was playing the tune blankly on the stage, "It doesn't matter, she is still young, and she will have two years of experience. Maybe she will win a prize if she comes to the competition again."

It seemed that Li Zhuoyan was about to be eliminated and returned to China in frustration.

However... Soon it was Li Zhuoyan's turn.

She came on stage with a cello on her back. After seeing this scene, Mrs. Tang frowned. "Cello?"

Why doesn't she know that Lee Zhuoyan can still play the cello?

"What is she kidding? Isn't her major in piano? Why did she come up with a cello on her back?" Tang Wanrou was also shocked.

Wang Mei also looked inexplicable, "This Li Zhuoyan came out to be funny, right? Shouldn't she compose a piano song? How is it related to the cello?"

At this time, Li Zhuoyan on the stage had already sat down, wearing a water-red dress, like a fairy descending, exquisite and charming.

In the spotlight, her figure was elegant and tall, her white to almost transparent fingers gently pulling the cello, like an elf butterfly.

The soothing tone and soft piano sound gently swayed into the ears of the audience and judges.

The beautiful cello sound seemed far away, unavailable, and seemed very close, lingering in the ears.

The tune of the tune was also very elegant, and everyone on the scene listened quietly.

Until the end of the song, Zhuoyan Li stood up and bowed to the judges.

Then there was a wave of applause, and everyone stared at her in shock as if they were waking up from a dream.

One of the judges spoke in a bit of astonishment, as if he hadn't expected such a beautiful song, "This song is your original song called "Return to the Night", isn't it?"

"Yes, this is the composition I prepared to participate in the competition. It will be particularly beautiful when it is put on the cello."

Li Zhuoyan said modestly.

"Very well, congratulations, you are promoted."

The judges smiled slightly and handed a promotion sign to Li Zhuoyan.

It's been a long time since I met such a spirited player. It's not easy.

Mrs. Tang was so angry in the audience that Li Zhuoyan was easily promoted?

Others are so difficult, why can she compose? Have you made such a beautiful song?

Tang Wanrou rolled her eyes, "Couldn't her song be plagiarized? Haven't heard that she can compose before?"

Wang Mei moved her lips, and then whispered, "It seems that when she was in Jiangcheng, she used her own composition for the piano competition she participated in..."

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier?" Madam Tang gave Wang Mei a cold stare. If she had known that Li Zhuoyan would compose, she would definitely not let Li Zhuoyan participate in this. Let her participate in those violin or guzheng, she would not at all. Will go to the project.

"You...none of you asked me." Wang Mei's voice was very low, and after speaking, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at Madame Tang's terrifying face.


Middle East Association for the Protection of Women and Children.

In a bedroom in the dormitory building, Jian Qiqi was there in a hurry to change the diaper of a little nanny, "Ahhhhhhhh-how can you pull and pee again?"

She had never done anything like this when she grew up, but it wasn't long before Su Xing gave birth and her body was still very weak, so she took the responsibility of taking care of the baby.

After finally changing the little nanny baby, Jian Qiqi was so tired that she almost collapsed, "No way...I'm going to collapse. We don't need that little money. I'm looking for Yuesao, Kyoko, and listen to my persuasion. I'm afraid one day I'm really crazy and go back to Empire H, and I won't care about your mothers anymore."

Su Xing looked at her and couldn't help feeling a little funny, she propped up and sat up, "Well, please, please come over, the cost will be deducted from my salary."

"Okay." Jian Qiqi let out a long sigh, "It's mainly you confinement, I don't know anything, and I won't take care of you. People say that confinement is a big deal for women, if confinement is No, it will leave the root cause."

Let her shoot her, or let her punch her... But let her bring a doll, she really can't.

The little guy who had just finished urinating was hungry again now, and began to hunch around in his little bed, humming.

Su Xing picked him up and pressed it into her arms, "Really a foodie."

Just then Ji Youyou walked in. She carried some children's diapers and other small things in her hand.

"Qiqi, Kyoko, I am going to participate in the new presidential election." Ji Youyou said as soon as he sat down, "My dad's term is coming soon, and I want to run too."

"Do you meet the conditions for the election?" Jian Qiqi opened the diaper and placed it next to Su Xing's bed so that she could reach it at close range when she used it.

"Conforms." Ji Youyou looked serious and solemn, "but my opponents are very strong, Chu Huailang, Lin Liyang, and several factions have selected their own people to push for the president. But the president. The general election is cruel every year. If I lose the election, I might just..."

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

"What are you afraid of? The big deal is the same as before, besides, if there is a female president in the Middle East who is my sister, it will be a big deal!"

Jian Qiqi said carelessly, "Okay, no matter what decision you make, we will support you."

"Youyou, we are your backing. I believe that the colleagues in the entire association, including the children, will support you." Su Xing also nodded, "Unfortunately, I have just finished giving birth and have not yet had a confinement."

Ji Youyou smiled happily, "As long as I have your support, I will definitely go all out."

At this time, Chu Family, Chu Huailang also announced that he would participate in the presidential election.

Old lady Chu looked surprised, "Really? My child, if you become president, your ancestors and ancestors will definitely make you proud."

She said that her eyes were red, "I support you."

Mrs. Chu has been depressed since her son was arrested. After hearing what Chu Huailang said, she seemed to see the hope of life again. As long as Chu Huailang became president, it would not be a matter of time for her son to be released. Son.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly said, "Huailang, don't worry, Auntie will support you. If you need help from Auntie, just speak up."

Chu Huailang secretly dismissed himself, he knew best what kind of character and virtue Mrs. Chu was.

But on the surface he still respects each other very much, "Auntie is too polite."

Especially when he heard that Ji Youyou would also participate in the presidential election, he was shocked.

A woman is going to run for the presidential election?

But since Ji Youyou appeared among the candidates, her popularity and popularity have soared.

This made Chu Huailang couldn't help thinking of the woman behind Ji Youyou-Ruan Su.

Not only that, since Li Yanbei had been with Ji Youyou, he never returned to the H Empire.

Having been by Ji Youyou's side all the time, how many of this man's handwriting is there?

But he is bound to win the presidential position. Although his talent may be somewhat inferior in front of Ruan Su, that woman is really incomparable to ordinary people.

But if we say that in this general election, he still has an absolute advantage.

As long as Li Yanbei will not interfere with illegal means.

At this time, online voting in the Middle East has officially started.

The raging voting campaign officially kicked off.

The presidential election is not only online voting, but also offline voting.

The total votes of the two voting methods are added together.

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